133 research outputs found

    Socio-economic consequences and prospective opportunities of the international labour migration as a process of the global labour market development

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    Purpose: The aim is to study the causes, processes and economic consequences of remittances carried out during international labour migrations in the global labour market. Design/Methodology/Approach: The comprehensive analysis of remittances of migrants based on official data of the World Bank is carried out in this article. The systematic approach and logical research methods were used. The paper analyzes data on the remittances dynamics in the XXI century, shows the largest countries of senders and recipients of migrant workers remittances. Authors studied corridors of cash flows, the cost of transfers depending on the region of departure and the main transfer organizations. Findings: Remittances from migrant workers is the significant amount of aid, especially for low-and middle-income countries, and it is the largest source of external financing for them. The economies of the number of countries are highly dependent on these transfers. According to experts, remittances of migrants are many times higher than the volume of the official development assistance to these countries, as well as remittances of migrants surpass the volume of the foreign direct investment. And according to forecasts, the volume of remittances will only grow. Practical implications: The practical significance of the study is to substantiate and highlight the most important methodological and theoretical economic consequences of remittances of international migration flows. Originality/value: The theoretical and applied value of the study is to substantiate the prospect area with better mechanisms for the implementation, accounting and stimulation of remittances by international labour migrants.peer-reviewe

    Мера различия для тестовых наборов при генерировании управляемых вероятностных тестов

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    Objectives . The problem of constructing the characteristics of the difference between test sequences is solved. Its relevance for generating controlled random tests and the complexity of finding measures of difference for symbolic tests are substantiated. The limitations of using the Hamming and Damerau – Levenshtein distances to obtain a measure of the difference between test sets are shown.Methods . Based on the characteristic of the interval used in the theory of the chain of successive events, a new measure of the difference between two symbolic test sets is determined. As a difference measure, the distance AD(Ti, Tk) between the test sets Ti and Tk is calculated using the interval characteristic, which is based on determining independent pairs of same (identical) symbols belonging to two sets and calculating the intervals between them.Results. The combinatorial nature of the calculation of the proposed difference measure for symbolic test sets of an arbitrary alphabet and dimension is shown. An example of calculating this measure for various types of test sets, including such as address test sets, is given. Possible modifications are shown and some properties and limitations are determined. The application of the measure of difference is considered for the case of repeated testing of storage devices based on address sequences pA with even p repetition of addresses. For the case p = 2, mathematical relations are given for calculating the intervals and distances AD(Ti, Tk) for address sequences 2A used for controlled random testing of storage devices. The main attention is paid to binary test sets, when the task of calculating given difference metric is reduced to the classical assignment problem using the Hungarian algorithm. The computational complexity of the Hungarian algorithm is estimated by the relation O(n4). As an alternative to the Hungarian algorithm, an algorithm for calculating the considered difference measure is proposed, the complexity of which is much less and has an estimate equal to O(n2). The experimental studies confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.Conclusion. The proposed difference measure extends the possibilities of generating test sequences when generating controlled random tests. It is shown that test sets, which are indistinguishable when Hamming distance is used as a measure of difference, have different values of AD(Ti, Tk) that allows to make more accurate classification of randomly generated sets as candidates for test sets.Цели. Решается задача построения характеристик различия тестовых наборов, представляющих собой наборы символов, включая двоичные наборы. Обосновывается ее актуальность для генерирования управляемых вероятностных тестов и сложность нахождения мер различия для символьных тестов. Показывается ограниченность применения расстояния Хэмминга и Дамерау – Левенштейна для получения меры различия тестовых наборов.Методы. На основе характеристики интервала, применяемого в теории строя цепи последовательных событий, определяется новая мера различия двух символьных тестовых наборов. В качестве меры различия рассчитывается расстояние AD(Ti, Tk) между тестовыми наборами Ti и Tk, использующее характеристику интервала и основанное на определении независимых пар одинаковых (тождественных) символов, принадлежащих двум наборам, и вычислении интервалов между ними.Результаты . Показывается комбинаторный характер вычисления предложенной меры различия для символьных тестовых наборов произвольного алфавита и размерности. Приводится пример вычисления данной меры для различных видов тестовых наборов, в том числе таких, как адресные тестовые наборы. Показываются возможные ее модификации и определяются некоторые свойства и ограничения. Рассматривается применение данной меры различия для случая многократного тестирования запоминающих устройств на основе адресных последовательностей pA с четным p повторением адресов. Для случая p = 2 приводятся математические соотношения вычисления интервалов и расстояния AD(Ti, Tk) для последовательностей адресов 2A, используемых для управляемого вероятностного тестирования запоминающих устройств. Основное внимание уделяется двоичным тестовым наборам, для которых задача вычисления данной метрики различия сводится к классической задаче о назначениях с использованием венгерского алгоритма. Вычислительная сложность венгерского алгоритма оценивается соотношением O(n4). Как альтернатива венгерскому алгоритму предлагается алгоритм вычисления рассматриваемой меры, сложность которого существенно меньше и имеет оценку O(n2). Проведенные экспериментальные исследования подтверждают эффективность рассмотренного алгоритма.Заключение. Предложенная мера различия расширяет возможности генерирования тестовых последовательностей при генерировании управляемых вероятностных тестов. Показано, что тестовые наборы, неразличимые при использовании в качестве меры различия расстояния Хэмминга, имеют различные значения AD(Ti, Tk), позволяющие более точно классифицировать формируемые случайным образом наборы, которые являются кандидатами в тестовые наборы

