79 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Characterization of Zno Nanoparticles Using Hydrothermal and Sol-Gel Techniques for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

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    في هذا البحث تم تخليق جسيمات نانوية نقية من أكسيد الزنك باستخدام طريقتي الهيدروثيرمال وطريقة الصول جل. من فحوصات حيود الاشعة السينية تبين أن متوسط حجم الحبيبة تتراوح بين من 25 الي 28 نانومتر وتاخذ شكلا كرويا. فحوصات طيف الامتصاص بينت أن العينات جميعها لها اعلي امتصاص في منطقة الاشعة الفوق بنفسجية. وتم حساب فجوة الطاقة للعينات فوجد انها تساوي 3.13 eV و3.16 eV للعينة التي حضرت بطريقة الهيدروثيرمال والصول جل على الترتيب. تم تحضير عينات لخلايا شمسية صبغية وتم استخدام 3 انواع من الاصباغ الكيمياءية كمتحسسات ضوئية. فحوصات الاشعة الفوق بنفسجية بينت ان صبغة الايوزين الاصفر   Eosin Yتعطي اعلي امتصاص مقارنة بالاصباغ المستخدمة الاخري. تم رسم منحني الخواص لجميع العينات للخلايا الشمسية المحضرة وتم حساب جميع البارامترات اللازمة لتقييم اداء الخلية. العينة المصبوغة بصبغةEosin Y اعطت اعلي كفاءة Jsc = 4.25 (mA/cm2)، Voc = 0.51 V and η=1.08 %ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) were synthesized using hydrothermal and sol-gel techniques using zinc acetate dihydrate (Zn (CH3COO)2.2H2O) as a row material and methanol as a solvent. The structural properties of ZnO NPs were studied using EDX, XRD, TEM, and the optical properties were characterized using UV-VIS and PL spectroscopies. The synthesized ZnO NPs showed high purity and revealed a wurtzite (hexagonal) crystal structure with particle size (D) ranged from 25 nm to 28 nm. The UV-VIS absorption spectra of ZnO NPs samples and sensitizing dyes were performed. The obtained ZnO NPs exhibited the direct optical bandgap 3.15 eV. Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) were fabricated using synthesized ZnO NPs as a semiconducting layer, which was dyed with different low cost dyes such as Eosin B (EB), Eosin Y (EY) and Rhodamine B (RB) that was used to sensitize the photoanode (ZnO NPs). The experimental results showed a significant efficiency for the fabricated DSSCs of synthesized ZnO NPs via sol gel technique comparing to hydrothermal technique. The EY dye exhibited the best performance among others, where a conversion efficiency showed a noteworthy improvement from 0.12 to 1.08 %

    Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanoparticles using sol gel technique for dye sensitized solar cells applications

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    ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized using sol gel technique at differentcalcination temperature. The effect of calcination temperature on the structure and opticalproperties of ZnO NPs were studied in detail by using different techniques, X-raydiffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscope, UV-VIS spectroscopy andphotoluminescence spectroscopy.X-ray diffractionanalysis revealed that the ZnO NPs werecrystalized in a wurtzite structure and the estimated average particle size increased from24.7 to40.4 nm with increasingcalcinationtemperature. In addition, the d spacingincreased from 0.28196 nm to 0.28213 nm.High-resolution transmission electronmicroscopy analysisimage showed spherical ZnONPs were formed. UV-VIS absorptionmeasurement was employed to evaluate the absorption edge and the optical band gapusingTauc plot. Energy gaprevealed a red shift from 3.15 to 2.96 eV when thecalcinationtemperaturewas increased. Dye sensitized solar cells were fabricated using synthesizedZnO NPs as a semiconducting layer that were dyed withdifferentXanthene(CH2[C6H4]2O)dyesseparately;(Eosin B, Eosin Y and Rhodamine B) which arelow costdyes. Thin layer of ZnO were deposited on transparentfluorine doped tin oxideconductiveglass using doctor blade method. Eosin Y exhibited the bestphotosensitizing. Theconversion efficiency showed a significant improvement from 0.1% to 1.08%.This research activity carried out between Gaza-Palestine and Cairo-Egypt, which was financially supported by Qatar Charity IBHATH Project grant funded by the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Reconstruction of Gaza through the Islamic Development Bank.ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized using sol gel technique at differentcalcination temperature. The effect of calcination temperature on the structure and opticalproperties of ZnO NPs were studied in detail by using different techniques, X-raydiffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscope, UV-VIS spectroscopy andphotoluminescence spectroscopy.X-ray diffractionanalysis revealed that the ZnO NPs werecrystalized in a wurtzite structure and the estimated average particle size increased from24.7 to40.4 nm with increasingcalcinationtemperature. In addition, the d spacingincreased from 0.28196 nm to 0.28213 nm.High-resolution transmission electronmicroscopy analysisimage showed spherical ZnONPs were formed. UV-VIS absorptionmeasurement was employed to evaluate the absorption edge and the optical band gapusingTauc plot. Energy gaprevealed a red shift from 3.15 to 2.96 eV when thecalcinationtemperaturewas increased. Dye sensitized solar cells were fabricated using synthesizedZnO NPs as a semiconducting layer that were dyed withdifferentXanthene(CH2[C6H4]2O)dyesseparately;(Eosin B, Eosin Y and Rhodamine B) which arelow costdyes. Thin layer of ZnO were deposited on transparentfluorine doped tin oxideconductiveglass using doctor blade method. Eosin Y exhibited the bestphotosensitizing. Theconversion efficiency showed a significant improvement from 0.1% to 1.08%

    Association of Six Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in a Chinese Population

