1,163 research outputs found

    Efficient Multiphysics Design Workflow of Synchronous Reluctance Motors

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    This paper proposes a new design strategy for Synchronous Reluctance machines, with cooperative design in the two environments SyR-e and Motor-CAD. The paper proposes to use the open-source SyR-e for initial, equation based design of the machine. Then, the design is validated and refined in Motor-CAD, in multiple physical domains. This synergy complements both design environments and turns into a comprehensive design package, not yet available in the literature, assembling accessible design equations, magnetic and mechanical FEA and drive operating profiles evaluation to the trademark thermal analysis of Motor-CAD. The cooperative design strategy is described in the paper with reference to the case of a Pure Synchronous Reluctance motor prototype for vehicular tractio

    Hybrid in vitro diffusion cell for simultaneous evaluation of hair and skin decontamination: temporal distribution of chemical contaminants

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    Most casualty or personnel decontamination studies have focused on removing contaminants from the skin. However, scalp hair and underlying skin are the most likely areas of contamination following airborne exposure to chemicals. The aim of this study was to investigate the interactions of contaminants with scalp hair and underlying skin using a hybrid in vitro diffusion cell model. The in vitro hybrid test system comprised “curtains” of human hair mounted onto sections of excised porcine skin within a modified diffusion cell. The results demonstrated that hair substantially reduced underlying scalp skin contamination and that hair may provide a limited decontamination effect by removing contaminants from the skin surface. This hybrid test system may have application in the development of improved chemical incident response processes through the evaluation of various hair and skin decontamination strategies.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Fully Parallel Hyperparameter Search: Reshaped Space-Filling

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    Space-filling designs such as scrambled-Hammersley, Latin Hypercube Sampling and Jittered Sampling have been proposed for fully parallel hyperparameter search, and were shown to be more effective than random or grid search. In this paper, we show that these designs only improve over random search by a constant factor. In contrast, we introduce a new approach based on reshaping the search distribution, which leads to substantial gains over random search, both theoretically and empirically. We propose two flavors of reshaping. First, when the distribution of the optimum is some known P0P_0, we propose Recentering, which uses as search distribution a modified version of P0P_0 tightened closer to the center of the domain, in a dimension-dependent and budget-dependent manner. Second, we show that in a wide range of experiments with P0P_0 unknown, using a proposed Cauchy transformation, which simultaneously has a heavier tail (for unbounded hyperparameters) and is closer to the boundaries (for bounded hyperparameters), leads to improved performances. Besides artificial experiments and simple real world tests on clustering or Salmon mappings, we check our proposed methods on expensive artificial intelligence tasks such as attend/infer/repeat, video next frame segmentation forecasting and progressive generative adversarial networks

    Beyond "the Relationship between the Individual and Society": broadening and deepening relational thinking in group analysis

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    The question of ‘the relationship between the individual and society’ has troubled group analysis since its inception. This paper offers a reading of Foulkes that highlights the emergent, yet evanescent, psychosocial ontology in his writings, and argues for the development of a truly psychosocial group analysis, which moves beyond the individual/society dualism. It argues for a shift towards a language of relationality, and proposes new theoretical resources for such a move from relational sociology, relational psychoanalysis and the ‘matrixial thinking’ of Bracha Ettinger which would broaden and deepen group analytic understandings of relationality

    Analyse des délais de prise en charge des cancers thoraciques : étude prospective

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    RĂ©sumĂ©IntroductionLe cancer broncho-pulmonaire est la premiĂšre cause de dĂ©cĂšs par cancer en France. Son diagnostic est le plus souvent tardif, alors que le dĂ©lai entre le dĂ©but des symptĂŽmes et la prise en charge est considĂ©rĂ© comme un facteur aggravant.MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodesNotre Ă©tude prospective a recueilli les diffĂ©rentes dates de prise en charge de 139 patients consĂ©cutifs bĂ©nĂ©ficiant d’un traitement primaire pour un cancer thoracique dans notre hĂŽpital entre novembre 2008 et mai 2009. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer diffĂ©rents dĂ©lais de prise en charge des patients porteurs d’un cancer thoracique quelle que soit sa prise en charge thĂ©rapeutique (mĂ©dicale ou chirurgicale) et de dĂ©terminer la cause de ces dĂ©lais.RĂ©sultatsLe dĂ©lai mĂ©dian entre la premiĂšre imagerie pathologique et le traitement est de 9,6 semaines. Les dĂ©lais Ă©taient significativement plus courts dans les stades tardifs et les carcinomes Ă  petites cellules (p=0,001). Il existait une tendance Ă  des dĂ©lais plus courts pour les femmes et des dĂ©lais plus longs pour les classes d’ñge les plus Ă©levĂ©es.ConclusionL’évaluation des dĂ©lais de prise en charge, en particulier pour les stades prĂ©coces, s’intĂšgre dans le contrĂŽle de la qualitĂ© de prise en charge de ces pathologies.SummaryIntroductionLung cancer is the main cause of cancer death in France. The diagnosis is often late and the delay between the onset of symptoms and management is considered an aggravating factor.Material and methodsOur prospective study collected the dates of the start of management of 139 consecutive patients receiving first line treatment for thoracic cancer in our hospital between November 2008 and May 2009. The aim of this study was to evaluate the delays in medical or surgical treatments in patients with thoracic cancer and to determine the cause of these delays.ResultsThe median delay between the first abnormal chest X-ray and treatment was 9.6 weeks. The delays were significantly shorter in the late stages and in small cell cancer (P=0.001). There was a tendency for shorter delays in women and for longer delays in older patients.ConclusionEvaluation of the delays in treatment, particularly in the early stages, is part of the quality control of management of these diseases

