10 research outputs found
Full band Monte Carlo simulation of dislocation effects on 250 nm AlGaN-GaN HEMT
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Surface morphology and electronic properties of dislocations in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Microstructural properties of InGaN/GaN light-emitting diode structures with different In content grown by MOCVD
- Author
- A. Torabi
- A.R.A. Zauner
- C.G. Dunn
- C.R. Miskys
- D. Coquillat
- E. Arslan
- E. Arslan
- E. Özbay
- F.K. Yam
- G.K. Williamson
- G.K. Williamson
- H. Wang
- H. Yu
- J.S. Speck
- M. K. Öztürk
- M. Tamer
- M.E. Vickers
- M.J. Hordon
- M.K. Ozturk
- N.G. Weimamn
- N.G. Weimann
- O. Ambacher
- P. Gay
- P.F. Fewster
- S. Mahanty
- S. Çörekçi
- S. Çörekçi
- S. Çörekçi
- S. Özçelik
- S. Ş. Çetin
- T. Metzger
- T. Metzger
- T.A. Lafford
- T.A. Lafford
- X.H. Wu
- X.H. Wu
- X.H. Zheng
- Z. Dridi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Structural and optical properties of InGaN/GaN triangular-shape quantum wells with different threading dislocation densities
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Role of Dislocation Scattering on the Electron Mobility of n-Type Long Wave Length Infrared HgCdTe on Silicon
- Author
- A. Schenk
- B. Pelliciari
- C.H. Swartz
- C.H. Swartz
- D. Edwall
- D.S. Montgomery
- G. Brill
- H.M. Ng
- I.M. Abdel-Motaleb
- J. Arias
- J. Ellsworth
- J. Nishizawa
- J.H. Dinan
- J.J. Dubowski
- J.R. Meyer
- J.R. Meyer
- J.R. Meyer
- J.R. Meyer
- L.A. Almeida
- M. Carmody
- M. Groenert
- N.G. Weimann
- N.K. Dhar
- N.T. Gordon
- P.O. Renault
- R. Jacobs
- W. Scott
- W.T. Read
- W.T. Read
- Y. Chen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Local electronic properties of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures probed by scanning capacitance microscopy
- Author
- A. Bykhovski
- A.F. Wright
- C.C. Shi
- C.C. Williams
- C.J. Kang
- D.C. Look
- D.W. Abraham
- E. T. Yu
- E.T. Yu
- E.T. Yu
- E.T. Yu
- F.A. Ponce
- G.J. Sullivan
- H.M. Ng
- J. Elsner
- J. M. Redwing
- J.M. Hove Van
- K. S. Boutros
- K. V. Smith
- M.A. Khan
- N.G. Weimann
- O. Aktas
- P. Fini
- P.J. Hansen
- P.M. Asbeck
- Q. Chen
- R. Gaska
- R.D. Underwood
- S. Nakamura
- S.C. Binari
- S.J. Rosner
- T. Kozawa
- X.H. Wu
- X.H. Wu
- Y.F. Wu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Impurity band in the interfacial region of GaN films grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy
- Author
- A. M. Sergent
- A.F. Wright
- B.C. Chung
- C. Shafai
- C. Wetzel
- C.C. Williams
- D. C. Look
- D. V. Lang
- D.C. Look
- D.C. Look
- D.C. Look
- E.M. Goldys
- E.M. Nonnenmacher
- G. Popovici
- J. Neugebauer
- J. W. P. Hsu
- J.C. Zolper
- L.T. Romano
- M.J. Manfra
- N.G. Weimann
- P. Perlin
- Q. Xu
- R. J. Molnar
- R. N. Kleiman
- R.J. Molnar
- R.J. Molnar
- S. Gu
- S. Richter
- S. Richter
- S.D. Wolter
- S.M. Sze
- T. Mattila
- W. Götz
- W. Götz
- X.H. Wu
- X.L. Xu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Steady-state electron transport in the III–V nitride semiconductors: A sensitivity analysis
