1,152 research outputs found

    Frequency behavior of Raman coupling coefficient in glasses

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    Low-frequency Raman coupling coefficient of 11 different glasses is evaluated. It is found that the coupling coefficient demonstrates a universal linear frequency behavior near the boson peak maximum and a superlinear behavior at very low frequencies. The last observation suggests vanishing of the coupling coefficient when frequency tends to zero. The results are discussed in terms of the vibration wavefunction that combines features of localized and extended modes.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Like Sign Dilepton Signature for R-Parity Violating SUSY Search at the Tevatron Collider

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    The like sign dileptons provide the most promising signature for superparticle search in a large category of RR-parity violating SUSY models. We estimate the like sign dilepton signals at the Tevatron collider, predicted by these models, over a wide region of the MSSM parameter space. One expects an unambiguous signal upto a gluino mass of 200300200 - 300 GeV (500\geq 500 GeV) with the present (proposed) accumulated luminosity of 0.1 (1) fb1\sim 0.1~(1)~{\rm fb}^{-1}.Comment: 12 page LaTeX file; 5 figures available upon request from the autho

    Integral representation of the linear Boltzmann operator for granular gas dynamics with applications

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    We investigate the properties of the collision operator associated to the linear Boltzmann equation for dissipative hard-spheres arising in granular gas dynamics. We establish that, as in the case of non-dissipative interactions, the gain collision operator is an integral operator whose kernel is made explicit. One deduces from this result a complete picture of the spectrum of the collision operator in an Hilbert space setting, generalizing results from T. Carleman to granular gases. In the same way, we obtain from this integral representation of the gain operator that the semigroup in L^1(\R \times \R,\d \x \otimes \d\v) associated to the linear Boltzmann equation for dissipative hard spheres is honest generalizing known results from the first author.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Field theoretic renormalization group for a nonlinear diffusion equation

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    The paper is an attempt to relate two vast areas of the applicability of the renormalization group (RG): field theoretic models and partial differential equations. It is shown that the Green function of a nonlinear diffusion equation can be viewed as a correlation function in a field-theoretic model with an ultralocal term, concentrated at a spacetime point. This field theory is shown to be multiplicatively renormalizable, so that the RG equations can be derived in a standard fashion, and the RG functions (the β\beta function and anomalous dimensions) can be calculated within a controlled approximation. A direct calculation carried out in the two-loop approximation for the nonlinearity of the form ϕα\phi^{\alpha}, where α>1\alpha>1 is not necessarily integer, confirms the validity and self-consistency of the approach. The explicit self-similar solution is obtained for the infrared asymptotic region, with exactly known exponents; its range of validity and relationship to previous treatments are briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Theory of coherent acoustic phonons in InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells

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    A microscopic theory for the generation and propagation of coherent LA phonons in pseudomorphically strained wurzite (0001) InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well (MQW) p-i-n diodes is presented. The generation of coherent LA phonons is driven by photoexcitation of electron-hole pairs by an ultrafast Gaussian pump laser and is treated theoretically using the density matrix formalism. We use realistic wurzite bandstructures taking valence-band mixing and strain-induced piezo- electric fields into account. In addition, the many-body Coulomb ineraction is treated in the screened time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation. We find that under typical experimental conditions, our microscopic theory can be simplified and mapped onto a loaded string problem which can be easily solved.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figure

    Implications of the HERA Events for the R-Parity Breaking SUSY Signals at Tevatron

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    The favoured R-parity violating SUSY scenarios for the anomalous HERA events correspond to top and charm squark production via the λ131\lambda'_{131} and λ121\lambda'_{121} couplings. In both cases the corresponding electronic branching fractions of the squarks are expected to be 1\ll 1. Consequently the canonical leptoquark signature is incapable of probing these scenarios at the Tevatron collider over most of the MSSM parameter space. We suggest alternative signatures for probing them at Tevatron, which seem to be viable over the entire range of MSSM parameters.Comment: 20 pages Latex file with 4 ps files containing 4 figure

    Spin, charge and orbital ordering in ferrimagnetic insulator YBaMn2_2O5_5

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    The oxygen-deficient (double) perovskite YBaMn2_2O5_5, containing corner-linked MnO5_5 square pyramids, is found to exhibit ferrimagnetic ordering in its ground state. In the present work we report generalized-gradient-corrected, relativistic first-principles full-potential density-functional calculations performed on YBaMn2_2O5_5 in the nonmagnetic, ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic states. The charge, orbital and spin orderings are explained with site-, angular momentum- and orbital-projected density of states, charge-density plots, electronic structure and total energy studies. YBaMn2_2O5_5 is found to stabilize in a G-type ferrimagnetic state in accordance with experimental results. The experimentally observed insulating behavior appears only when we include ferrimagnetic ordering in our calculation. We observed significant optical anisotropy in this material originating from the combined effect of ferrimagnetic ordering and crystal field splitting. In order to gain knowledge about the presence of different valence states for Mn in YBaMn2_2O5_5 we have calculated KK-edge x-ray absorption near-edge spectra for the Mn and O atoms. The presence of the different valence states for Mn is clearly established from the x-ray absorption near-edge spectra, hyperfine field parameters and the magnetic properties study. Among the experimentally proposed structures, the recently reported description based on PP4/nmmnmm is found to represent the stable structure

    The immunochemical cross-reactivity between cytoplasmic and mitochondrial mammalian lysyl-tRNA synthetases

