113 research outputs found


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    The article examines the problems of introducing one of the tests of the RLD Complex – a tourist trek. The authors consider the components of the tourist campaign as a kind of physical culture and sports activity. It is proposed to optimize this test for a wider use of its potentialВ статье рассматриваются проблемы внедрения одного из испытаний Комплекса ГТО – туристический поход. Рассмотрены составляющие туристического похода как вида физкультурно-спортивной деятельности и способа социализации молодёжи. Предлагается оптимизировать данное испытание для более широкого использования его потенциальных возможностей

    Spiritual Letter-Travelogue in the Russian Monastic Literature of the 20 Century

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    The functioning of a travelogue letter in Russian monastic literature is considered on the material of the spiritual epistolary heritage of Archimandrite Sergius (Stragorodsky). Analyzing the work “In the Far East (Letters of the Japanese Missionary)”, the author shows the features of thematic and ideological content, the elocutive organization of spiritual epistolary texts combining the traits of letter and travelogue. The work reveals the linguistic stylistic features of spiritual travelogue: its lexical and figuratively tropetic characteristic is given. It is shown that in the analyzed texts stylistically marked linguistic elements are used: words and superword units related to the “Orthodoxy” thematic sphere. It is established that the naming of persons associated with Christian religious activities, the names of liturgical objects, the names of Orthodox holidays become a stylistic marker of spiritual letters- travelogues. The author focuses on the intertextual connections of the work “In the Far East ...”, reveals the New Testament and prayer intertextems that contribute to the actualization of Christian meanings. It is revealed in the article that the tropetic features of the works studied are due to the use of metaphors, epithets, religious allusions; figurative peculiarities are due to the use of enumeration, question-response, repetitions with religionisms components. It is concluded that spiritual travelogues fit into the context of Russian monastic literature - a unique and unexplored phenomenon of national culture

    Model for Describing of Speech Genre “Spiritual Essay”: Basic Parameters and Implementation (Theolinguistic Aspect)

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    A parametric model for describing the “essay” speech genre functioning in the church-religious style, which is called spiritual on the basis of its intentional, thematic-content, illocutionary and other features, is presented. The author suggests using the following parameters in the analysis of an essay with spiritual (religious-Christian) content: addresser, addressee, spiritual and religious intentions of the author, spiritual and religious thematic basis of content, composition, argumentation, used Christian images, tactics and strategies, representative linguistic stylistic means, intertextual content. The implementation of this model is shown on the basis of the text «“The effect of proximity” in history and everyday life» written by Archimandrite Makarii (Veretennikov). A spiritual essay is defined as a genre of a church-religious style: a text-reflection created by a clergyman and addressed to a representative of Christian culture, reflecting the personal experiences and impressions of the author. In the final part of the work, it is stated: the spiritual essay is realized as an independent genre and becomes an element of the structure of another genre, for example, writing, diary, etc., that is, it is embodied as an intragenre. The collection of spiritual essays by Archimandrite Savva (Mazuko) “Love and Emptiness” is used for research. The comparative analysis is designed to accurately and convincingly show the specifics of a spiritual essay

    Etiquette Speech Genre of “Compellation” in Opening Sentence of Spiritual Letter (on Material of Texts by Russian Clerical Writers-Monks of 20<sup>th</sup> Century)

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    The peculiarities of etiquette speech genre of “compellation” in the Russian spiritual letter are discussed. The relevance of the study is determined by the importance of studying the Church-religious style and written spiritual heritage of Russian Orthodox monasticism, by the interest to Russian speech etiquette and Russian epistolary traditions. The novelty of the study lies in the author’s reference to not previously studied texts of spiritual letters of the Russian Orthodox monks of the 20th century, study of the interaction of language and religion, identification of the specifics of etiquette genres in religious style. The article focuses on the question of how the Hesychast idea of deification is embodied in the language of the genre of “compellation.” Also the attention is paid to the principles of theocentrism and christocentrism, determining the linguistic embodiment of the genre of “compellation.” With the help of illustrations it is shown that the specifics of the genre of “compellation” in the opening sentence of Russian spiritual letter is linked with the Christian worldview of the authors, adherence to ethical Hesychast doctrine. On the basis of involved linguistic material it is concluded that etiquette units which embody the idea of deification ( о Gospode , vo Gospode, vo Khriste, vo Khriste Iisuse, bogolyubivyy, bogolyubiveyshiy, rab Bozhiy ) become a stylistic marker. The analysis of complaints in the letters of clerical writers-monks from the point of view of their functions shows that, in addition to the usual functions of compellations, the texts of this genre realize the function of spiritual rapprochement of the author and the addressee

    Hesychast Idea of Deification and Its Representation in Spiritual Epistolary of Russian Orthodox Monasticism of 20 Century

