11 research outputs found

    A partially folded intermediate species of the beta-sheet protein apo-pseudoazurin is trapped during proline-limited folding

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    The folding of apo-pseudoazurin, a 123-residue, predominantly beta-sheet protein with a complex Greek key topology, has been investigated using several biophysical techniques. Kinetic analysis of refolding using far- and near-ultraviolet circular dichroism (UV CD) shows that the protein folds slowly to the native state with rate constants of 0.04 and 0.03 min(-1), respectively, at pH 7.0 and at 15 degrees C. This process has an activation enthalpy of approximately 90 kJ/mole and is catalyzed by cyclophilin A, indicating that folding is limited by trans-cis proline isomerization, presumably around the Xaa-Pro 20 bond that is in the cis isomer in the native state. Before proline isomerization, an intermediate accumulates during folding. This species has a substantial signal in the far-UV CD, a nonnative signal in the near-UV CD, exposed hydrophobic surfaces (judged by 1-anilino naphthalenesulphonate binding), a noncooperative denaturation transition, and a dynamic structure (revealed by line broadening on the nuclear magnetic resonance time scale). We compare the properties of this intermediate with partially folded states of other proteins and discuss its role in folding of this complex Greek key protein

    The alpha-to-beta conformational transition of Alzheimer's A beta-(1-42) peptide in aqueous media is reversible: A step by step conformational analysis suggests the location of beta conformation seeding

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    Current views of the role of b-amyloid (Ab) peptide fibrils range from regarding them as the cause of Alzheimer’s pathology to having a protective function. In the last few years, it has also been suggested that soluble oligomers might be the most important toxic species. In all cases, the study of the conformational properties of Ab peptides in soluble form constitutes a basic approach to the design of molecules with “antiamyloid” activity. We have experimentally investigated the conformational path that can lead the Ab-(1-42) peptide from the native state, which is represented by an a helixembedd ed in the membrane, to the final state in the amyloid fibrils, which is characterized by bsheet structures. The conformational steps were monitored by using CD and NMR spectroscopy in media of varying polarities. This was achieved by changing the composition of water and hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP). In the presence of HFIP, b conformations can be observed in solutions that have very high water content (up to 99% water; v/v). These can be turned back to a helices simply by adding the appropriate amount of HFIP. The transition of Ab-(1-42) from a to b conformations occurs when the amount of water is higher than 80% (v/v). The NMR structure solved in HFIP/H2O with high water content showed that, on going from very apolar to polar environments, the long N-terminal helixis essentially retained, whereas the shorter C-terminal helixis lost. The complete conformational path was investigated in detail with the aid of molecular-dynamics simulations in explicit solvent, which led to the localization of residues that might seed b conformations. The structures obtained might help to find regions that are more affected by environmental conditions in vivo. This could in turn aid the design of molecules able to inhibit fibril deposition or revert oligomerization processes

    The alfa to beta conformational transition of Alzheimer's Abeta-(1-42) peptide in aqueous media is reversible: a step by step conformational analysis suggests the location of the beta conformation seeding.

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    Current views of the role of beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptide fibrils range from regarding them as the cause of Alzheimer’s pathology to having a protective function. In the last few years, it has also been suggested that soluble oligomers might be the most important toxic species. In all cases, the study of the conformational properties of Abeta peptides in soluble form constitutes a basic approach to the design of molecules with “antiamyloid” activity. We have experimentally investigated the conformational path that can lead the Abeta-(1–42) peptide from the native state, which is represented by an a helix embedded in the membrane, to the final state in the amyloid fibrils, which is characterized by beta-sheet structures. The conformational steps were monitored by using CD and NMR spectroscopy in media of varying polarities. This was achieved by changing the composition of water and hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP). In the presence of HFIP, beta conformations can be observed in solutions that have very high water content (up to 99% water; v/v). These can be turned back to alfa helices simply by adding the appropriate amount of HFIP. The transition of Abeta-(1–42) from alfa to beta conformations occurs when the amount of water is higher than 80% (v/v). The NMR structure solved in HFIP/H2O with high water content showed that, going from very apolar to polar environments, the long N-terminal helix is essentially retained, whereas the shorter C-terminal helix is lost. The complete conformational path was investigated in detail with the aid of molecular-dynamics simulations in explicit solvent, which led to the localization of residues that might seed beta conformations. The structures obtained might help to find regions that are more affected by environmental conditions in vivo. This could in turn aid the design of molecules able to inhibit fibril deposition or revert oligomerization processes

