24 research outputs found

    Particle tunneling through a polarizable insulator

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    The tunneling probability between two leads connected by a molecule, a chain, a film, or a bulk polarizable insulator is investigated within a model of an electron tunneling from lead A to a state higher in energy, describing the barrier, and from there to lead B. To describe the possibility of energy exchange with excitations of the molecule or the insulator we couple the intermediate state to a single oscillator or to a spectrum of these, respectively. In the single-oscillator case we find for weak coupling that the tunneling is weakly suppressed by a Debye-Waller-type factor. For stronger coupling the oscillator gets 'stiff' and we observe a suppression of tunneling since the effective barrier is increased. The probability for the electron to excite the oscillator increases with the coupling. In the case of a film, or a bulk barrier the behavior is qualitatively the same as in the single oscillator case. An insulating chain, as opposed to a film or a bulk connecting the two leads,shows an 'orthogonality catastrophe' similar to that of an electronic transition in a Fermi gas.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Imaging of Low Compressibility Strips in the Quantum Hall Liquid

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    Using Subsurface Charge Accumulation scanning microscopy we image strips of low compressibility corresponding to several integer Quantum Hall filling factors. We study in detail the strips at Landau level filling factors ν=\nu = 2 and 4. The observed strips appear significantly wider than predicted by theory. We present a model accounting for the discrepancy by considering a disorder-induced nonzero density of states in the cyclotron gap.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Charge occupancy of two interacting electrons on artificial molecules - exact results

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    We present exact solutions for two interacting electrons on an artificial atom and on an artificial molecule made by one and two (single level) quantum dots connected by ideal leads. Specifically, we calculate the accumulated charge on the dots as function of the gate voltage, for various strengths of the electron-electron interaction and of the hybridization between the dots and the (one-dimensional) leads. With increasing of the (negative) gate voltage, the accumulated charge in the two-electron ground state increases in gradual steps from 0 to 1 and then to 2. The value 0 represents an "insulating" state, where both electrons are bound to shallow states on the impurities. The value of 1 corresponds to a "metal", with one electron localized on the dots and the other extended on the leads. The value of 2 corresponds to another "insulator", with both electrons strongly localized. The width of the "metallic" regime diverges with strength of the electron-electron interaction for the single dot, but remains very narrow for the double dot. These results are contrasted with the simple Coulomb blockade picture.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Tunneling broadening of vibrational sidebands in molecular transistors

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    Transport through molecular quantum dots coupled to a single vibration mode is studied in the case with strong coupling to the leads. We use an expansion in the correlation between electrons on the molecule and electrons in the leads and show that the tunneling broadening is strongly suppressed by the combination of the Pauli principle and the quantization of the oscillator. As a consequence the first Frank-Condon step is sharper than the higher order ones, and its width, when compared to the bare tunneling strength, is reduced by the overlap between the groundstates of the displaced and the non-displaced oscillator.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. PRB, in pres

    Edge magnetoplasmons in periodically modulated structures

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    We present a microscopic treatment of edge magnetoplasmons (EMP's) within the random-phase approximation for strong magnetic fields, low temperatures, and filling factor ν=1(2)\nu =1(2), when a weak short-period superlattice potential is imposed along the Hall bar. The modulation potential modifies both the spatial structure and the dispersion relation of the fundamental EMP and leads to the appearance of a novel gapless mode of the fundamental EMP. For sufficiently weak modulation strengths the phase velocity of this novel mode is almost the same as the group velocity of the edge states but it should be quite smaller for stronger modulation. We discuss in detail the spatial structure of the charge density of the renormalized and the novel fundamental EMP's.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Coulomb effects on the transport properties of quantum dots in strong magnetic field

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    We investigate the transport properties of quantum dots placed in strong magnetic field using a quantum-mechanical ' approach based on the 2D tight-binding Hamiltonian with direct Coulomb interaction and the Landauer-B\"{u}ttiker (LB) formalism. The electronic transmittance and the Hall resistance show Coulomb oscillations and also prove multiple addition processes. We identify this feature as the 'bunching' of electrons observed in recent experiments and give an elementary explanation in terms of spectral characteristics of the dot. The spatial distribution of the added electrons may distinguish between edge and bulk states and it has specific features for bunched electrons. The dependence of the charging energy on the number of electrons is discussed for strong and vanishing magnetic field. The crossover from the tunneling to quantum Hall regime is analyzed in terms of dot-lead coupling.Comment: 17 pages,8 figures,Revtex,submitted to Physical Review

    Current rectification by simple molecular quantum dots: an ab-initio study

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    We calculate a current rectification by molecules containing a conjugated molecular group sandwiched between two saturated (insulating) molecular groups of different length (molecular quantum dot) using an ab-initio non-equilibrium Green's function method. In particular, we study S-(CH2)m-C10H6-(CH2)n-S dithiol with Naphthalene as a conjugated central group. The rectification current ratio ~35 has been observed at m = 2 and n = 10, due to resonant tunneling through the molecular orbital (MO) closest to the electrode Fermi level (lowest unoccupied MO in the present case). The rectification is limited by interference of other conducting orbitals, but can be improved by e.g. adding an electron withdrawing group to the naphthalene.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Shot noise in resonant tunneling through a zero-dimensional state with a complex energy spectrum

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    We investigate the noise properties of a GaAs/AlGaAs resonant tunneling structure at bias voltages where the current characteristic is determined by single electron tunneling. We discuss the suppression of the shot noise in the framework of a coupled two-state system. For large bias voltages we observed super-Poissonian shot noise up to values of the Fano factor α10\alpha \approx 10.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for Phys. Rev.

    Formation of an Edge Striped Phase in Fractional Quantum Hall Systems

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    We have performed an exact diagonalization study of up to N=12 interacting electrons on a disk at filling ν=1/3\nu={1/3} for both Coulomb and V1V_1 short-range interaction for which Laughlin wave function is the exact solution. For Coulomb interaction and N10N\geq 10 we find persistent radial oscillations in electron density, which are not captured by the Laughlin wave function. Our results srongly suggest formation of a chiral edge striped phase in quantum Hall systems. The amplitude of the charge density oscillations decays slowly, perhaps as a square root of the distance from the edge; thus the spectrum of edge excitations is likely to be affected.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Figs. include

    Phonon effects in molecular transistors: Quantum and classical treatment

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    We present a comprehensive theoretical treatment of the effect of electron-phonon interactions in molecular transistors, including both quantal and classical limits and we study both equilibrated and out of equilibrium phonons. We present detailed results for conductance, noise and phonon distribution in two regimes. One involves temperatures large as compared to the rate of electronic transitions on and off the dot; in this limit our approach yields classical rate equations, which are solved numerically for a wide range of parameters. The other regime is that of low temperatures and weak electron-phonon coupling where a perturbative approximation in the Keldysh formulation can be applied. The interplay between the phonon-induced renormalization of the density of states on the quantum dot and the phonon-induced renormalization of the dot-lead coupling is found to be important. Whether or not the phonons are able to equilibrate in a time rapid compared to the transit time of an electron through the dot is found to affect the conductance. Observable signatures of phonon equilibration are presented. We also discuss the nature of the low-T to high-T crossover.Comment: 20 pages, 19 figures. Minor changes, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.