151 research outputs found

    Digital Challenge for the Arab World: Integration or Differentiation Factor?

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    As Arab states integrate into the global digital space, they share its advantages and risks and are included in the construction of the international information security system. Considering the significant influence of the Arab world on the formation of the world political agenda and the global security system, the study of the specifics of the development of the Arab digital cluster at the present stage acquires not only academic but also political relevance. This article is devoted to the study of the current state, potential and limits of Arab countries cooperation in the field of digital security within the framework of inter-Arab cooperation in multilateral and bilateral formats, as well as interaction with the world leaders in the technological ‘race’. The analysis was based on the methodology of the Global Cybersecurity Index developed by the UN International Telecommunication Union. It includes five key parameters for assessing the readiness of modern states to repel cyberthreats: the regulatory and legal system of national cyber defense, technical capabilities, organizational structure, capacity development measures and international cooperation. Assessing the ‘digital landscape’ of the Arab states, the authors note that the political, financial, economic, historical, and cultural specifics of the Arab countries contribute to the formation of a special environment in the region for countering cyber threats and solving cyber security problems. On the one hand, the digital challenge is forcing the Arab states to overcome some differences, giving a certain impetus to integration processes. On the other hand, the ‘catch-up’ type, and spasmodic dynamics of the digital industry development in the region, as well as the heterogeneity and inconsistency inherent in the Arab world, combined with the traditionally high degree of conflict and the strong influence of external factors, create a heterogeneous and fragmented environment that prevents the formation of a collective response to challenges of the digital age. © Valiakhmetova G.N., Tsukanov L.V., 2022

    Conditions of austenite diffusional transformation in steel of Cr–3Ni–Mo–V-composition with high austenite stability

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    The paper investigated the bainitic steel of 10KHN3MFA grade, which is characterized by the increased tendency to display structural heredity in the forgings with large cross-sections. The samples have been studied for kinetics of diffusional transformation process both under continuous cooling and isothermal conditions, as well as its microstructure. It is determined that in the range of subcritical temperatures with cooling from 900 °C in the studied steel, the initial stage of separation of the ferrite phase takes place. It is shown for the first time that the diffusional ferrite-pearlite transformation fades. Previously it was believed that the beginning of transformation under isothermal conditions proceeds to the end. It was found out that the transformation begins immediately after the beginning of isothermal holding, without the generally accepted incubation period

    Management approach to patients with premalignant lesions of the stomach

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    The aim of review. To analyze modern aspects of management of patients with premalignant changes in the stomach.Key points. According to requirements of system OLGA or OLGIM application of modern endoscopic methods and morphological investigation is necessary for expert diagnostics of atrophy, metaplasia and dysplasia in the stomach. Detection of Helicobacter pylori infection and its eradication are important principles of management of patients with stomach premalignant lesions.Conclusion. Monitoring methods of patients with stomach mucosa dysplasia are specified. Modes of H. pylori eradication are presented

    Особливості реактивних змін в підщелепній слинній залозі, ініційованих введенням платифіліну та прозерину