    Rapid formation of non-native contacts during the folding of HPr revealed by real-time photo-CIDNP NMR and stopped-flow fluorescence experiments

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    We report the combined use of real-time photo-CIDNP NMR and stopped-flow fluorescence techniques to study the kinetic refolding of a set of mutants of a small globular protein, HPr, in which each of the four phenylalanine residues has in turn been replaced by a tryptophan residue. The results indicate that after refolding is initiated, the protein collapses around at least three, and possibly all four, of the side-chains of these residues, as (i) the observation of transient histidine photo-CIDNP signals during refolding of three of the mutants (F2W, F29W, and F48W) indicates a strong decrease in tryptophan accessibility to the flavin dye; (ii) iodide quenching experiments show that the quenching of the fluorescence of F48W is less efficient for the species formed during the dead-time of the stopped-flow experiment than for the fully native state; and (iii) kinetic fluorescence anisotropy measurements show that the tryptophan side-chain of F48W has lower mobility in the dead-time intermediate state than in both the fully denatured and fully native states. The hydrophobic collapse observed for HPr during the early stages of its folding appears to act primarily to bury hydrophobic residues. This process may be important in preventing the protein from aggregating prior to the acquisition of native-like structure in which hydrophobic residues are exposed in order to play their role in the function of the protein. The phenylalanine residue at position 48 is likely to be of particular interest in this regard as it is involved in the binding to enzymes I and 11 that mediates the transfer of a phosphoryl group between the two enzymes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Characterization of Single-Tryptophan Mutants of Histidine-Containing Phosphocarrier Protein: Evidence for Local Rearrangements during Folding from High Concentrations of Denaturant

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    We have used site-directed mutagenesis in combination with a battery of biophysical techniques to probe the stability and folding behavior of a small globular protein, the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein (HPr). Specifically, the four phenylalanine residues (2, 22, 29, and 48) of the wild-type protein were individually replaced by single tryptophans, thus introducing site-specific probes for monitoring the behavior of the protein. The folding of the tryptophan mutants was investigated by NMR, DSC, CD, intrinsic fluorescence, fluorescence anisotropy, and fluorescence quenching. The heat-induced denaturation of all four mutants, and the GdnHCl-induced unfolding curves of F2W, F29W, and F48W, can be fitted adequately to a two-state model, in agreement with the observations for the wild-type protein. The GdnHCl unfolding transitions of F22W, however, showed the accumulation of an intermediate state at low concentrations of denaturant. Kinetic refolding studies of F2W, F29W, and F48W showed a major single phase, independent of the probe used (CD, fluorescence, and fluorescence anisotropy) and similar to that of the wild-type protein. In contrast, F22W showed two phases in the fluorescence experiments corresponding to the two phases previously observed in ANS binding studies of the wild-type protein. Residue 22 was found from NMR studies to be part of the binding interface on HPr for ANS. These observations indicate that the second slow phase reflects a local, rather than a global, rearrangement from a well-structured highly nativelike intermediate state to the fully folded native state that has less hydrophobic surface exposed to the solvent. The detection of the second slow phase by the use of selective labeling of different regions of the protein with fluorophores illustrates the need for an integrated approach in order to understand the intricate details of the folding reactions of even the simplest proteins.

    Photo-CIDNP NMR Spectroscopy of Amino Acids and Proteins

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