94 research outputs found

    Testing density-functional approximations on a lattice and the applicability of the related Hohenberg-Kohn-like theorem

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    We present a metric-space approach to quantify the performance of approximations in lattice density-functional theory for interacting many-body systems and to explore the regimes where the Hohenberg-Kohn-type theorem on fermionic lattices is applicable. This theorem demonstrates the existence of one-to-one mappings between particle densities, wave functions and external potentials. We then focus on these quantities, and quantify how far apart in metric space the approximated and exact ones are. We apply our method to the one-dimensional Hubbard model for different types of external potentials, and assess the regimes where it is applicable to one of the most used approximations in density-functional theory, the local density approximation (LDA). We find that the potential distance may have a very different behaviour from the density and wave function distances, in some cases even providing the wrong assessments of the LDA performance trends. We attribute this to the systems reaching behaviours which are borderline for the applicability of the one-to-one correspondence between density and external potential. On the contrary the wave function and density distances behave similarly and are always sensitive to system variations. Our metric-based method correctly predicts the regimes where the LDA performs fairly well and the regimes where it fails. This suggests that our method could be a practical tool for testing the efficiency of density-functional approximations

    Ill-defined causes of death in Brazil: a redistribution method based on the investigation of such causes

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    OBJETIVO: Propor método de redistribuição de causas mal definidas de óbito baseado na investigação dessas causas. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados os resultados das investigações dos óbitos notificados como causas mal definidas (CMD) do capítulo XVIII da Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças (CID-10), no Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade em 2010. Os coeficientes de redistribuição foram calculados segundo a distribuição proporcional das causas mal definidas reclassificadas após investigação em qualquer capítulo da CID-10, exceto o capítulo XVIII, e utilizados para redistribuir as causas mal definidas não investigadas e remanescentes, segundo sexo e idade. O coeficiente de redistribuição-CMD foi comparado com dois métodos usuais de redistribuição: a) coeficiente de redistribuição-Total, baseado na distribuição proporcional de todas as causas definidas notificadas; b) coeficiente de redistribuição-Não externas, similar ao anterior, com exclusão das causas externas. RESULTADOS: Dos 97.314 óbitos por causas mal definidas notificados em 2010, 30,3% foram investigados. Desses, 65,5% foram reclassificados em causas definidas após investigação. As doenças endócrinas, transtornos mentais e causas maternas tiveram representação maior entre as causas mal definidas reclassificadas, ao contrário das doenças infecciosas, neoplasias e doenças do aparelho geniturinário, com proporções maiores entre causas definidas notificadas. As causas externas representaram 9,3% das causas mal definidas reclassificadas. A correção das taxas de mortalidade pelos critérios coeficiente de redistribuição-Total e coeficiente de redistribuição-Não externas aumentou a magnitude das taxas por fator relativamente semelhante para a maioria das causas, ao contrário do coeficiente de redistribuição-CMD, que corrigiu as diferentes causas de óbito com pesos diferenciados. CONCLUSÕES: A distribuição proporcional de causas entre as causas mal definidas reclassificadas após investigação não foi semelhante à distribuição original de causas definidas. Portanto, a redistribuição das causas mal definidas remanescentes com base nas investigações permite estimativas mais adequadas do risco de mortalidade por causas específicas.OBJECTIVE: To propose a method of redistributing ill-defined causes of death (IDCD) based on the investigation of such causes. METHODS: In 2010, an evaluation of the results of investigating the causes of death classified as IDCD in accordance with chapter 18 of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) by the Mortality Information System was performed. The redistribution coefficients were calculated according to the proportional distribution of ill-defined causes reclassified after investigation in any chapter of the ICD-10, except for chapter 18, and used to redistribute the ill-defined causes not investigated and remaining by sex and age. The IDCD redistribution coefficient was compared with two usual methods of redistribution: a) Total redistribution coefficient, based on the proportional distribution of all the defined causes originally notified and b) Non-external redistribution coefficient, similar to the previous, but excluding external causes. RESULTS: Of the 97,314 deaths by ill-defined causes reported in 2010, 30.3% were investigated, and 65.5% of those were reclassified as defined causes after the investigation. Endocrine diseases, mental disorders, and maternal causes had a higher representation among the reclassified ill-defined causes, contrary to infectious diseases, neoplasms, and genitourinary diseases, with higher proportions among the defined causes reported. External causes represented 9.3% of the ill-defined causes reclassified. The correction of mortality rates by the total redistribution coefficient and non-external redistribution coefficient increased the magnitude of the rates by a relatively similar factor for most causes, contrary to the IDCD redistribution coefficient that corrected the different causes of death with differentiated weights. CONCLUSIONS: The proportional distribution of causes among the ill-defined causes reclassified after investigation was not similar to the original distribution of defined causes. Therefore, the redistribution of the remaining ill-defined causes based on the investigation allows for more appropriate estimates of the mortality risk due to specific causes

