475 research outputs found

    Naked Singularity Explosion in Higher Dimensions

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    Motivated by the recent argument that in the TeV-scale gravity trans-Planckian domains of spacetime as effective naked singularities would be generated by high-energy particle (and black-hole) collisions, we investigate the quantum particle creation by naked-singularity formation in general dimensions. Background spacetime is simply modeled by the self-similar Vaidya solution, describing the spherical collapse of a null dust fluid. In a generic case the emission power is found to be proportional to the quadratic inverse of the remaining time to a Cauchy horizon, as known in four dimensions. On the other hand, the power is proportional to the quartic inverse for a critical case in which the Cauchy horizon is `degenerate'. According to these results, we argue that the backreaction of the particle creation to gravity will be important in particle collisions, in contrast to the gravitational collapse of massive stellar objects, since the bulk of energy is carried away by the quantum radiation even if a quantum gravitational effect cutoff the radiation just before the appearance of naked singularity.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures; v2: typos fixe

    Electromagnons in the multiferroic state of perovskite manganites with symmetric-exchange striction

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    We have investigated electrically-active magnetic excitations (electromagnons) in perovskite manganites with the EE-type (up-up-down-down) spin structure by terahertz spectroscopy. Eu1x_{1-x}Yx_xMnO3_3 (0.1x\le x\le1) and Y1y_{1-y}Luy_yMnO3_3 (0y\le y\le1) without magnetic ff-moments, which host collinear sinusoidal, AA-type, cycloidal, and EE-type spin orders, are used to examine the systematics of possible electromagnons. Three-peak structures (23, 35, 45 cm1^{-1}) of magnetic origin show up in the EE-type phase with little composition (yy) dependence of frequencies, making a contrast with the electromagnons observed in the cycloidal-spin (x0.8x\le0.8) phases. One of these electromagnon is ascribed to the zone-edge magnon mode based on the calculated magnon dispersions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Electromagnons in the multiferroic state of perovskite manganites with symmetric-exchange striction

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    We have investigated electrically-active magnetic excitations (electromagnons) in perovskite manganites with the EE-type (up-up-down-down) spin structure by terahertz spectroscopy. Eu1x_{1-x}Yx_xMnO3_3 (0.1x\le x\le1) and Y1y_{1-y}Luy_yMnO3_3 (0y\le y\le1) without magnetic ff-moments, which host collinear sinusoidal, AA-type, cycloidal, and EE-type spin orders, are used to examine the systematics of possible electromagnons. Three-peak structures (23, 35, 45 cm1^{-1}) of magnetic origin show up in the EE-type phase with little composition (yy) dependence of frequencies, making a contrast with the electromagnons observed in the cycloidal-spin (x0.8x\le0.8) phases. One of these electromagnon is ascribed to the zone-edge magnon mode based on the calculated magnon dispersions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Electrically driven spin excitation in a ferroelectric magnet DyMnO_3

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    Temperature (5--250 K) and magnetic field (0--70 kOe) variations of the low-energy (1--10 meV) electrodynamics of spin excitations have been investigated for a complete set of light-polarization configurations for a ferroelectric magnet DyMnO3_3 by using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. We identify the pronounced absorption continuum (1--8 meV) with a peak feature around 2 meV, which is electric-dipole active only for the light EE-vector along the a-axis. This absorption band grows in intensity with lowering temperature from the spin-collinear paraelectric phase above the ferroelectric transition, but is independent of the orientation of spiral spin plane (bcbc or abab), as shown on the original PsP_{\rm s} (ferroelectric polarization) c\parallel c phase as well as the magnetic field induced PsaP_{\rm s}\parallel a phase. The possible origin of this electric-dipole active band is argued in terms of the large fluctuations of spins and spin-current.Comment: New version, 11 pages including colored 8 figure

    Preventing Phosphorylation of Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Protein 1a by MAP-Kinases Protects Mice from Fatty Liver and Visceral Obesity

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    The transcription factor sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP)-1a plays a pivotal role in lipid metabolism. Using the SREBP-1a expressing human hepatoma cell line HepG2 we have shown previously that human SREBP-1a is phosphorylated at serine 117 by ERK-mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK). Using a combination of cell biology and protein chemistry approach we show that SREBP-1a is also target of other MAPK-families, i.e. c-JUN N-terminal protein kinases (JNK) or p38 stress activated MAP kinases. Serine 117 is also the major phosphorylation site in SREBP-1a for JNK. In contrast to that the major phosphorylation sites of p38 MAPK family are serine 63 and threonine 426. Functional analyses reveal that phosphorylation of SREBP-1a does not alter protein/DNA interaction. The identified phosphorylation sites are specific for both kinase families also in cellular context. To provide direct evidence that phosphorylation of SREBP-1a is a regulatory principle of biological and clinical relevance, we generated transgenic mice expressing mature transcriptionally active N-terminal domain of human SREBP–1a variant lacking all identified phosphorylaton sites designed as alb-SREBP-1aΔP and wild type SREBP-1a designed as alb-SREBP-1a liver specific under control of the albumin promoter and a liver specific enhancer. In contrast to alb-SREBP–1a mice the phosphorylation–deficient mice develop no enlarged fatty livers under normocaloric conditions. Phenotypical examination reveales a massive accumulation of adipose tissue in alb-SREBP-1a but not in the phosphorylation deficient alb-SREBP-1aΔP mice. Moreover, preventing phosphorylation of SREBP-1a protects mice also from dyslipidemia. In conclusion, phosphorylation of SREBP-1a by ERK, JNK and p38 MAPK-families resembles a biological principle and plays a significant role, in vivo