10 research outputs found

    Effect of Incoherent Illumination on Two-Beam Interaction of Light Waves in a Bismuth Titanate Crystal

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    Experimental investigations and theoretical analysis of the effect of external illumination on the dynamics of formation of photorefractive reflection gratings in a (100)-cut bismuth titanate crystal showed that, in the case of counter interaction of laser beams with a wavelength of 633 nm, incoherent green light may cause a change in the sign of the two-beam gain

    Broadband delay lines for acoustic surface waves

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    One of the main requirements imposed on delay lines for complex signals (see [1]) is low distortion of the shape of the signals; this allows the frequency transmission bandwidth to be treated as one of the principal parameters of such devices.In delay lines for the excitation of acoustic surface waves (ASW), the practice is mainly to use opposing-stub transducers which are characterized by a high conversion efficiency and extensive functional capabilities. However, their use at frequencies above 200 MHz is associated with significant technological difficulties

    Dynamic Denisyuk holograms in cubic photorefractive crystals

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    Theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction of two counterpropagating light waves on dynamic reflection gratings formed in the Denisyuk scheme in cubic photorefractive crystals due to the diffusion mechanism of the charge transfer are considered. The results are presented which demonstrate the possibility of using dynamic photorefractive Denisyuk holograms to design adaptive elements of measuring systems based on optical and fiberoptic interferometers

    Effect of Incoherent Illumination on Two-Beam Interaction of Light Waves in a Bismuth Titanate Crystal

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    Experimental investigations and theoretical analysis of the effect of external illumination on the dynamics of formation of photorefractive reflection gratings in a (100)-cut bismuth titanate crystal showed that, in the case of counter interaction of laser beams with a wavelength of 633 nm, incoherent green light may cause a change in the sign of the two-beam gain