10 research outputs found

    A stationary free boundary problem modeling electrostatic MEMS

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    A free boundary problem describing small deformations in a membrane based model of electrostatically actuated MEMS is investigated. The existence of stationary solutions is established for small voltage values. A justification of the widely studied narrow-gap model is given by showing that steady state solutions of the free boundary problem converge toward stationary solutions of the narrow-gap model when the aspect ratio of the device tends to zero

    The time singular limit for a fourth-order damped wave equation for MEMS

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    We consider a free boundary problem modeling electrostatic microelectromechanical systems. The model consists of a fourth-order damped wave equation for the elastic plate displacement which is coupled to an elliptic equation for the electrostatic potential. We first review some recent results on existence and non-existence of steady-states as well as on local and global well-posedness of the dynamical problem, the main focus being on the possible touchdown behavior of the elastic plate. We then investigate the behavior of the solutions in the time singular limit when the ratio between inertial and damping effects tends to zero

    A parabolic free boundary problem modeling electrostatic MEMS

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    The evolution problem for a membrane based model of an electrostatically actuated microelectromechanical system (MEMS) is studied. The model describes the dynamics of the membrane displacement and the electric potential. The latter is a harmonic function in an angular domain, the deformable membrane being a part of the boundary. The former solves a heat equation with a right hand side that depends on the square of the trace of the gradient of the electric potential on the membrane. The resulting free boundary problem is shown to be well-posed locally in time. Furthermore, solutions corresponding to small voltage values exist globally in time while global existence is shown not to hold for high voltage values. It is also proven that, for small voltage values, there is an asymptotically stable steady-state solution. Finally, the small aspect ratio limit is rigorously justified

    A discrete mutualism model: analysis and exploration of a financial application

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    We perform a stability analysis on a discrete analogue of a known, continuous model of mutualism. We illustrate how the introduction of delays affects the asymptotic stability of the system’s positive nontrivial equilibrium point. In the second part of the paper we explore the insights that the model can provide when it is used in relation to interacting financial markets. We also note the limitations of such an approach

    An Ohmic heating non-local diffusion-convection problem for the Heaviside function

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    and initial data sufficiently large, the solution u ``blows up" (in some sense). Moreover, for increasing f and Neumann boundary conditions, u is an unbounded solution global in time