- Author
- A.D. Bykhovski
- B. Gelmont
- B.E. Foutz
- B.E. Foutz
- B.E. Foutz
- Brian E. Foutz
- D.K. Ferry
- E. Bellotti
- H. Morkoç
- H.P. Maruska
- J. KolnÃk
- J.D. Albrecht
- J.D. Albrecht
- J.D. Albrecht
- K. Seeger
- Lester F. Eastman
- M. Shur
- M.A. Littlejohn
- M.A. Littlejohn
- M.S. Shur
- Michael S. Shur
- N.G. Weimann
- P. Lugli
- S. Krishnamurthy
- S. Nakamura
- S. Strite
- S.J. Pearton
- S.K. O’Leary
- S.K. O’Leary
- S.K. O’Leary
- S.N. Mohammad
- Stephen K. O’Leary
- U.V. Bhapkar
- V.W.L. Chin
- W. Fawcett
- W.R.L. Lambrecht
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The influence of nitridation time on the structural properties of GaN grown on Si (111) substrate
- Author
- A. Chakraborty
- A. Dadgar
- A. Krost
- Ali Arslan Kaya
- B. Heying
- C.-L. Wu
- C.G. Dunn
- D.M. Follstaedt
- Ekmel Ozbay
- Engin Arslan
- F. Wu
- G.K. Williamson
- H. Lahreche
- H. Sasaki
- H. Yu
- J. Huang
- K. Cheng
- L. Dobos
- L. Shen
- M. Tamura
- M.-H. Kim
- M.-H. Kim
- M.E. Vickers
- Mustafa K. Ozturk
- N.G. Weimann
- P. Gay
- P.R. Hageman
- R. Datta
- R. Gaska
- S. Butun
- S. Kaiser
- S. Pal
- S. Raghavan
- S.N. Mohammad
- Suleyman Ozcelik
- T. Metzger
- T. Tut
- V. Holy
- V. Srikant
- W.-Y. Uena
- X. Weng
- X.H. Zheng
- Y. Nakada
- Y.J. Sun
- Z. Fang
- Z.L. Fang
- Z.L. Fang
- Özgür Duygulu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Recent Studies on DNA Analysis in the Horse.
- Author
- Alexander A.J., Bailey, E., and Wo
- Ali S., Muller, C.R., and Epplen,J
- Andersson L., Lunden, A., Sigurdad
- Ansari H.A., Hediger, R., Fries, R
- Antczak D.F., Bailey, E., Barger,
- Aquadro C.F., and Greenberg, B.D.
- Bailey E., Antczak, D.F., Bernoco,
- Bailey E., Stormont, C., Suzuki, Y
- Banks K.L., McGuire, T.C., and Jer
- Barbis D.P., Maher,J.K., Stanek, J
- Bell G.I., Selby, M. and Rutter, E
- Bernoco D. and Byrne, G.R.
- Bernoco D., Antczak, D.F., Bailey,
- Bokar J.A., Keri, R.A., Farmerie,
- Boothby M., Ruddon R.W., Anderson,
- Bousfield G.R., and Ward D.N.
- Bousfield G.R., and Ward D.N.
- Bousfield G.R., Liu, W., Sugino, H
- Breen M.,Downs, R., Irvin Z., and
- Brown. W.M. George, M, Jr., and Wi
- Bull R.W.
- Cann R.L. Brown, W.M., and Wilson,
- Capon D.J., Chen, E.Y., Levinson,
- Carr F.E., and Chin, W.W,.
- Crawford A.M., Buchanan, F.C., and
- dzerda R.L., Carter, W.G., Nottenb
- Echard G., Yerle, M. Gellin, J., D
- Ellegren H., Andresson, L., Johans
- Ellegren H., Johansson, M., Sandbe
- Epplen J.T.
- Ewen K.R., and Matthews, M.E.
- Ewen K.R., and Matthews, M.E.
- Fenstermaker R.A., Farmerie, T.A.,
- Fiddes J.C., and Goodman, H.M.
- Fiddes J.C., and Goodman, H.M.
- Fidds J.C., and Goodman, H.M.
- Fowler C., Drinkwater, R., Burgoyn
- Fries R., Hediger, R., and Stranzi
- Fujiki Y., Rathnam, R., and Saxena
- Geffrotin C., Popescu, C.P., Cribi
- Gentzbittel L., and Nicolas, P.
- Georges M. Jr., and Ryder, O.A.
- Georges M., Lequarre, A.S., Castel
- Gill P., Lygo., J.E., Fowler, S.J.
- Goodbourn S.E.Y., Higgs, D.R., Cle
- Goodwin R.G., Moncman, C.L., Rottm
- Gralak B., Coppieters, W., and Weg
- Grobet L., and Hanset, R.
