386 research outputs found

    Superconducting and ferromagnetic phases induced by lattice distortions in SrFe2As2

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    Single crystals of SrFe2As2 grown using a self-flux solution method were characterized via x-ray, transport and magnetization studies, revealing a superconducting phase below T_c = 21 K characterized by a full electrical resistivity transition and partial diamagnetic screening. The reversible destruction and reinstatement of this phase by heat treatment and mechanical deformation studies, along with single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements, indicate that internal crystallographic strain originating from c-axis-oriented planar defects plays a central role in promoting the appearance of superconductivity under ambient pressure conditions in ~90% of as-grown crystals. The appearance of a ferromagnetic moment with magnitude proportional to the tunable superconducting volume fraction suggests that these phenomena are both stabilized by lattice distortion.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spatially resolved femtosecond pump-probe study of topological insulator Bi2Se3

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    Carrier and phonon dynamics in Bi2Se3 crystals are studied by a spatially resolved ultrafast pump-probe technique. Pronounced oscillations in differential reflection are observed with two distinct frequencies, and are attributed to coherent optical and acoustic phonons, respectively. The rising time of the signal indicates that the thermalization and energy relaxation of hot carriers are both sub-ps in this material. We found that the thermalization and relaxation time decreases with the carrier density. The expansion of the differential reflection profile allows us to estimate an ambipolar carrier diffusion coefficient on the order of 500 square centimeters per second. A long-term slow expansion of the profile shows a thermal diffusion coefficient of 1.2 square centimeters per second.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    The suppression of magnetism and the development of superconductivity within the collapsed tetragonal phase of Ca0.67Sr0.33Fe2As2 at high pressure

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    Structural and electronic characterization of (Ca0.67Sr0.33)Fe2As2 has been performed as a func- tion of pressure up to 12 GPa using conventional and designer diamond anvil cells. The compound (Ca0.67Sr0.33)Fe2As2 behaves intermediate between its end members-CaFe2As2 and SrFe2As2- displaying a suppression of magnetism and the onset of superconductivity. Like other members of the AEFe2As2 family, (Ca0.67Sr0.33)Fe2As2 undergoes a pressure-induced isostructural volume collapse, which we associate with the development of As-As bonding across the mirror plane of the structure. This collapsed tetragonal phase abruptly cuts off the magnetic state, giving rise to superconductivity with a maximum Tc=22.2 K. The maximum Tc of the superconducting phase is not strongly correlated with any structural parameter, but its proximity to the abrupt suppression of magnetism as well as the volume collapse transition suggests that magnetic interactions and structural inhomogeneity may play a role in its development. The pressure-dependent evolution of the ordered states and crystal structures in (Ca,Sr)Fe2As2 provides an avenue to understand the generic behavior of the other members of the AEFe2As2 family.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Evolution of bulk superconductivity in SrFe2As2 with Ni substitution

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    Single crystals of the Ni-doped FeAs-based superconductor SrFe2-xNixAs2 were grown using a self-flux solution method and characterized via x-ray measurements and low temperature transport, magnetization, and specific heat studies. A doping phase diagram has been established where the antiferromagnetic order associated with the magnetostructural transition of the parent compound SrFe2As2 is gradually suppressed with increasing Ni concentration, giving way to bulk-phase superconductivity with a maximum transition temperature of 9.8 K. The superconducting phase exists through a finite range of Ni concentrations centered at x=0.15, with full diamagnetic screening observed over a narrow range of x coinciding with a sharpening of the superconducting transition and an absence of magnetic order. An enhancement of bulk superconducting transition temperatures of up to 20% was found to occur upon high-temperature annealing of samples.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Parallel suppression of superconductivity and Fe moment in the collapsed tetragonal phase of Ca0.67Sr0.33Fe2As2 under pressure

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    Using non-resonant Fe K-beta x-ray emission spectroscopy, we reveal that Sr-doping of CaFe2As2 decouples the Fe moment from the volume collapse transition, yielding a collapsed-tetragonal, paramagnetic normal state out of which superconductivity develops. X-ray diffraction measurements implicate the c-axis lattice parameter as the controlling criterion for the Fe moment, promoting a generic description for the appearance of pressure-induced superconductivity in the alkaline-earth-based 122 ferropnictides (AFe2As2). The evolution of the superconducting critical temperature with pressure lends support to theories for superconductivity involving unconventional pairing mediated by magnetic fluctuations

    Superconductivity at 23 K in Pt doped BaFe2As2 single crystals

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    We report superconductivity in single crystals of the new iron-pnictide system BaFe1.9Pt0.1As2 grown by a self-flux solution method and characterized via x-ray, transport, magnetic and thermodynamic measurements. The magnetic ordering associated with a structural transition at 140 K present in BaFe2As2 is completely suppressed by substitution of 5% Fe with Pt and superconductivity is induced at a critical temperature Tc=23 K. Full diamagnetic screening in the magnetic susceptibility and a jump in the specific heat at Tc confirm the bulk nature of the superconducting phase. All properties of the superconducting state including transition temperature Tc, the lower critical field Hc1=200 mT, upper critical field Hc2~65 T, and the slope dHc2/dT are comparable in value to the those found in other transition-metal-substituted BaFe2As2 series, indicating the robust nature of superconductivity induced by substitution of Group VIII elements.Comment: 6 pgs, 4 figs, and 1 tbl, slightly revised, updated reference

    Discovery of Stable and Selective Antibody Mimetics from Combinatorial Libraries of Polyvalent, Loop-Functionalized Peptoid Nanosheets.

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    The ability of antibodies to bind a wide variety of analytes with high specificity and high affinity makes them ideal candidates for therapeutic and diagnostic applications. However, the poor stability and high production cost of antibodies have prompted exploration of a variety of synthetic materials capable of specific molecular recognition. Unfortunately, it remains a fundamental challenge to create a chemically diverse population of protein-like, folded synthetic nanostructures with defined molecular conformations in water. Here we report the synthesis and screening of combinatorial libraries of sequence-defined peptoid polymers engineered to fold into ordered, supramolecular nanosheets displaying a high spatial density of diverse, conformationally constrained peptoid loops on their surface. These polyvalent, loop-functionalized nanosheets were screened using a homogeneous Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay for binding to a variety of protein targets. Peptoid sequences were identified that bound to the heptameric protein, anthrax protective antigen, with high avidity and selectivity. These nanosheets were shown to be resistant to proteolytic degradation, and the binding was shown to be dependent on the loop display density. This work demonstrates that key aspects of antibody structure and function-the creation of multivalent, combinatorial chemical diversity within a well-defined folded structure-can be realized with completely synthetic materials. This approach enables the rapid discovery of biomimetic affinity reagents that combine the durability of synthetic materials with the specificity of biomolecular materials
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