77 research outputs found

    Transformation of the Forecast Assessment of Expected Credit Losses in Monitoring and Assessment of Credit Risk in Commercial Banks

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    The article presents the results of the systematization of issues arising in connection with the transformation of the banks forecast assessment of expected credit losses during the monitoring and evaluation of credit risk in commercial banks. Based on the data obtained on the introduction of IFRS 9 "Financial instruments" into the banking sector, it is concluded that in banking practice there is uncertainty regarding the long-term impact of credit risk, and there are significant difficulties with the use of a large amount of additional information, which creates certain difficulties in calculating future credit losses of banks. It is noted that the current use of the model of predictive assessment of expected credit losses of customers in the monitoring and evaluation of credit risk in the bank should take into account the selected collective or individual basis of assessment. The article presents a comprehensive approach to the use of the impairment model of expected losses in banking as a basic tool for modeling expected credit losses in order to form provisions for impairment with the allocation. The modification of this model will depend on the specifics of the bank's credit activities and portfolio, the types of its financial instruments, the sources of available information, as well as the IT systems used. Validation of this model will reduce the expected credit losses, reduce the amount of estimated reserves, as well as improve the efficiency of the Bank as a whole

    Information technologies in teaching humanitarian disciplines

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    The use of information technology in teaching humanitarian disciplines contributes to the formation of highly qualified, competitive specialists who can adapt to rapidly changing conditions, possessing a high level of development of critical and creative thinking, ready for professional self-development and self-improvement, for the implementation of reflection, capable of setting goals and systematically achieving them. The work actualizes the importance of information technology in the training of highly qualified competitive specialists capable of implementing professional activities at a high level. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of implementing information technologies in teaching humanitarian disciplines. Smart boards, multimedia installations, document cameras, electronic textbooks, electronic educational platforms and others were used as information technologies used in the teaching of the humanities. The study made it possible to reveal the influence of information technologies on the level of formation of students' competencies

    The Semantic and Etymological Peculiarities of the Verbs of Blame

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    The article deals with the semantic analysis of the verbs of blame (brawl, castigate, condemn, curse, damn, lecture, rate, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprove, row, strafe, swear, trounce) in the perspective of semantics, as well as etymology. In accordance with the dominant cross-disciplinary approach to the linguistic research, the semantics of the verbs under study is analyzed in correlation with the relevant extra-linguistic data. It reveals the necessity of using some data of cognitive linguistics together with etymological methods of semantic analysis. The complex of cognitive and etymological methods helps to determine the functioning of the verbs in different kinds of discourse, and to find the closest equivalent in the Russian language

    Ecological and biological features of Triglochin maritima L. in the biotopes of the littoral zone with different degree of flooding on the coast of the White Sea

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    The study of Triglochin maritima L. was carried out on the Pomor (western) coast of the White Sea, in the Republic of Karelia (64°22'81"N, 35°93'14"E). Morphological analysis of aboveground and underground parts of the clones was performed on virginal plants. Anatomical analysis of leaf sheaths of the current year shoots, rhizomes and adventitious roots was carried out. The viability of pollen was assessed by determining the relative share of normally developed and malformed pollen grains. The content of heavy metals was determined in the soil, sea water and plant samples. The study was carried out on a model transect in the littoral zone on three test plots representing the lower littoral; the middle and the upper littoral zones. Adaptation to wave and storm impact was manifested in a well-developed system of underground organs. In the lower littoral, underground part surpasses the aboveground vegetative organs in terms of the mass and the formation of mechanical tissues. This allows the plants to anchor stronger in the substrate. Pollen analysis confirmed the adaptability of T. maritima plants to the conditions of the lower littoral by a high percentage of normal and, consequently, fertile pollen, which ensures sexual reproduction of the species. T. maritima can be considered as a Fe hyperaccumulator as the plant accumulates very high levels of Fe (22–34 g kg-1), especially in the lower and middle littoral zones, both in underground and aboveground organs. The ability of T. maritima plants to actively deposit metals was revealed on the basis of the coefficient of biological absorption of metals and makes it possible to suggest potential possibility of using the species in phytoremediation technologies on coastal territories

    Provision of economic security by creating innovation network of transnational cluster initiatives