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    Animal and fungal cells (in contrast to prokaryotes) contain two distinct sets of related aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) encoded by nuclear genes and functioning in cytosol and mitochondria. The structural differences between mitochondrial and cytoplasmic enzymes may reflect the functional adaptation to fulfil mitochondrial processes in addition to protein synthesis. Mitochondrial import of nuclearencoded tRNAs has been described in yeast, plants and protozoans but it has not been observed in mammalian cells. Ifs established that mitochondrial lysyl-tRNA synthetase (MSK) plays a prominent role in the transport of tRNA into yeast mitochondria for complementation o f mitochondrial tRNAs genes mutations. We tried to identify MSK homologues in mammalian cells with the help of monospecific antibodies against pre-MSK by ELISA and Western-blot analysis. We have identified cross-reactive proteins in mitochondrial and cytoplasmic fractions of mammalian cell lysates. These data, together with the results of cross-aminoacylation on mitochondrial and cytoplasmic tRNAs, suggest the presence of common antigenic determinants in the mitochondrial and cytoplasmic lysyl-tRNA synthetases from higher animals.Клітини еукаріот на відміну від прокаріот містять дві різні групи аміноацил-тРНК синтетаз, які кодуються ядерним геномом та функціонують в цитозолі і мітохондріях. Струк­турні відмінності між ферментами мітохондрій і цитоплаз­ми можуть бути відображенням функціональної адаптації до процесів, які відбуваються в мітохондріях, крім участі в біосинтезі білка. Імпорт цитозольних тРНК у мітохондрії описано для дріжджів, рослин і найпростіиіих, однак він не спостерігався в клітинах ссавців. Виявлено, що мітохондріальна лізил-тРНК синтетаза (MSK) відіграє провідну роль у транспорті тРНК у мітохондрії дріжджів для комплемен­тації мутацій мітохондріальних генів тРНК За допомогою моноспецифічних антитіл проти npe-MSK ми зробили спробу ідентифікувати гомологи MSK у клітинах ссавців методами ELISA і Вестерн-блотинга. В цитоплазматичних і міто­хондріальних фракціях лізатів клітин ссавців нам вдалося виявити білки, які мають імунологічний перехрест з MSK Разом з результатами перехресного аміноацилювання ці дані дають підставу для припущення щодо наявності спільних антигенних детермінант у мітохондріальних і цитоплазма­тичних лізил-тРНК синтетаз ссавців.Клетки эукариот (в отличие от клеток прокариот) содержат две различные группы аминоацил-тРНК синтетаз, кодируе­мых ядерным геномом и функционирующих в ц и то золе и митохондриях. Структурные отличия между ферментами митохондрий и цитоплазмы могут быть отражением функци­ональной адаптации к процессам, происходящим в митохонд­риях помимо участия в биосинтезе белка Импорт цитозольных тРНК в митохондрии описан у дрожжей, растений и простейших, однако не наблюдался в клетках млекопитаю­щих. Установлено, что митохондриальная лизил-тРНК син­тетаза (MSK) играет ведущую роль в транспорте тРНК в митохондрии дрожжей для комплементации мутаций митохондриальных генов тРНК. С помощью моноспецифических антител против npe-MSK мы попытались идентифицировать гомологи MSK в клетках млекопитающих методами ELISA и Вестерн-блотинга. В цитоплазматических и митохондриальных фракциях лизатов клеток млекопитающих нам удалось обнаружить белки, имеющие иммунологический перекрест с MSK В совокупности с результатами перекрестного аминоацилирования эти данные дают основание предположить нали­чие общих антигенных детерминант у митохондриальных и цитоплазматических лизил-тРНК синтетаз высших живо­тных

    Navier-Stokes transport coefficients of dd-dimensional granular binary mixtures at low density

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    The Navier-Stokes transport coefficients for binary mixtures of smooth inelastic hard disks or spheres under gravity are determined from the Boltzmann kinetic theory by application of the Chapman-Enskog method for states near the local homogeneous cooling state. It is shown that the Navier-Stokes transport coefficients are not affected by the presence of gravity. As in the elastic case, the transport coefficients of the mixture verify a set of coupled linear integral equations that are approximately solved by using the leading terms in a Sonine polynomial expansion. The results reported here extend previous calculations [V. Garz\'o and J. W. Dufty, Phys. Fluids {\bf 14}, 1476 (2002)] to an arbitrary number of dimensions. To check the accuracy of the Chapman-Enskog results, the inelastic Boltzmann equation is also numerically solved by means of the direct simulation Monte Carlo method to evaluate the diffusion and shear viscosity coefficients for hard disks. The comparison shows a good agreement over a wide range of values of the coefficients of restitution and the parameters of the mixture (masses and sizes).Comment: 6 figures, to be published in J. Stat. Phy

    Dynamic structure factor of the Ising model with purely relaxational dynamics

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    We compute the dynamic structure factor for the Ising model with a purely relaxational dynamics (model A). We perform a perturbative calculation in the ϵ\epsilon expansion, at two loops in the high-temperature phase and at one loop in the temperature magnetic-field plane, and a Monte Carlo simulation in the high-temperature phase. We find that the dynamic structure factor is very well approximated by its mean-field Gaussian form up to moderately large values of the frequency ω\omega and momentum kk. In the region we can investigate, kξ5k\xi \lesssim 5, ωτ10\omega \tau \lesssim 10, where ξ\xi is the correlation length and τ\tau the zero-momentum autocorrelation time, deviations are at most of a few percent.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure