38 research outputs found

    Numerical Modelling of Optical Trapping

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    Optical trapping is a widely used technique, with many important applications in biology and metrology. Complete modelling of trapping requires calculation of optical forces, primarily a scattering problem, and non-optical forces. The T-matrix method is used to calculate forces acting on spheroidal and cylindrical particles.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Calculation and optical measurement of laser trapping forces on non-spherical particles

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    Optical trapping, where microscopic particles are trapped and manipulated by light is a powerful and widespread technique, with the single-beam gradient trap (also known as optical tweezers) in use for a large number of biological and other applications. The forces and torques acting on a trapped particle result from the transfer of momentum and angular momentum from the trapping beam to the particle. Despite the apparent simplicity of a laser trap, with a single particle in a single beam, exact calculation of the optical forces and torques acting on particles is difficult. Calculations can be performed using approximate methods, but are only applicable within their ranges of validity, such as for particles much larger than, or much smaller than, the trapping wavelength, and for spherical isotropic particles. This leaves unfortunate gaps, since wavelength-scale particles are of great practical interest because they are readily and strongly trapped and are used to probe interesting microscopic and macroscopic phenomena, and non-spherical or anisotropic particles, biological, crystalline, or other, due to their frequent occurance in nature, and the possibility of rotating such objects or controlling or sensing their orientation. The systematic application of electromagnetic scattering theory can provide a general theory of laser trapping, and render results missing from existing theory. We present here calculations of force and torque on a trapped particle obtained from this theory and discuss the possible applications, including the optical measurement of the force and torque.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Calculation of the T-matrix: general considerations and application of the point-matching method

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    The T-matrix method is widely used for the calculation of scattering by particles of sizes on the order of the illuminating wavelength. Although the extended boundary condition method (EBCM) is the most commonly used technique for calculating the T-matrix, a variety of methods can be used. We consider some general principles of calculating T-matrices, and apply the point-matching method to calculate the T-matrix for particles devoid of symmetry. This method avoids the time-consuming surface integrals required by the EBCM.Comment: 10 pages. 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Multipole expansion of strongly focussed laser beams

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    Multipole expansion of an incident radiation field - that is, representation of the fields as sums of vector spherical wavefunctions - is essential for theoretical light scattering methods such as the T-matrix method and generalised Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT). In general, it is theoretically straightforward to find a vector spherical wavefunction representation of an arbitrary radiation field. For example, a simple formula results in the useful case of an incident plane wave. Laser beams present some difficulties. These problems are not a result of any deficiency in the basic process of spherical wavefunction expansion, but are due to the fact that laser beams, in their standard representations, are not radiation fields, but only approximations of radiation fields. This results from the standard laser beam representations being solutions to the paraxial scalar wave equation. We present an efficient method for determining the multipole representation of an arbitrary focussed beam.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Optical application and measurement of torque on microparticles of isotropic nonabsorbing material

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    We show how it is possible to controllably rotate or align microscopic particles of isotropic nonabsorbing material in a TEM00 Gaussian beam trap, with simultaneous measurement of the applied torque using purely optical means. This is a simple and general method of rotation, requiring only that the particle is elongated along one direction. Thus, this method can be used to rotate or align a wide range of naturally occurring particles. The ability to measure the applied torque enables the use of this method as a quantitative tool--the rotational equivalent of optical tweezers based force measurement. As well as being of particular value for the rotation of biological specimens, this method is also suitable for the development of optically-driven micromachines.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Globally-Linked Vortex Clusters in Trapped Wave Fields

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    We put forward the existence of a rich variety of fully stationary vortex structures, termed H-clusters, made of an increasing number of vortices nested in paraxial wave fields confined by trapping potentials. However, we show that the constituent vortices are globally linked, rather than products of independent vortices. Also, they always feature a monopolar global wave front and exist in nonlinear systems, such as Bose-Einstein condensates. Clusters with multipolar global wave fronts are non-stationary or at best flipping.Comment: 4 pages, 5 PostScript figure

    Frequency pulling in an optically pumped submillimeter laser by Doppler induced dispersion

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    The dependence of the frequency of a CW optically pumped submillimeter laser on the frequency of its pump laser has been directly measured and shown to result largely from the dispersion produced by the two peaked gain spectrum resulting from pumping in the wings of a Doppler broadened absorption line

    Spontaneous self-organisation in chaotic laser mode-mode interaction

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    We have experimentally studied the dynamics of the interaction between two globally coupled chaotically emitting laser modes. We show that even in the chaotic case, the laser can show spontaneous self-organisation. In the case of our laser, this is expressed as the chaotic mode intensity pulsations of the two individual laser modes being either in step or alternating

    Transmission line model of substrate effects on capacitive mesh couplers

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    To use a transmission line model to calculate the optical properties of a thin metal mesh on a dielectric substrate, account must be taken not only of the different propagation conditions within the substrate and of Fabry-Perot resonances due to reflections at the second surface, but also of the effect of the dielectric on the capacitive component of the equivalent reactance of the mesh. Only when this effect is accounted for, which can be done using a simple formula based on Babinet’s principle, is good agreement obtained with experimental measurements

    Use of a beam expanding telescope in a grating-tuned waveguide CO2 laser

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    A Galilean telescope is used as a beam expander in a grating tuned CO2 waveguide laser to improve line selection while minimizing cavity length to maximise the frequency tuning range. The laser has been used in optoacoustic measurements of saturation of absorption on the transition pumping the 891 ÎŒm CH2CF2 laser