    The combinatorics of resource sharing

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    We discuss general models of resource-sharing computations, with emphasis on the combinatorial structures and concepts that underlie the various deadlock models that have been proposed, the design of algorithms and deadlock-handling policies, and concurrency issues. These structures are mostly graph-theoretic in nature, or partially ordered sets for the establishment of priorities among processes and acquisition orders on resources. We also discuss graph-coloring concepts as they relate to resource sharing.Comment: R. Correa et alii (eds.), Models for Parallel and Distributed Computation, pp. 27-52. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 200

    Brazilian Guidelines for Hereditary Angioedema Management - 2017 Update Part 1: Definition, Classification and Diagnosis

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    Hereditary angioedema is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by recurrent angioedema attacks with the involvement of multiple organs. The disease is unknown to many health professionals and is therefore underdiagnosed. Patients who are not adequately diagnosed and treated have an estimated mortality rate ranging from 25% to 40% due to asphyxiation by laryngeal angioedema. Intestinal angioedema is another important and incapacitating presentation that may be the main or only manifestation during an attack. In this article, a group of experts from the “Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia (ASBAI)” and the “Grupo de Estudos Brasileiro em Angioedema Hereditário (GEBRAEH)” has updated the Brazilian guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hereditary angioedema

    Dinâmica populacional de Bemisia tabaci biótipo B em tomate monocultivo e consorciado com coentro sob cultivo orgânico e convencional.

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    A mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci Biótipo B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), é um herbívoro de difícil controle devido à alta plasticidade genotípica da espécie. No tomateiro pode causar danos severos principalmente pela transmissão de diversas viroses. O manejo do sistema de produção e o consórcio de culturas podem ter um efeito direto nas populações desse herbívoro, sem que seja necessária a aplicação de inseticidas. Avaliou-se a influência dos sistemas de produção orgânico e convencional e o consórcio tomate-coentro na dinâmica populacional da mosca-branca no campo experimental da Embrapa Hortaliças, de maio a setembro/06. O monitoramento dos adultos da mosca-branca e de seus inimigos naturais foi realizado utilizando-se armadilhas adesivas amarelas fixadas nas bordas e no interior das parcelas experimentais e a amostragem de ninfas foi realizada por observação direta das folhas de tomate no campo. Embora as populações ao redor dos diferentes tratamentos fossem equivalentes, a abundância de adultos de mosca-branca foi significativamente menor nas parcelas de tomate consorciado com coentro, tanto no sistema convencional como orgânico. Apenas o consórcio tomatecoentro em sistema orgânico apresentou redução significativa na quantidade de ninfas por planta em relação aos demais tratamentos. Os inimigos naturais foram significativamente mais abundantes em sistema orgânico e foi verificada uma correlação negativa da abundância dos inimigos naturais e a quantidade de ninfas por planta. A associação tomate-coentro e o manejo orgânico do agroecossistema favoreceram ao controle biológico natural da mosca-branca

    Are social norms associated with smoking in French university students? A survey report on smoking correlates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Knowledge of the correlates of smoking is a first step to successful prevention interventions. The social norms theory hypothesises that students' smoking behaviour is linked to their perception of norms for use of tobacco. This study was designed to test the theory that smoking is associated with perceived norms, controlling for other correlates of smoking.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a pencil-and-paper questionnaire, 721 second-year students in sociology, medicine, foreign language or nursing studies estimated the number of cigarettes usually smoked in a month. 31 additional covariates were included as potential predictors of tobacco use. Multiple imputation was used to deal with missing values among covariates. The strength of the association of each variable with tobacco use was quantified by the inclusion frequencies of the variable in 1000 bootstrap sample backward selections. Being a smoker and the number of cigarettes smoked by smokers were modelled separately.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We retain 8 variables to predict the risk of smoking and 6 to predict the quantities smoked by smokers. The risk of being a smoker is increased by cannabis use, binge drinking, being unsupportive of smoke-free universities, perceived friends' approval of regular smoking, positive perceptions about tobacco, a high perceived prevalence of smoking among friends, reporting not being disturbed by people smoking in the university, and being female. The quantity of cigarettes smoked by smokers is greater for smokers reporting never being disturbed by smoke in the university, unsupportive of smoke-free universities, perceiving that their friends approve of regular smoking, having more negative beliefs about the tobacco industry, being sociology students and being among the older students.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Other substance use, injunctive norms (friends' approval) and descriptive norms (friends' smoking prevalence) are associated with tobacco use.</p> <p>University-based prevention campaigns should take multiple substance use into account and focus on the norms most likely to have an impact on student smoking.</p