5,393 research outputs found

    Improved VHF direction finding system

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    Direction finding device operating at very high frequencies requires a loop antenna, mechanical rotation, and large structures. The system is applicable to an unmanned configuration. Direction information is extracted in the form of a direction cosine analog

    Micro-scale crease-and-fold apparatus

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    Crease and fold resistance of polymeric films and test equipment for determining mechanical properties is discussed. Components of equipment and method of operation are described. Illustration of test device is provided

    Self-supported aluminum thin films produced by vacuum deposition process

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    Self-supported aluminum thin film is produced by vacuum depositing the film on a polyvinyl formal resin film and then removing the resin by radiant heating in the vacuum. The aluminum film can be used as soon as the resin is eliminated

    Amplifier provides dual outputs from a single source with complete isolation

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    Amplifier provides two amplified outputs from a single input signal with complete transformer isolation. It uses modulation techniques to obtain the separated output

    Dynamical phase diagram of Gaussian BEC wave packets in optical lattices

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    We study the dynamics of self-trapping in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) loaded in deep optical lattices with Gaussian initial conditions, when the dynamics is well described by the Discrete Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation (DNLS). In the literature an approximate dynamical phase diagram based on a variational approach was introduced to distinguish different dynamical regimes: diffusion, self-trapping and moving breathers. However, we find that the actual DNLS dynamics shows a completely different diagram than the variational prediction. We numerically calculate a detailed dynamical phase diagram accurately describing the different dynamical regimes. It exhibits a complex structure which can readily be tested in current experiments in BECs in optical lattices and in optical waveguide arrays. Moreover, we derive an explicit theoretical estimate for the transition to self-trapping in excellent agreement with our numerical findings, which may be a valuable guide as well for future studies on a quantum dynamical phase diagram based on the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian

    Space station experiment definition: Advanced power system test bed

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    A conceptual design for an advanced photovoltaic power system test bed was provided and the requirements for advanced photovoltaic power system experiments better defined. Results of this study will be used in the design efforts conducted in phase B and phase C/D of the space station program so that the test bed capabilities will be responsive to user needs. Critical PV and energy storage technologies were identified and inputs were received from the idustry (government and commercial, U.S. and international) which identified experimental requirements. These inputs were used to develop a number of different conceptual designs. Pros and cons of each were discussed and a strawman candidate identified. A preliminary evolutionary plan, which included necessary precursor activities, was established and cost estimates presented which would allow for a successful implementation to the space station in the 1994 time frame

    Vertical-plane pendulum absorbers for minimizing helicopter vibratory loads

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    The use of pendulum dynamic absorbers mounted on the blade root and operating in the vertical plane to minimize helicopter vibratory loads was discussed. A qualitative description was given of the concept of the dynamic absorbers and some results of analytical studies showing the degree of reduction in vibratory loads attainable are presented. Operational experience of vertical plane dynamic absorbers on the OH-6A helicopter is also discussed

    Nuclear Structure based on Correlated Realistic Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials

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    We present a novel scheme for nuclear structure calculations based on realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials. The essential ingredient is the explicit treatment of the dominant interaction-induced correlations by means of the Unitary Correlation Operator Method (UCOM). Short-range central and tensor correlations are imprinted into simple, uncorrelated many-body states through a state-independent unitary transformation. Applying the unitary transformation to the realistic Hamiltonian leads to a correlated, low-momentum interaction, well suited for all kinds of many-body models, e.g., Hartree-Fock or shell-model. We employ the correlated interaction, supplemented by a phenomenological correction to account for genuine three-body forces, in the framework of variational calculations with antisymmetrised Gaussian trial states (Fermionic Molecular Dynamics). Ground state properties of nuclei up to mass numbers A<~60 are discussed. Binding energies, charge radii, and charge distributions are in good agreement with experimental data. We perform angular momentum projections of the intrinsically deformed variational states to extract rotational spectra.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figure

    Satellite microwave observations of soil moisture variations

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    The electrically scanning microwave radiometer (ESMR) on the Nimbus 5 satellite was used to observe microwave emissions from vegetated and soil surfaces over an Illinois-Indiana study area, the Mississippi Valley, and the Great Salt Lake Desert in Utah. Analysis of microwave brightness temperatures (T sub B) and antecedent rainfall over these areas provided a way to monitor variations of near-surface soil moisture. Because vegetation absorbs microwave emission from the soil at the 1.55 cm wavelength of ESMR, relative soil moisture measurements can only be obtained over bare or sparsely vegetated soil. In general T sub B increased during rainfree periods as evaporation of water and drying of the surface soil occurs, and drops in T sub B are experienced after significant rainfall events wet the soil. Microwave observations from space are limited to coarse resolutions (10-25 km), but it may be possible in regions with sparse vegetation cover to estimate soil moisture conditions on a watershed or agricultural district basis, particularly since daily observations can be obtained
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