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    Secretion and secretion of saliva is a complex multifactorial reflex process that provides optimal conditions for adapting the body to the changes occurring in its life. The aim of the study – to determine the reactive changes in the submandibular salivary gland, initiated by the introduction of platyphyllin and proserine. Materials and Methods. During the design and implementation of the study three main groups of animals were formed to study the changes in the structure of large salivary glands: control – 20 animals, which were administered isotonic NaCl solution to exclude the effect of water loading in the comparison group; experimental І – 40 animals that received platyphyllin 0.3 mg/kg in isotonic solution; experimental II – 40 animals administered 0.1 g/kg peroxide per serum per isotonic solution. After euthanasia of experimental animals, removed submandibular salivary glands were treated in accordance with the generally accepted histological preparations and stained with methylene blue and polychromic dye solution, followed by light microscopy and photographed. Results and Discussion. The introduction of platyphyllin in rats did not affect the tinctorial properties of secretory granules of epithelial cells in the terminal regions of the submandibular salivary gland. The morphological characteristics of the latter did not differ from the structural organization of cells in the control group of animals. Influence of transazin on the secretory components of the lobules of the submandibular glands of rats was characterized by morphological signs of increased functional activity of acinar and ductal epithelial cells. With stimulation of platinum, there is an increase in carbohydrate content in the secretion of the hyoid hypochondrium, and the juxtaclecular transport of fluid through the duct wall is intensified. The introduction of proserine initiates increased secretion in the endpoints. Reactive changes from the vessels of the hemomycocirculatory channel appear to be synergistic. With stimulation of platyphyllin, there is an increase in carbohydrate content in the secretion of the hyoid hypochondrium, and the juxtaclecular transport of fluid through the duct wall is intensified. The introduction of proserine initiates increased secretion in the endpoints. Reactive changes from the vessels of the hemomycocirculatory channel appear to be synergistic. Conclusions. Introduction to experimental animals of platyphyllin and proserine causes, in the exchange and capacious links of the hemomycocirculatory bed of the submandibular salivary gland, unidirectional changes that manifest themselves by an increase in metric indices with a predominance of values when introducing proserinum.Секреция и выделение слюны представляет собой сложный многофакторный рефлекторный процесс, который обеспечивает оптимальные условия адаптации организма к изменениям, происходящим в его жизнедеятельности. Цель исследования – определить реактивные изменения в подчелюстной слюнной железе, инициированные введением платифилина и прозерина. Материалы и методы. В процессе создания дизайна и выполнения исследования сформированы три основные группы животных для изучения изменений структуры больших слюнных желез: контрольную – 20 животных, которым вводили изотонический раствор NaCl для исключения влияния водной нагрузки в группе сравнения; первую экспериментальную – 40 животных, которым вводили платифиллин 0,3 мг / кг в изотоническом растворе; вторую экспериментальную – 40 животных, которым вводили прозерин 0,1 мг / кг в изотоническом растворе. После эвтаназии экспериментальных животных забранные поднижнечелюстной слюнных желез подвергали обработке согласно общепринятых этапов изготовления гистологических препаратов и окрашивали раствором метиленового синего и полихромным красителем с последующим изучением в световом микроскопе и фотографированием. Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Введение платифилина крысам не влияло на тинкториальные свойства секреторных гранул эпителиоцитов концевых отделов подчелюстной слюнной железы. По морфологическим особенностям последние не отличались от структурной организации клеток в контрольной группе животных. Влияние прозерина на секреторные составляющие частиц поднижнечелюстных желез крыс характеризовалось морфологическими признаками повышения функциональной активности ацинарных и протоковых эпителиоцитов. Стимуляция платифилином инициирует повышение содержания углеводов в секрете подъязычной слюнной железы и активацию юкстацелюлярного транспорта жидкости через стенку проток. Введение прозерина потециирует усиление секреции в концевых отделах. Реактивные изменения со стороны сосудов гемомикроциркуляторного русла проявляются синергизмом. Выводы. Введение экспериментальным животным платифилина и прозерина вызывает в обменном и емкостном звеньях гемомикроциркуляторного русла частиц подчелюстной слюнной железы однонаправленные изменения, которые проявляются увеличением метрических показателей с преобладанием значений при введении прозерина.Секреція та виділення слини являє собою складний багатофакторний рефлекторний процес, який забезпечує оптимальні умови адаптації організму до змін, що відбуваються в його життєдіяльності. Мета дослідження – визначити реактивні зміни в підщелепній слинній залозі, ініційовані введенням платифіліну та прозерину. Матеріали і методи. В процесі створення дизайну та виконання дослідження сформовано три основні групи тварин, для вивчення змін структури великих слинних залоз: контрольну – 20 тварини, яким вводили ізотонічний розчин NaCl для виключення впливу водного навантаження в групі порівняння; першу експериментальну – 40 тварин, яким вводили платифілін 0,3 мг/кг на ізотонічному розчині; другу експериментальну – 40 тварин, яким вводили прозерин 0,1 мг/кг на ізотонічному розчині. Після евтаназії експериментальних тварин забрані піднижньощелепні слинні залози піддавали обробці згідно  з загальноприйнятими етапами виготовлення гістологічних препаратів та забарвлювали розчином метиленового синього і поліхромного барвника із подальшим вивченням у світловому мікроскопі та фотографуванням. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Введення платифіліну щурам не впливало на тинкторіальні властивості секреторних гранул епітеліоцитів кінцевих відділів підщелепної слинної залози. За морфологічними особливостями останні не відрізнялися від структурної організації клітин контрольній групі тварин. Вплив прозерину на секреторні складові часточок піднижньощелепних залоз щурів характеризувався морфологічними ознаками підвищення функціональної активності ацинарних і протокових епітеліоцитів. При стимуляції платифіліном відбувається підвищення вмісту вуглеводів в секреті підʼязикової слинної залози та активізується юкстацелюлярне транспортування рідини через стінку проток. Введення прозерину ініціює посилення секреції в кінцевих відділах. Реактивні зміни з боку судин гемомікроциркуляторного русла проявляються синергізмом. Висновки. Введення експериментальним тваринам платифіліну і прозерину спричиняє в обмінній і ємнісній ланках гемомікроциркуляторного русла часточок підщелепної слинної залози однонаправлені зміни, які проявляються збільшенням метричних показників з переважанням значень при введенні прозерину