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    The features of representation in the spiritual epistolary of Russian writers-monks of the idea of deification (theosis), the statement of which is associated with the development in the Orthodox culture of the ancient religious and philosophical teachings of Hesychasm, are considered. Presenting the Hesychast ideosphere, the author focuses on the content of the idea of deification and its representative images and linguistic units. As the main images the images of Jesus Christ and Christlike people (saints) are distinguished. The most important for the realization of the idea of deification are theonyms (God, Lord, heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, God-man, God-child) and hagio-anthroponyms (St. Ephraim the Syrian, St. Isaac the Syrian, St. Demetrius, St. Ignatius, St. Theophanes, etc.). The group of representatives of the patristic idea of deification also includes linguistic units related to the corpus of Orthodox vocabulary of spiritual and moral content (Kingdom(s) of God, deification, transformation, rebirth, ascension, love, reverence, God-thinking, knowledge of God, piety, sacrifice, etc.), and language units denoting religious texts (Gospel, Apostle, New Testament, Paterikon, Jesus prayer, life, etc.). In addition, intertexts that contribute to the realization of the idea of deification are revealed. The role of the idea of deification in the life of Orthodox Christians, in particular monastics, its importance in the spiritual and moral development of believers is considered separately

    Intertextual Inclusions in Russian Spiritual Epistolary Communication: Typology, Functions, Context

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    Intertextual inclusions (quotations, reminiscences, allusions) functioning in Russian spiritual epistolary communication are considered. Their types are presented: biblical (Old Testament and New Testament), patristic, prayer, hymnographic (from psalms and akathists), hagiographic.  Their main functions are indicated: meaning-forming, argumentative, prescriptive, evaluative, syndicative, aesthetic. Based on the material of the letters of Russian church writers of the 20th century, the features of the use of intertextual inclusions from Christian texts that have become part of the spiritual heritage are shown in the church-religious style. The following features were revealed: (1) formation of meanings with the help of quotations, reminiscences and allusions, connected with the spiritual education of the addressee, his moral perfection, the creation of an inner man in himself, strengthening in faith, the study of the foundations of Christianity, the knowledge of church Orthodox life; (2) focus on Christian values: the gospel commandments, the doctrine of salvation, Christian virtues, and others; (3) prescribing perfection in acquiring mercy, humility, patience, obedience, sobriety, non-possession, repentance and other virtues, fighting sins, reading the Gospel and the writings of the holy fathers; an expression of evaluation of sweat in relation to sins and virtues, issues related to spiritual education and development, the fulfillment of church rules and Christian commandments, the achievement of soul salvation, following the instructions of confessors; (4) creation and strengthening of a common spiritual and religious space through the implementation of the iconic function of intertextual inclusions

    Speech Genre “Interpretation on Gospel”: Ideological Content and Linguo-Stylistic Features (Work of B. I. Gladkov)

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    On the material of the texts of the spiritual writer B. I. Gladkov, the features of the implementation of the speech genre “interpretation of the Gospel” are considered. The specificity of the embodiment of the ideas of Orthodoxy is indicated. Significant features of the functioning of religions and tropes in the presented speech genre are revealed. Conclusions are drawn about its distinctive features. Particular attention is paid to the typology and functioning of Christian religions, the use of which is considered as one of the features of the church-religious functional style. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time it examines in detail the types of religions that exist in the genre of “interpretation of the Gospel”, provides illustrations of their use, indicates the functions they perform (characterological, emotive, evaluative, prescriptive, etc.). It has been established that in the analyzed texts the most common types of religion names are theonyms; biblonyms; hagioanthroponyms; names of biblical events; names of gospel heroes, etc. It is shown that the author’s use of a combination of such intra-genres as “opinion”, “comment-explanation”, “advice” belongs to the main features of the “interpretation of the Gospel” genre. The results of the study are of interest for theolinguistics, stylistics, and rhetoric

    Inclusive education at school: Contradictions and problems of organizing an accessible environment (for example, schools in the Russian Federation)

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    The system of Russian school education is moving from a medical understanding of disability to a social one - a model of social inclusion. The purpose of the article: to investigate the contradictions in development and the current state of the accessible educational environment in inclusive and mass schools, as well as in specialized schools with adaptive programs. To collect and analyze the databases, a qualitative strategy was used a series of semi-formalized interviews, the objects of which were both teachers of inclusive, correctional and mass schools, and parents raising children with disabilities (for example, Yekaterinburg). There are fixed contradictions and problems in the implementation of inclusive education: the incompetence of teachers (discriminatory attitudes, psychological unreadiness), methodological insecurity, the content of continuing education programs and professional retraining of teachers without taking into account the needs of the educational institution; lack of continuity of preschool and school education (system of preparing children with disabilities for school). The importance of the conceptual restructuring of the inclusion system in the Russian school was established taking into account the value component (tolerant attitudes of both children, parents and the entire teaching staff; psychological readiness for communication and interaction), rather than infrastructural. © 2019 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved