107 research outputs found

    Existence and uniqueness of global solutions to fully nonlinear second order elliptic systems

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    We consider the problem of existence and uniqueness of strong a.e. solutions u:Rn⟶RNu:Rn⟶RN to the fully nonlinear PDE system F(⋅,D2u)=f, a.e. on Rn,(1) F(⋅,D2u)=f, a.e. on Rn,(1) when f∈L2(Rn)Nf∈L2(Rn)N and F is a Carathéodory map. (1) has not been considered before. The case of bounded domains has been studied by several authors, firstly by Campanato and under Campanato’s ellipticity condition on F. By introducing a new much weaker notion of ellipticity, we prove solvability of (1) in a tailored Sobolev “energy” space and a uniqueness estimate. The proof is based on the solvability of the linearised problem by Fourier transform methods, together with a “perturbation device” which allows to use Campanato’s near operators. We also discuss our hypothesis via counterexamples and give a stability theorem of strong global solutions for systems of the form (1)

    Existence, uniqueness and structure of second order absolute minimisers

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    Let ⊆ Rn be a bounded open C1,1 set. In this paper we prove the existence of a unique second order absolute minimiser u∞ of the functional E∞(u, O) := F(·, u)L∞(O), O ⊆ measurable, with prescribed boundary conditions for u and Du on ∂ and under natural assumptions on F. We also show that u∞ is partially smooth and there exists a harmonic function f∞ ∈ L1() such that F(x, u∞(x)) = e∞ sgn f∞(x) for all x ∈ { f∞ = 0}, where e∞ is the infimum of the global energy

    The eigenvalue problem for the ∞-Bilaplacian

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    We consider the problem of finding and describing minimisers of the Rayleigh quotient Λ∞:=infu∈W2,∞(Ω)∖{0}∥Δu∥L∞(Ω)∥u∥L∞(Ω), Λ∞:=infu∈W2,∞(Ω)∖{0}‖Δu‖L∞(Ω)‖u‖L∞(Ω), where Ω⊆RnΩ⊆Rn is a bounded C1,1C1,1 domain and W2,∞(Ω)W2,∞(Ω) is a class of weakly twice differentiable functions satisfying either u=0u=0 on ∂Ω∂Ω or u=|Du|=0u=|Du|=0 on ∂Ω∂Ω . Our first main result, obtained through approximation by LpLp -problems as p→∞p→∞ , is the existence of a minimiser u∞∈W2,∞(Ω)u∞∈W2,∞(Ω) satisfying {Δu∞∈Λ∞Sgn(f∞)Δf∞=μ∞ a.e. in Ω, in D′(Ω), {Δu∞∈Λ∞Sgn(f∞) a.e. in Ω,Δf∞=μ∞ in D′(Ω), for some f∞∈L1(Ω)∩BVloc(Ω)f∞∈L1(Ω)∩BVloc(Ω) and a measure μ∞∈M(Ω)μ∞∈M(Ω) , for either choice of boundary conditions. Here Sgn is the multi-valued sign function. We also study the dependence of the eigenvalue Λ∞Λ∞ on the domain, establishing the validity of a Faber–Krahn type inequality: among all C1,1C1,1 domains with fixed measure, the ball is a strict minimiser of Ω↦Λ∞(Ω)Ω↦Λ∞(Ω) . This result is shown to hold true for either choice of boundary conditions and in every dimension

    HIV-infected sex workers with beneficial HLA-variants are potential hubs for selection of HIV-1 recombinants that may affect disease progression

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    Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses against the HIV Gag protein are associated with lowering viremia; however, immune control is undermined by viral escape mutations. The rapid viral mutation rate is a key factor, but recombination may also contribute. We hypothesized that CTL responses drive the outgrowth of unique intra-patient HIV-recombinants (URFs) and examined gag sequences from a Kenyan sex worker cohort. We determined whether patients with HLA variants associated with effective CTL responses (beneficial HLA variants) were more likely to carry URFs and, if so, examined whether they progressed more rapidly than patients with beneficial HLA-variants who did not carry URFs. Women with beneficial HLA-variants (12/52) were more likely to carry URFs than those without beneficial HLA variants (3/61) (p < 0.0055; odds ratio = 5.7). Beneficial HLA variants were primarily found in slow/standard progressors in the URF group, whereas they predominated in long-term non-progressors/survivors in the remaining cohort (p = 0.0377). The URFs may sometimes spread and become circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) of HIV and local CRF fragments were over-represented in the URF sequences (p < 0.0001). Collectively, our results suggest that CTL-responses associated with beneficial HLA variants likely drive the outgrowth of URFs that might reduce the positive effect of these CTL responses on disease progression

    Dynamically generated embeddings of spacetime

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    We discuss how embeddings in connection with the Campbell-Magaard (CM) theorem can have a physical interpretation. We show that any embedding whose local existence is guaranteed by the CM theorem can be viewed as a result of the dynamical evolution of initial data given in a four-dimensional spacelike hypersurface. By using the CM theorem, we establish that for any analytic spacetime, there exist appropriate initial data whose Cauchy development is a five-dimensional vacuum space into which the spacetime is locally embedded. We shall see also that the spacetime embedded is Cauchy stable with respect these the initial data.Comment: (8 pages, 1 figure). A section on Cauchy Stability of the embedding was added. (To appear in Class. Quant. Grav.