    Мера отличия для управляемых вероятностных тестов

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    The problem of constructing characteristics of the difference between test sequences is investigated. Its relevance for generating controlled random tests and the complexity of finding difference measures for symbolic tests are substantiated. The limitations of using the Hamming and Damerau–Levenshtein distances to obtain a measure of the difference between test patterns are shown. For an arbitrary case, a new measure of the difference between two symbolic test sets is determined based on the interval used in the theory of the chain of successive events. The distance D(Ti, Tk) between test patterns Ti and Tk, using the interval characteristic, is based on determining independent pairs of identical (equal) symbols belonging to two patterns and calculating the intervals between them. The combinatorial nature of the calculation, the proposed difference measure for symbolic test patterns of an arbitrary alphabet and dimension, is shown. An example of calculating this measure is given and its possible modifications and limitations are shown. The application of the measure of difference is considered for the case of multi-run testing of memory devices based on address sequences pA with even p repetition of addresses. For the case p = 2, mathematical relations are given for calculating intervals and distances D(Ti, Tk) for address sequences 2A used for controlled random testing of memory devices. Experimental results are presented confirming the effectiveness of the proposed difference measure.Исследуется задача построения характеристик различия тестовых последовательностей. Обосновывается ее актуальность для генерирования управляемых вероятностных тестов и сложность нахождения мер отличия для символьных тестов. Показывается ограниченность применения расстояния Хэмминга и Дамерау – Левенштейна для получения меры отличия тестовых наборов. Для произвольного случая определяется новая мера различия двух символьных тестовых наборов на основе интервала, используемого в теории строя цепи последовательных событий. Расстояние D(Ti, Tk) между тестовыми наборами Ti и Tk, использующее характеристику интервала, основано на определении независимых пар одинаковых (тождественных) символов, принадлежащих двум наборам, и вычислении интервалов между ними. Показывается комбинаторный характер вычисления предложенной меры отличия для символьных тестовых наборов произвольного алфавита и размерности. Приводится пример вычисления данной меры и показываются возможные ее модификации и ограничения. Рассматривается применение меры различия для случая многократного тестирования запоминающих устройств на основе адресных последовательностей pA с четным p повторением адресов. Для случая p = 2 приводятся математические соотношения вычисления интервалов и расстояния D(Ti, Tk) для последовательностей адресов 2A, используемых для управляемого вероятностного тестирования запоминающих устройств. Приводятся экспериментальные результаты, подтверждающие эффективность предложенной меры отличия

    Свойства меры различия двоичных тестовых наборов управляемых вероятностных тестов

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    The problem of application of the dissimilarity measures for binary test sequences is investigated. Their relevance in generating controlled random tests is substantiated. Dissimilarity measure AD(Ti, Tk) between test sets Ti and Tk is considered, using the characteristic of the distance D(ti,j, tk,r) between ti,j and tk,r, which is based on the determination of independent pairs of identical data ti,j = tk,r belonging to two patterns Ti and Tk. This measure AD(Ti, Tk) allows us to estimate the degree of difference between two test sets Ti and Tk, which may be indistinguishable when using other difference measures, including the Hamming distance. Upper and lower estimates for the measurement of dissimilarity are obtained for the case of inverse test patterns and arbitrary test patterns Ti and Tk with different combinations of their weights wi and wk. Examples of calculating the boundary values of the specified dissimilarity measure and the ratio of their values are given. Experimental results confirm the correctness of the obtained boundary values of the indicated dissimilarity measure AD(Ti, Tk) and show the possibility of their application for its evaluation.Исследуется задача применения характеристик различия для двоичных тестовых последовательностей. Обосновывается их актуальность при генерировании управляемых вероятностных тестов. Рассматривается мера различия AD(Ti, Tk) между тестовыми наборами Ti и Tk, использующая характеристику расстояния D(ti,j, tk,r) между ti,j и tk,r, которая основана на определении независимых пар тождественных данных ti,j = tk,r, принадлежащих двум наборам Ti и Tk. Данная мера различия AD(Ti, Tk) позволяет оценить степень различия двух тестовых наборов Ti и Tk, которые могут быть неразличимыми при использовании других мер различия, в том числе и расстояния Хэмминга. Получены верхние и нижние оценки меры различия для случая инверсных тестовых наборов и произвольных тестовых наборов Ti и Tk с различным сочетанием их весов wi и wk. Приводятся примеры вычисления граничных значений указанной меры различия и соотношения их значений. Экспериментальные результаты подтверждают корректность полученных граничных значений указанной меры различия AD(Ti, Tk) и показывают возможность их применения для ее оценки