    Морфология подводного вулкана Пийпа в Командорской котловине по данным съемки многолучевым эхолотом (Morphology of the Piip submarine volcano in the Komandorsky Basin based on multibeam echosounder data)

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    We analyzed the bathymetric data obtained during the cruises on the German research vessel “Sonne” using multibeam echosounders within the framework of the Russian-German projects KALMAR (cruise SO201-2, 2009) and BERING (cruise SO249-2, 2016) in the Komandorsky Basin of the Bering Sea. Detailed bathymetric maps of the Piip submarine volcano were constructed. New morphological features of its summit edifices and their age relations are described, hydrothermal activity confined to the edifices is localized, and all side cones and lava flows are mapped. Based on the flank cones and fissure lava flows alignments we determined the tectonic paleostress that existed at the time of their formation, presumably after the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene. It differs from the recent tectonic stress caused by right-lateral displacements along the Bering fault zone

    “The Sum of All the Country’s Resources”: the Specifics of the Israeli Approach to Ensuring National Cybersecurity

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    The article was submitted on 05.04.2021.Статья посвящена анализу опыта Государства Израиль в формировании комплексной системы обеспечения национальной кибербезопасности. Авторами рассмотрены ключевые принципы, на которых базируется израильский подход к обеспечению цифровой защиты страны, проанализированы базовые документы, формирующие концептуальную основу израильской политики безопасности в цифровом пространстве. В их числе декларация Д. Бен-Гуриона 1953 г., Национальная стратегия кибербезопасности 2017 г., концепция «кумулятивного сдерживания» и т. д. Раскрыта специфика институциональной структуры национальной кибербезопасности, государственно-частного партнерства и международного сотрудничества как ее базовых элементов. Авторы приходят к выводу, что за последние два десятилетия Израилю удалось разработать комплексный подход к обеспечению безопасности в цифровом пространстве, в рамках которого выстраивается многоуровневая и относительно гибкая система киберзащиты Государства. Отмечается также, что, несмотря на наличие условного «водораздела» между гражданскими и военными сегментами кибербезопасности, а также определенные межведомственные разногласия, ключевые акторы демонстрируют готовность к конструктивному взаимодействию для укрепления национальной устойчивости к угрозам и вызовам цифровой эпохи. Авторы подчеркивают, что сфера кибербезопасности постепенно превращается в ключевой потенциал развития национальной экономики, что, в свою очередь, позволяет прогнозировать в краткосрочной перспективе возможность превращения Израиля в мировой центр высоких технологий и безопасной цифровой среды.The article is devoted to the analysis of the Israeli experience in the field of the formation of an integrated system for ensuring national cybersecurity. The authors considered the key principles on which the Israeli approach to ensuring the digital protection of the country is based, analyzed the basic documents that form the conceptual basis of the Israeli security policy in the digital space. Among them are Ben-Gurion’s 1953 declaration, the National Cybersecurity Strategy2017, the concept of “cumulative deterrence”, etc. The specifics of the institutional structure of national cybersecurity, public-private partnership and international cooperation as its basic elements are disclosed. The authors conclude that over the past two decades, Israel has managed to develop an integrated approach to ensuring security in the digital space, within which a multi-level and relatively flexible system of cyber defense of the State is being built. It is also noted that, despite the existence of a conditional “watershed” between the civilian and military segments of cybersecurity, as well as certain interdepartmental differences, key actors demonstrate a readiness for constructive interaction to strengthen national resilience to threats and challenges of the digital age. The authors emphasize that the sphere of cybersecurity is gradually turning into a key potential for the development of the national economy, which, in turn, makes it possible to predict in the short term the possibility of turning Israel into a world center of high technologies and a safe digital environment

