559 research outputs found

    Randomised comparison of oral and vaginal misoprostol when combined with mifepristone for termination of second trimester pregnancy

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    Background: Objective of the study was to compare the effectiveness of vaginal (200µg) and oral (400µg) misoprostol when combined with mifepristone (200 mg) in termination of second trimester pregnancy.Methods: 60 women who were pregnant between 13 and 20 weeks were included in the study. They were divided into two groups by random sampling method and they all received 200 mg of mifepristone orally on day 1. 36 hours later they received 200 µg of misoprostol vaginally or 400 µg of misoprostol orally every 3 hours as determined by the random sampling method. Main outcome measures were induction abortion interval, complete abortion rate and side effects.Results: There was a statistical difference in the amount of misoprostol required in the oral and the vaginal group, the total dose being higher in the oral group. The mean induction-abortion interval in the vaginal group was 6.2 hrs  and oral group was 11.6 hrs and this difference was statistically significant. There was no statistical difference in the complete abortion rate of the two groups. There was no difference in the side effects caused by both routes of misoprostol administration.Conclusion: 200 µg misoprostol inserted vaginally is better than 400 µg of oral misoprostol, 36 hours after administration of tab. Mifepristone 200 mg for termination of second trimester pregnancy

    Biological relationship of Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) infecting cowpea with leguminous plant species

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    Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) associated with cowpea mechanically inoculated to different legumi-nous plants. Out of nineteen including cowpea Var.C-152, the virus was easily transferred to ten different legumi-nous hosts. All other hosts assessed for the presence of BCMV were found to be uninfected. The number of days taken for symptom expression and symptoms were varied within plant species. Pole bean expressed mosaic symp-tom after long incubation period (15-18 days) whereas, shorter incubation period was observed in common bean and rice bean (7- 10 days). BCMV produced chlorosis, mosaic, leaf distortion, puckering, vein banding, vein clearing and vein netting on cowpea(C-152). A typical virus symptom, mosaic was observed in green gram, common bean, lime bean, rice bean and yard long bean, whereas, leaf rolling and leaf distortion was observed in black gram, pole bean and snap bean. The virus-host relationship was confirmed by back inoculation test to C. amaranticolor. Further symptomatic plants were subjected for Reverse Transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for molecular confirmation using BCMV coat protein (CP) specific primer pair. A PCR fragment size of 439bp was amplified for the symptomatic plants. The results generated indicated the ability of a plant to support virus expression and host speci-ficity of BMCV within the leguminous plant species

    Seed anatomical studies on dormancy and germination in Chamaecrista absus

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    Present study was conducted to analyze the anatomical structure of seed to study the dormancy behaviour in Chamaecrista absus. Seed germination behaviour was also studied after breaking the seed dormancy by artificial seed treatments. The anotamical studies revealed that seed has apical hilar region and seed coat has four layers consisting of outer cuticle, sub cuticle, palisade layer and inner tegma leading to physical dormancy. Outer cuticle and sub cuticle layers are very hard to break naturally and hence seeds possess hard seed coat dormancy. This physically hard seed coat should be made soft to enhance germination. Studies to break dormancy were conducted involving treatments like hot water, hormones and in combinations of both. The results revealed that seeds dipped in boiling water made inner layers permeable for water absorption in hilar region and thus germination enhanced. In specific seeds treated with boiling water for 5 minutes recorded higher germination (82 %) over untreated control (26 %). . Other artificial treatments with hormones gibberellic acid (33 % ) and ethrel (34 % ) did not enhanced the germination significantly over control. C. absus has hard coat dormancy and can be overcame by treating seeds with boiling water treatment

    Standardisation of soil volume wetting for drip irrigation in mango (Mangifera indica L.,)

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    Field experiments were conducted in mango for four years during 2017-2020 at ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research to standardise optimum soil volume wetting for drip irrigation. Wetting soil volume upto 70% recorded higher mean fruit yield of 34.8 kg/plant (9.68 t/ha)and with further increase in the level of soil volume wetting irrigation (upto 80%), there was a decline in the mango yield (7.40 t/ha). Similarly, significantly increased response was observed in fruit weight upto 70% soil volume irrigation (226 g) although there were no significant differences in the TSS of the fruit. Significantly higher water use efficiency was observed for 30% soil volume wetting irrigation (274.1 kg/m3) and further no significant differences were observed in water use efficiency between 50% and 70% soil volume wetting irrigations indicating that in areas of water scarcity, it is enough to scheduling the irrigation only upto 50% soil volume wetting in mango for economising the water (232.1 kg/m3)