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    To investigate whether the candidate genes that confer susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus are also correlated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in pregnant Chinese women.In this study, 1764 unrelated pregnant women were recruited, of which 725 women had GDM and 1039 served as controls. Six single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs7754840 in CDKAL1, rs391300 in SRR, rs2383208 in CDKN2A/2B, rs4402960 in IGF2BP2, rs10830963 in MTNR1B, rs4607517 in GCK) were genotyped using TaqMan allelic discrimination assays. The genotype and allele distributions of each SNP between the GDM cases and controls and the combined effects of alleles for the risk of developing GDM were analyzed. We found that the rs4402960, rs2383208 and rs391300 were statistically associated with GDM (OR = 1.207, 95%CI = 1.029-1.417, p = 0.021; OR = 1.242, 95%CI = 1.077-1.432, p = 0.003; OR = 1.202, 95%CI = 1.020-1.416, P = 0.028, respectively). In addition, the effect was greater under a recessive model in rs391300 (OR = 1.820, 95%CI = 1.226-2.701, p = 0.003). Meanwhile, the joint effect of these three loci indicated an additive effect of multiple alleles on the risk of developing GDM with an OR of 1.196 per allele (p = 1.08×10(-4)). We also found that the risk alleles of rs2383208 (b = -0.085, p = 0.003), rs4402960 (b = -0.057, p = 0.046) and rs10830963 (b = -0.096, p = 0.001) were associated with HOMA-B, while rs7754840 was associated with decrease in insulin AUC during a 100 g OGTT given at the time of GDM diagnosis (b = -0.080, p = 0.007).Several risk alleles of type 2 diabetes were associated with GDM in pregnant Chinese women. The effects of these SNPs on GDM might be through the impairment of beta cell function and these risk loci contributed additively to the disease

    Proučavanje relativističke tvorbe hadrona prema naprijed i unatrag u sudarima 3he i 4he s jezgrama u emulziji na energiji ubrzivača u dubni

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    The experimental results on 3He- and 4He-emulsion interactions accompanied by relativistic (shower) hadrons flying into the backward (θlab ≤ 90◦ ) hemisphere at 4.5 AGeV/c are presented and analyzed. The dependence of the probabilities of these interactions on the different target sizes, impact parameter and projectile spectator charges is studied. An investigation of average values and multiplicity distributions of these hadrons for the interactions with light and heavy emulsion nuclei has been carried out. In addition, the correlations between the multiplicities of different types of the emitted particles are studied. The data show that backward shower particles are a sensitive target parameter. The values of impact parameters can be used as good indicators for selecting events which occured with light or heavy emulsion nuclei. A comparison with the modified cascade model shows a good performance in describing the data produced in the region having less cascading (i.e. interactions with light nuclei). As for the interactions with heavy nuclei, the model overestimates the experimental data.Predstavljamo eksperimentalne rezultate i analize mjerenja međudjelovanja 3He i 4He u emulziji na 4.5 AGeV/c, u kojima se opažaju relativistički pljuskovi hadrona koji lete unatrag (θlab ≤ 90◦ ). Proučavamo ovisnost vjerojatnosti tih međudjelovanja o veličini jezgre mete, sudarnom parametru i naboju projektila-promatrača. Istražili smo prosječne vrijednosti i raspodjele višestrukosti hadrona za lake i teške jezgre u emulziji. Nadalje, proučavali smo korelacije višestrukosti različitih izlaznih čestica. Podaci pokazuju da su pljuskovi čestica unatrag osjetljiv parametar jezgri mete. Vrijednosti parametara mogu poslužiti kao dobar pokazatelj sudara s lakim odnosno teškim jezgrama. Usporedba s promijenjenim kaskadnim modelom pokazuje dobro slaganje s podacima u kojima je manje kaskada (tj. Manje sudara s lakim jezgrama). Rezultati tog modela za teške jezgre veći su od eksperimentalnih podataka

    Association of Genetic Variants of Melatonin Receptor 1B with Gestational Plasma Glucose Level and Risk of Glucose Intolerance in Pregnant Chinese Women

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to explore the association of MTNR1B genetic variants with gestational plasma glucose homeostasis in pregnant Chinese women. METHODS: A total of 1,985 pregnant Han Chinese women were recruited and evaluated for gestational glucose tolerance status with a two-step approach. The four MTNR1B variants rs10830963, rs1387153, rs1447352, and rs2166706 which had been reported to associate with glucose levels in general non-pregnant populations, were genotyped in these women. Using an additive model adjusted for age and body mass index (BMI), association of these variants with gestational fasting and postprandial plasma glucose (FPG and PPG) levels were analyzed by multiple linear regression; relative risk of developing gestational glucose intolerance was calculated by logistic regression. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium was tested by Chi-square and linkage disequilibrium (LD) between these variants was estimated by measures of D' and r(2). RESULTS: In the pregnant Chinese women, the MTNR1B variant rs10830963, rs1387153, rs2166706 and rs1447352 were shown to be associated with the increased 1 hour PPG level (p=8.04 × 10(-10), 5.49 × 10(-6), 1.89 × 10(-5) and 0.02, respectively). The alleles were also shown to be associated with gestational glucose intolerance with odds ratios (OR) of 1.64 (p=8.03 × 10(-11)), 1.43 (p=1.94 × 10(-6)), 1.38 (p=1.63 × 10(-5)) and 1.24 (p=0.007), respectively. MTNR1B rs1387153, rs2166706 were shown to be associated with gestational FPG levels (p=0.04). Our data also suggested that, the LD pattern of these variants in the studied women conformed to that in the general populations: rs1387153 and rs2166706 were in high LD, they linked moderately with rs10830963, but might not linked with rs1447352;rs10830963 might not link with rs1447352, either. In addition, the MTNR1B variants were not found to be associated with any other traits tested. CONCLUSIONS: The MTNR1B is likely to be involved in the regulation of glucose homeostasis during pregnancy