- Guerin G. Bertaud, M., and Amigues
- Guerin G., Bertand, M., Billoud, B
- Guerin G., Bertaud, M., Chardon, P
- Guerin G., Varewyck, H., Bertaud,
- Haberfeld A., and Hillel, J.
- Haeringen H.V., Bowling, A.T., Sto
- Halldó
- Hamada H., Petrino, M.G., and Kaku
- Hamada H., Petrino, M.G., Kakunaga
- Hanni K., Hesford, S., Lazary, S.,
- Hanzawa K., and Watanabe, S.
- Hanzawa K., and Watanabe, S.
- Harbitz I., Chowdhary, B.P., Saeth
- Higuchi R.G., Bowmam, B., Freiberg
- Higuchi R.G., Wrischnik, L.A., Oak
- Hill A.V.S., and Jeffreys, A.J.
- Hintz R.L.
- Jarman A.P., Nicholls, R.D., Weath
- Jeffreys AJ Brookfield JFY, Semeon
- Jeffreys AJ Wilson V, Kelly R, Tay
- Jeffreys AJ Wilson V, Thein SL.
- Jeffreys AJ Wilson V, Thein SL.
- Jeffreys A.J., and Morton, D.B.
- Jeffreys A.J., Wilson, V., Thein,
- Kai K., Tateyama, S., Miyoshi, N.,
- Kay P.H., Dawkins, R.L Bernoco, D.
- Kent M.G., Elliston, K.O., Shroede
- Koch M.C., Ricker, K., Otto, M., G
- Landefeld T.D., and McShan, W.H.
- Lazary S., Antczack, D.F., Bailey,
- Lazary S., Bullen, S., Muller, J.
- Leigh S.E.A., and Stewart, F.
- Lesley J., He, Q., Miyake, K., Hym
- Li J.K.K., Moloney, B.K., Shupe, J
- Litt M., and Luty, J.A.
- Luty J.A., Guo, Z., Willard, H.F.,
- Makinen A., Chowdhary, B., Mahdy,
- McGuire T.C., Poppie, M.J., and Ba
- Mikami H.
- Moore W.T., Ward, D.N., and Burlei
- Mueller M.D., and Ayala, F.J.
- Murphy B.D., and Martinuk, S.D
- Nakamura Y., Leppert, M., O&rs
- Nei M.
- Nei M.
- Nilson. J.H. Thomason A.R., Cserba
- Nottenberg C., Rees, G., and St. J
- Nozawa K., Shotake, T., and Ohhura
- Pierce J.G., Bahl, O.P., Cornell,
- Policastro P., Ovitt, C.E., Hoshin
- Proudfoot N.J., Gil, A., and Mania
- Rabin M., Fries, R., Singer, D., a
- Rathnam P., and Saxena, B.B.
- Rathnam P., Fujiki, Y., Landfeld,
- Reeders S.T., Breuning, M.H., Davi
- Riggs M.W.
- Rudolph J.A., Spier, S.J., Byrns,
- Saiki R.K., Gelfand, D.H., Stoffel
- Saxena B.B., and Rathnam, P.
- Schafer R., Zischler, H., and Eppl
- Schafer R., Zischler, H., Birsner,
- Shin H-S., Bargiello, T.A., Clark,
- Show L.C., Womack, J.E., Petresh,
- Spier S.J.
- Steger D.J., Altschmied, J., Busch
- Stewart F., and Maher, J.K.
- Stewart F., Thomson, J.A., Leigh,
- Stoker N.G., Cheah, K.S.E., Griffi
- Sugino H Bousfield GR, Moore WT, W
- Talmadge K., Vamvakopoulos, N.C.,
- Tavernor A.S., Allen, W.R., and Bu
- Tavernor A.S., Deverson, E.V., Coa
- Tavernur A.S., and Butcher, G.W.
- Tepper M.A., and Robert, J.L.
- Tolley E.A., Notter, D.R., and Mar
- Troyer D., Howard, D., Leipold, H.
- Vaiman M., Chardon, P., and Choen,
- Wallis J., Williamson, R., and Cha
- Ward D.N., Moore, W.T., and Burlei
- Weber J.L., and May, P.E.
- Wilke K., Weimann, M.,Jung, M., an
- Williams J.F., Davies, T.F., Catt,
- Wyman A., and White, R.
- Yemm R.S., Kohrt, D.L., Kniffen, D
- Yuhki N., and O&rsquo
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Society of Equine Science'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1995
- Field of study