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    The study of graph labeling has focused on finding classes of graphs which admits a particular type of labeling. In this paper we consider a particular class of graphs which demonstrates Edge Magic Total Labeling. The class we considered here is a complete bipartite graph Km,n. There are various graph labeling techniques that generalize the idea of a magic square has been proposed earlier. The definition of a magic labeling on a graph with v vertices and e edges is a one to one map taking the vertices and edges onto the integers 1,2,3,………, v+e with the property that the sum of the label on an edge and the labels of its endpoints is constant independent of the choice of edge. We use m x n matrix to construct edge magic total labeling of Km,n

    Comparative study between open versus laparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty

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    Background: Inguinal hernia repair is one of the commonly performed procedure and has undergone a paradigm shift from open to laparoscopic approach in the era of minimally invasive surgery but the superiority is still debatable. The aim was to compare open (Lichtenstein) versus laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal approach (TAPP) hernia repair techniques. Methods: A total of 60 patients were enrolled in the study and divided into two equal groups (open versus laparoscopic) were compared. Results: It was observed that laparoscopic repair (TAPP) has statistically significant superiority than open inguinal hernioplasty in terms of lesser post-operative pain (VAS score of 4.8±0.66, 3.67±0.66, 2.53±0.82 versus 6.7±0.92, 5.03±0.72, 3.83±0.65 at 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours post operatively, p value <0.001), shorter duration of hospital stay (3.1±0.71 days versus 5.83±0.75 days, p value <0.001) and early resumption to regular activities (10.57±2.28 days versus 12.2±1.52 days, p value 0.002). It also showed that incidence intra operative and post-operative complications was lesser in laparoscopic group but not statistically significant. Whereas duration of surgery was prolonged in laparoscopic group (104±27.49 min versus 61.5±17.08 min, p value <0.001). Conclusions: Laparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty (TAPP) is superior to open inguinal hernioplasty in terms of lesser intra operative and post-operative complications, lesser post-operative pain, shorter duration of hospital stay with early resumption to regular activities having better subjective and objective cosmetic results in short term follow-up. However, duration of surgery was prolonged on comparison with Lichtenstein open inguinal hernioplasty


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    Melioidosis is a fatal disease, most prevalent in South-East Asia, Northern Australia, and the Indian subcontinent is caused by Gram-negative saprophyte Burkholderia pseudomallei. Septic arthritis due to melioidosis is very rare and should be a differential diagnosis in patient presenting with septic arthritis in endemic areas. It results in severe morbidity. Hence, we report a case of septic arthritis of left knee and hip in a young patient who later developed pleural effusion caused by B. pseudomallei.Keywords: Septic arthritis, Pleural effusion, Vietnamese bomb.Â

    A framework for evaluating automatic image annotation algorithms

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    Several Automatic Image Annotation (AIA) algorithms have been introduced recently, which have been found to outperform previous models. However, each one of them has been evaluated using either different descriptors, collections or parts of collections, or "easy" settings. This fact renders their results non-comparable, while we show that collection-specific properties are responsible for the high reported performance measures, and not the actual models. In this paper we introduce a framework for the evaluation of image annotation models, which we use to evaluate two state-of-the-art AIA algorithms. Our findings reveal that a simple Support Vector Machine (SVM) approach using Global MPEG-7 Features outperforms state-of-the-art AIA models across several collection settings. It seems that these models heavily depend on the set of features and the data used, while it is easy to exploit collection-specific properties, such as tag popularity especially in the commonly used Corel 5K dataset and still achieve good performance

    Assessment of crop loss in Arabica coffee due to white stem borer, Xylotrechus quadripes Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) infestation

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    The coffee white stem borer (CWSB) is the most dreaded pest of Arabica coffee in India. Due to the concealed nature of this pest, the management measures are difficult and require the timely implementation of control measures. The recommended practices for the management of CWSB mainly targets on eggs and early instar larvae, apart from tracing and uprooting of infested plants before the commencement of flight periods (April-May and Oct-Dec). In general, youngArabica coffee plants infested by CWSB die within a year, whereas aged plants withstand the attack for few more years. However, such plants become less productive, susceptible to diseases and also serve as inoculum for further spreading of the infestation. A study was undertaken to assess the crop loss due to CWSB infestation on established Arabica plantation in Tamil Nadu. The result indicated a significant difference between healthy and infested plants and the crop loss was to the tune of 17.7 per cent. Further, quantitative data on out-turn percentages recorded at different stages of coffee processing (right from harvesting of fruits to marketable green coffee bean) are discussed in this paper
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