    Typical relationships between the indexes of lipid peroxidation/ antioxidant protection and immune regulation in the patients with chronic atrophic gastritis and stomach cancer

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    Chronic atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer represent distinct steps of one pathogenic process. The risk of developing cancer of the stomach is directly proportional to the degree of atrophic changes simultaneously detected in antral segment and in the body of the stomach. The role of immune system in transformation of precancerous diseases into cancer is beyond doubt. During development of the malignant disease, the changes in lipid peroxidation systems – antioxidant defense become significant and contribute to the progression of the tumor and the development of metastases. A simultaneous study of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense indices along with phagocytic activity will allow us to evaluate relative contribution of these processes to development of chronic atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer. Purpose of the present study was to assess correlations between the lipid peroxidation indices, i.e. antioxidant protection, and chemiluminescent activity of neutrophilic granulocytes and monocytes in chronic atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer. Forty patients with chronic gastritis, 22 patients with chronic atrophic gastritis and 40 patients with gastric cancer were examined. The control group consisted of 50 practically healthy age-matched volunteers. Evaluation of spontaneous and induced production of reactive oxygen species by neutrophils and monocytes was carried out by chemiluminescent analysis. The parameters of lipid peroxidation/ antioxidant protection were determined by spectrophotometric methods. Statistical data processing was carried out using the Statistica v. 8.0 program (StatSoft Inc., USA). The normal distribution of indices was tested using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov method (adjusted by Lillefors). Quantitative indicators, given the normal distribution, were described using the median (Me) and interquartile scatter (Q0.25-Q0.75). To study statistical significance of differences between quantitative characteristics, the Mann–Whitney test was used. To study strength of relationships of these indicators, the Pearson rank correlation coefficient (r) was calculated. The critical significance level (p) when testing statistical hypotheses was taken equal to 0.05. Correlation analysis showed that the weight of positive correlations increases in patients with chronic atrophic gastritis, and it decreases in patients with gastric cancer, the strength of the correlation dependence and new relationships appear between chemiluminescent activity of neutrophils and monocytes in a spontaneous and induced state, and the amounts of malonic dialdehyde, enzyme activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase. In chronic atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer we have established the features of correlation patterns between lipid peroxidation/antioxidant protection indices, and activity of neutrophils and monocytes

    Digestive Disease Mortality Dynamics During New Coronavirus Infection Pandemic in Different Subjects of Russian Federation

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    Aim. An analysis of digestive disease mortality dynamics in different subjects of the Russian Federation in course of the new coronavirus infection pandemic.Key points. In most subjects of the Russian Federation, the first half of 2021 enduring the COVID-19 pandemic has witnessed a higher overall mortality from digestive diseases and from peptic ulcer, liver and pancreatic illnesses compared to the same period in 2020. This situation may have roots in both the adverse impact of coronavirus infection on pre-existing digestive diseases and shortages in providing specialty medical aid to gastroenterological patients during the pandemic. Improved outpatient care and remote counselling, as well as successful educational measures, may reduce gastroenterological disease-associated mortality.Conclusion. Most regions of Russia have registered a growing mortality from digestive diseases at the new coronavirus infection pandemic due to the SARS-CoV-2 adverse impact on illness progression, as well as imposed difficulties in providing specialty medical aid

    Auxiliary-level-assisted operations with charge qubits in semiconductors

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    We present a new scheme for rotations of a charge qubit associated with a singly ionized pair of donor atoms in a semiconductor host. The logical states of such a qubit proposed recently by Hollenberg et al. are defined by the lowest two energy states of the remaining valence electron localized around one or another donor. We show that an electron located initially at one donor site can be transferred to another donor site via an auxiliary molecular level formed upon the hybridization of the excited states of two donors. The electron transfer is driven by a single resonant microwave pulse in the case that the energies of the lowest donor states coincide or two resonant pulses in the case that they differ from each other. Depending on the pulse parameters, various one-qubit operations, including the phase gate, the NOT gate, and the Hadamard gate, can be realized in short times. Decoherence of an electron due to the interaction with acoustic phonons is analyzed and shown to be weak enough for coherent qubit manipulation being possible, at least in the proof-of-principle experiments on one-qubit devices.Comment: Extended version of cond-mat/0411605 with detailed discussion of phonon-induced decoherence including dephasing and relaxation; to be published in JET