7 research outputs found

    Selective Visualization of Fluorescent Sterols in Caenorhabditis elegans by Bleach-Rate-Based Image Segmentation

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    The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a genetically tractable model organism to investigate sterol transport. In vivo imaging of the fluorescent sterol, dehydroergosterol (DHE), is challenged by C. elegans' high autofluorescence in the same spectral region as emission of DHE. We present a method to detect DHE selectively, based on its rapid bleaching kinetics compared to cellular autofluorescence. Worms were repeatedly imaged on an ultraviolet-sensitive wide field (UV-WF) microscope, and bleaching kinetics of DHE were fitted on a pixel-basis to mathematical models describing the intensity decay. Bleach-rate constants were determined for DHE in vivo and confirmed in model membranes. Using this method, we could detect enrichment of DHE in specific tissues like the nerve ring, the spermateca and oocytes. We confirm these results in C. elegans gut-granule-loss (glo) mutants with reduced autofluorescence and compare our method with three-photon excitation microscopy of sterol in selected tissues. Bleach-rate-based UV-WF imaging is a useful tool for genetic screening experiments on sterol transport, as exemplified by RNA interference against the rme-2 gene coding for the yolk receptor and for worm homologues of Niemann-Pick C disease proteins. Our approach is generally useful for identifying fluorescent probes in the presence of high cellular autofluorescence

    Envelhecimento pulpar em dentes jovens

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas MonizOs dentes são órgãos mineralizados, implantados nos alvéolos dentários maxilares e mandibulares, enervados e vascularizados. São essenciais para a função mastigatória, na fonética, na deglutição, na estética e na manutenção da harmonia facial, e, como tal, desempenham um papel fulcral na nossa saúde, bem-estar, e no quotidiano. O envelhecimento pulpar de um dente é um fenómeno expectável, contínuo, e fisiológico, que surge com o avançar da idade do indivíduo, e reflete o seu avanço. Diversos estudos têm descrito o processo de envelhecimento da polpa dentária, referindo, no entanto, um conjunto de fatores etiológicos que contribuem para que este fenómeno seja acelerado, podendo ocorrer até em idades jovens. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão bibliográfica por forma a aferir, à luz da evidência científica atual, qual a etiologia multifatorial que se pode associar ao envelhecimento precoce da polpa dentária, e elucidar quanto ao seu mecanismo e a possíveis hipóteses de travar ou desacelerar este processo

    HLH-30-dependent rewiring of metabolism during starvation in C. <em>elegans</em>.

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    One of the most fundamental challenges for all living organisms is to sense and respond to alternating nutritional conditions in order to adapt their metabolism and physiology to promote survival and achieve balanced growth. Here, we applied metabolomics and lipidomics to examine temporal regulation of metabolism during starvation in wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans and in animals lacking the transcription factor HLH-30. Our findings show for the first time that starvation alters the abundance of hundreds of metabolites and lipid species in a temporal- and HLH-30-dependent manner. We demonstrate that premature death of hlh-30 animals under starvation can be prevented by supplementation of exogenous fatty acids, and that HLH-30 is required for complete oxidation of long-chain fatty acids. We further show that RNAi-mediated knockdown of the gene encoding carnitine palmitoyl transferase I (cpt-1) only impairs survival of wild-type animals and not of hlh-30 animals. Strikingly, we also find that compromised generation of peroxisomes by prx-5 knockdown renders hlh-30 animals hypersensitive to starvation, which cannot be rescued by supplementation of exogenous fatty acids. Collectively, our observations show that mitochondrial functions are compromised in hlh-30 animals and that hlh-30 animals rewire their metabolism to largely depend on functional peroxisomes during starvation, underlining the importance of metabolic plasticity to maintain survival

    A macrophage-hepatocyte glucocorticoid receptor axis coordinates fasting ketogenesis.

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    Fasting metabolism and immunity are tightly linked; however, it is largely unknown how immune cells contribute to metabolic homeostasis during fasting in healthy subjects. Here, we combined cell-type-resolved genomics and computational approaches to map crosstalk between hepatocytes and liver macrophages during fasting. We identified the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) as a key driver of fasting-induced reprogramming of the macrophage secretome including fasting-suppressed cytokines and showed that lack of macrophage GR impaired induction of ketogenesis during fasting as well as endotoxemia. Mechanistically, macrophage GR suppressed the expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and promoted nuclear translocation of hepatocyte GR to activate a fat oxidation/ketogenesis-related gene program, cooperatively induced by GR and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) in hepatocytes. Together, our results demonstrate how resident liver macrophages directly influence ketogenesis in hepatocytes, thereby also outlining a strategy by which the immune system can set the metabolic tone during inflammatory disease and infection

    Cardiolipin synthesis in brown and beige fat mitochondria is essential for systemic energy homeostasis.

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    Activation of energy expenditure in thermogenic fat is a promising strategy to improve metabolic health, yet the dynamic processes that evoke this response are poorly understood. Here we show that synthesis of the mitochondrial phospholipid cardiolipin is indispensable for stimulating and sustaining thermogenic fat function. Cardiolipin biosynthesis is robustly induced in brown and beige adipose upon cold exposure. Mimicking this response through overexpression of cardiolipin synthase (Crls1) enhances energy consumption in mouse and human adipocytes. Crls1 deficiency in thermogenic adipocytes diminishes inducible mitochondrial uncoupling and elicits a nuclear transcriptional response through endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated retrograde communication. Cardiolipin depletion in brown and beige fat abolishes adipose thermogenesis and glucose uptake, which renders animals insulin resistant. We further identify a rare human CRLS1 variant associated with insulin resistance and show that adipose CRLS1 levels positively correlate with insulin sensitivity. Thus, adipose cardiolipin has a powerful impact on organismal energy homeostasis through thermogenic fat bioenergetics