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    The article is devoted to the study of perspectives of creating innovational network of transnational cluster initiatives for provision of economic security of modern economic systems. The authors determine the notion of transnational cluster initiatives and allocate their peculiar features as compared to traditional clusters. The authors analyze statistical information about economic security of developed and developing countries of the world and build a model of economic security of modern economic system before and after creation of innovational network of transnational cluster initiatives. The advantage of forming transnational clusters for national economy consists in expansion of international innovational and technological cooperation and use of world practice of commercialization of technologies which covers the whole innovational cycle – from fundamental research to realization of final products in the world market, including marketing of science-intensive goods and services.peer-reviewe

    Documentary films translation: approaches and challenges

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    The article presents a comprehensive overview of different approaches to translating documentary audiovisual productions. The abundance of documentary films available at online platforms lead to a higher demand for their translation into different languages as the modern tradition in viewing audiovisual content online requires a variety of language choice and modes of translation presentation (subtitling, voice-over, accessibility means for people with auditory and visual challenges). Documentary productions present a separate group of films that can be further classified according to their production methods and the presentation styles. The specificity of each item of the detailed classification calls for an individualized approach to handling the process of translating these productions. Film terminology also requires special attention as it is one of the basic challenges of documentary productions translation

    Monitoring of respiratory viral infections in Moscow during 2011–2022

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    Introduction. Respiratory viruses (RV) circulate throughout the world and in all seasons of the year. Long-term monitoring of the distribution of respiratory pathogens is necessary to analyze the relevance of diagnostic systems to current viral isolates, to assess the risks of infection and the need for vaccine development and use, as well as to investigate the interdependence of RV reproduction in mixed infections. Objective — to study the causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in Moscow during 2011–2022 by reverse transcription with subsequent polymerase chain reaction with fluorescent hydrolysis probes detection in real-time (RT2-PCR). Materials and Methods. Nasopharyngeal swabs from 3908 patients with acute respiratory infections were examined by the RT2-PCR. Results. Monitoring of RV spread in Moscow showed cyclical changes in frequencies with three dominant species: influenza A virus (up to 31.3%), respiratory syncytial virus (up to 24.8%) and human rhinoviruses (up to 21.3%) in 2011–2020. The increase in the portion of unidentified clinical specimens from 1.2 to 28.5% in 2022 indicated incomplete accordance of diagnostic systems to modern RV isolates or the emergence of new species or strains of pathogens. Unidirectional changes in dynamics were registered for 5 out of 9 studied RVs with correlation coefficients of 0.43–0.79. High frequencies of mixed acute respiratory viral infections (up to 33.4%) along with unidentified samples do not allow us to accurately assess the risks of infection with various RV in Moscow, but prove the necessity of preventing infectious diseases with the most common RV. Conclusion. Analysis of the dynamics of RV frequencies in Moscow showed the preservation of the dominant species: influenza A virus, respiratory syncytial virus and human rhinoviruses. During the period of vaccination against COVID-19, the proportion of seasonal coronaviruses increased


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    Contemporary determining of pharmaceuticals in biological liquids for the pur­poses of phar­maco­kine­tic studies and therapeutic drug monitoring implies the use of high-per­formance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) with electrospray as a method of ionization. However, this techni­que is cha­rac­terized by a rather narrow linear detection range. It causes the restric­tions in quan­titation of analytes by method of absolute calibration.On the example of the determination of 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propio­nate (THP) in urine it is shown that the method of successive standard additi­ons provides more precise results comparing with those obtained with non-linear absolu­te calib­ration at the same levels of analyte concentrations. Its principal fea­ture is the need to extrapolate the results to an infinite value of ad­dition.Keywords: 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propionate, LC-MS, detection non­­­linearity, successive standard addition, non-linear absolute calibration(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.008Тatiana Е. Morozova1, Georgy V. Karakashev1, Pavel N. Sorokoumov1,Elena I. Savelieva1, Igor G. Zenkevich2 1Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology, Russian Federation, Leningrad Region., Vsevolozhsk district, town Kuzmolovsky, Art. Kapitolovo2St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg На примере ВЭЖХ-МС определения 3-(2,2,2-триметилгидразиний)про­пионовой кис­лоты (THP) в моче (способ ионизации электроспрей) показано, что применение модифицированного метода последовательных стан­дарт­ных до­бавок, включающего экстраполяцию результатов на бесконечно большую ве­личину добавки, позволяет получать результаты, характеризующиеся большей точнос­тью, чем при использовании нелинейной абсолютной градуиров­ки.Ключевые слова: 3-(2,2,2-триметилгидразиний)пропионовая кислота, ВЭЖХ-МС ана­лиз, нелинейность детектирования, метод последовательных стандартных доба­вок, нелинейная абсолютная градуировкаDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.00