    Radio emission of extensive air shower at CODALEMA: Polarization of the radio emission along the v*B vector

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    Cosmic rays extensive air showers (EAS) are associated with transient radio emission, which could provide an efficient new detection method of high energy cosmic rays, combining a calorimetric measurement with a high duty cycle. The CODALEMA experiment, installed at the Radio Observatory in Nancay, France, is investigating this phenomenon in the 10^17 eV region. One challenging point is the understanding of the radio emission mechanism. A first observation indicating a linear relation between the electric field produced and the cross product of the shower axis with the geomagnetic field direction has been presented (B. Revenu, this conference). We will present here other strong evidences for this linear relationship, and some hints on its physical origin.Comment: Contribution to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009. 4 pages, 8 figures. v2: Typo fixed, arxiv references adde

    Attosecond VUV Coherent Control of Molecular Dynamics

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    High harmonic light sources make it possible to access attosecond time-scales, thus opening up the prospect of manipulating electronic wave packets for steering molecular dynamics. However, two decades after the birth of attosecond physics, the concept of attosecond chemistry has not yet been realized. This is because excitation and manipulation of molecular orbitals requires precisely controlled attosecond waveforms in the deep ultraviolet, which have not yet been synthesized. Here, we present a novel approach using attosecond vacuum ultraviolet pulse-trains to coherently excite and control the outcome of a simple chemical reaction in a deuterium molecule in a non-Born Oppenheimer regime. By controlling the interfering pathways of electron wave packets in the excited neutral and singly-ionized molecule, we unambiguously show that we can switch the excited electronic state on attosecond timescales, coherently guide the nuclear wave packets to dictate the way a neutral molecule vibrates, and steer and manipulate the ionization and dissociation channels. Furthermore, through advanced theory, we succeed in rigorously modeling multi-scale electron and nuclear quantum control in a molecule for the first time. The observed richness and complexity of the dynamics, even in this very simplest of molecules, is both remarkable and daunting, and presents intriguing new possibilities for bridging the gap between attosecond physics and attochemistry

    Anomalous diffusion in polymers: long-time behaviour

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    We study the Dirichlet boundary value problem for viscoelastic diffusion in polymers. We show that its weak solutions generate a dissipative semiflow. We construct the minimal trajectory attractor and the global attractor for this problem.Comment: 13 page

    Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative Generation Program: Development of an APOE genetic counseling and disclosure process in the context of clinical trials

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    IntroductionAs the number of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) prevention studies grows, many individuals will need to learn their genetic and/or biomarker risk for the disease to determine trial eligibility. An alternative to traditional models of genetic counseling and disclosure is needed to provide comprehensive standardized counseling and disclosure of apolipoprotein E (APOE) results efficiently, safely, and effectively in the context of AD prevention trials.MethodsA multidisciplinary Genetic Testing, Counseling, and Disclosure Committee was established and charged with operationalizing the Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative (API) Genetic Counseling and Disclosure Process for use in the API Generation Program trials. The objective was to provide consistent information to research participants before and during the APOE counseling and disclosure session using standardized educational and session materials.ResultsThe Genetic Testing, Counseling, and Disclosure Committee created a process consisting of eight components: requirements of APOE testing and reports, psychological readiness assessment, determination of AD risk estimates, guidance for identifying providers of disclosure, predisclosure education, APOE counseling and disclosure session materials, APOE counseling and disclosure session flow, and assessing APOE disclosure impact.DiscussionThe API Genetic Counseling and Disclosure Process provides a framework for largeñ scale disclosure of APOE genotype results to study participants and serves as a model for disclosure of biomarker results. The process provides education to participants about the meaning and implication(s) of their APOE results while also incorporating a comprehensive assessment of disclosure impact. Data assessing participant safety and psychological wellñ being before and after APOE disclosure are still being collected and will be presented in a future publication.Highlightsñ ±Participants may need to learn their risk for Alzheimer’s disease to enroll in studies.ñ ±Alternatives to traditional models of apolipoprotein E counseling and disclosure are needed.ñ ±An alternative process was developed by the Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative.ñ ±This process has been implemented by the Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative Generation Program.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153071/1/trc2jtrci201909013.pd

    Population epigenetic divergence exceeds genetic divergence in the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

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    © 2019 The Authors. Evolutionary Applications published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Populations may respond to environmental heterogeneity via evolutionary divergence or phenotypic plasticity. While evolutionary divergence occurs through DNA sequence differences among populations, plastic divergence among populations may be generated by changes in the epigenome. Here, we present the results of a genome-wide comparison of DNA methylation patterns and genetic structure among four populations of Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. We used a combination of restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) and reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) to explore population structure, gene-wide averages of FST, and DNA methylation differences between oysters inhabiting four estuaries with unique salinity profiles. This approach identified significant population structure despite a moderately low FST (0.02) across the freshwater boundary of the Mississippi river, a finding that may reflect recent efforts to restore oyster stock populations. Divergence between populations in CpG methylation was greater than for divergence in FST, likely reflecting environmental effects on DNA methylation patterns. Assessment of CpG methylation patterns across all populations identified that only 26% of methylated DNA was intergenic; and, only 17% of all differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were within these same regions. DMRs within gene bodies between sites were associated with genes known to be involved in DNA damage repair, ion transport, and reproductive timing. Finally, when assessing the correlation between genomic variation and DNA methylation between these populations, we observed population-specific DNA methylation profiles that were not directly associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms or broader gene-body mean FST trends. Our results suggest that C. virginica may use DNA methylation to generate environmentally responsive plastic phenotypes and that there is more divergence in methylation than divergence in allele frequencies