    The current state of the issue of using cone beam computed tomography in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases

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    The high incidence rate and wide range of musculoskeletal pathologies determine the improvement of the diagnostic process. Late diagnosis leads to complications, which in turn increase the percentage of disability. Therefore, the search for the most informative method with the least radiation load on the patient remains an urgent problem for radiologists. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a modern and  promising technique that has already found wide application in dentistry and otorhinolaryngology. Among the advantages of CBCT are: three-dimensional image; high spatial resolution; low radiation dose. Thanks to technical improvements in equipment and the introduction of new image processing protocols, it has become possible to expand the indications for conducting the researches, including the researches based on imaging of the upper and lower extremities. Based on the results of a CBCT study, we can evaluate: the shape and contour of the bone; solution of continuity of the bone and malposition of bone fragments; the structure of bone tissue and  the  pathological processes occurring in it (destruction, osteoporosis, osteosclerosis); joint congruence and changes in  articular surfaces surrounding soft tissues. Therefore, CBCT can be introduced into the diagnostic process of bones and joints diseases. The use of this technique will find wide application in traumatology and orthopedics (fractures, dislocations, post-traumatic deformities, aseptic necrosis, osteoarthritis), rheumatology (rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthropathy, juvenile arthritis, gout), surgery (osteomyelitis), oncology (benign and malignant bone tumors) both in the adult population and in pediatric practice. This paper presents a review of the literature, which examines the degree of development of the issue of using CBCT and describes study protocols and protocols for processing the obtained images in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases

    Dwarf Copper-Gold Porphyry Deposits of the Buchim-Damjan-Borov Dol Ore District, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)

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    The metallogenic aspects, tectonic setting, magmatism, structure, and composition of Au-and Ag-bearing porphyry copper deposits in the Buchim-Damjan-Borov Dol ore district and their genetic features are considered and compared with earlier published data. Special attention is paid to supergene gold in heavy concentrate halos of the Borov Dol deposit. The total Cu reserves of the deposits discussed in this paper do not exceed 150 kt. The Buchim deposit likely is the world's smallest deposit of this type currently involved in mining. A comprehensive study of these dwarf porphyry copper deposits is undertaken to answer questions on the conditions of their formation. How do they differ from formation conditions of giant deposits

    Study of thermal effects of silicate-containing hydroxyapatites

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    The possibility of modifications of hydroxyapatite silicate ions, from the extracellular fluid prototype solution under near-physiological conditions has been studied. Formation of silicon-structured hydroxyapatite with different extent of substitution of phosphate groups in the silicate group has been established through chemical and X-ray diffraction analyses, FTIR spectroscopy and optical microscopy. The results obtained are in agreement and suggest the possibility of substitution of phosphate groups for silicate groups in the hydroxyapatite structure when introducing different sources of silica, tetraethoxysilane and sodium silicate, in the reaction mixture. Growth in the amount of silicon in Si-HA results in the increase in the thermal stability of the samples. The greatest mass loss occurs at temperatures in the range of 25-400 °С that is caused by the removal of the crystallization and adsorption water and volatile impurities. It is shown that the modified apatites are of imperfect structure and crystallize in a nanocrystalline state

    Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever: Epidemiological and Epizootiological Situation in the Russian Federation in 2022, Incidence Forecast for 2023

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    The review presents an analysis of the epidemiological and epizootiological situation on Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) in the Russian Federation in 2022. The incidence rate of CCHF registered in 2022 (59 cases) was 1.2 times higher as compared to 2021, however, below the long-term average annual values. The mortality rate was 10.2 %, which exceeds the indicators of long-term observations (in 2012–2021 – 3.2 %). Following epizootiological survey of stationary observation points, it was found that the number of Hyalomma marginatum imago in 2022, in general, corresponded to the average long-term indicators. CCHF virus isolates circulating in Russia in 2017–2022 belonged to the genetic lines “Europe-1” (V), “Europe-2” (VI), and “Europe-3” (VII). The ratio of CCHF virus genovariants in the population on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2017–2022 didn’t change. Based on the analysis of naturalclimatic factors, the forecast for the incidence of CCHF in the Russian Federation for 2023 has been made