3,830 research outputs found

    The Effects of Grass Carp on Aquatic Plants, Plankton and Benthos in Ponds

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    The effects of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.)on aquatic plant biomass, water quality, phytoplankton, chlorophyll a, zooplankton and benthic fauna were investigated between May and September 2000 in earthen ponds at Cifteler- Sakaryabasi Aquaculture and Research Station. (PDF has 8 pages

    e^+e^-\to (h A)\to bbbb in Abelian Extended Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We discuss the e+e(hA)bbbbe^{+}e^{-}\to (h A)\to bbbb cross section in an Abelian extended SM. We work in that minimum of the scalar potential for which Higgs trilier coupling is greater than the soft mass parameters. We find that nex-to-lightest Higgs gives the essential contribution to the cross section in the small ZZZ-Z' mixing angle and leptophobic ZZ' limit.Comment: 13 pages, 1 postscript figur

    One-Loop Effects in Supergravity Models with an Additional U(1)

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    For an Abelian extended Supergravity model, we investigate some important low energy parameters: \tan\beta, Z-Z' mixing angle, lightest CP-even Higgs mass bound, Z' mass, and effective \mu parameter. By integrating the RGE's from string scale down to the weak scale we constuct the scalar potential, and analyze the quantities above at the tree- and one-loop levels by including the contributions of top squarks and top quark in the effective potential. PACS: 04.65.+e, 12.60.JvComment: 16 pages, 6 postscript figure

    Q-ball formation in the MSSM with explicit CP violation

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    Q-balls generically exist in the supersymmetric extensions of the standard model. Taking into account the additional sources of CP violation, which are naturally accomodated by the supersymmetric models, it is shown that the Q-ball matter depends additively on individual CP phases, whereas mass per unit charge in the Q-ball depends only on the relative phases. There are regions of the parameter space where there is no stable Q-ball solution in the CP-conserving limit whereas finite CP phases induce a stable Q-ball.Comment: 6 p

    Sentimental Herding in Borsa Istanbul: Informed versus Uninformed

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This study searches for sentimental herding in Borsa Istanbul (BIST) using a state-space model for two distinct groups of investors/traders. We expect to find no sentimental herding in BIST30 as the investors are closely following the market, given their access to maximum amount of information and high quality of guidance from the world-known intermediaries that reduce information asymmetries. However, as the SNM investors are mostly local investors with smaller assets and with higher level of information asymmetry, we expect to find evidence of sentimental herding. As expected, we find no evidence of herding by the BIST30 investors from 2000 to 2013. In contrast, our findings provide evidence that the SNM investors demonstrate sentimental herding persistently and independently from market fundamentals in three stages: evidence of herding in the first stage (2000-2004), a 4-year (2005-2008) no-herding calm period and finally a volatile adverse herding pattern (2009-2013) where fundamentals about the firm values became more important. © 2014 Taylor & Francis

    Pediatric paraspinal penetrating sewing needle

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    Pediatric spinal injuries are very rare conditions and account for 1%-10% of all spinal injuries Domestic accidents, such as falling and bumping, are frequent events during childhood.In this study, a 1-year-old boy who was under treatment due to a penetrating trauma at the posterior thoracolumbar intersection is presented. The patient was referred to our clinic after a needle became impaled into his back due to an accident that occurred at home. The patient’s neurologic assessment was normal. A radiologic study of the patient showed the presence of a metallic foreign object, extending into the paravertebral muscle on the left side of the T12-L1 intersection. The needle was removed promptly after an emergent surgical procedure. No any complications were present during the follow-up visit after 1 month. Emergent surgical intervention is necessary in paraspinal and spinal penetrating traumas. © 2015, Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, Universitas Indonesia. All rights reserved

    Neutrino Masses and the Gluino Axion Model

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    We extend the recently proposed gluino axion model to include neutrino masses. We discuss how the canonical seesaw model and the Higgs triplet model may be realized in this framework. In the former case, the heavy singlet neutrinos are contained in superfields which do not have any vacuum expectation value, whereas the gluino axion is contained in one which does. We also construct a specific renormalizable model which realizes the mass scale relationship MSUSYfa2/MUM_{SUSY} \sim f_a^2/M_U, where faf_a is the axion decay constant and MUM_U is a large effective mass parameter.Comment: 8 pages, no figur

    A result on generalized derivations on right ideals of prime rings

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    Let R be a prime ring of characteristic other than 2 and let I be a nonzero right ideal of R. Also let U be the right Utumi quotient ring of R and let C be the center of U. If G is a generalized derivation of R such that [[G(x), x], G(x)] = 0 for all x ∈ I, then R is commutative or there exist a, b ∈ U such that G(x) = ax + xb for all x ∈ R and one of the following assertions is true: (1) (a - λ)I = (0) = (b + λ)I for some λ ∈ C, (2) (a - λ)I = (0) for some λ ∈ C and b ∈ C.Нехай R — просте кiльце, характеристика якого не дорiвнює 2, а I — ненульовий правий iдеал R. Нехай U — праве фактор-кiльце Утумi кiльця R, а C — центр U. Якщо G є узагальненим диференцiюванням R таким, що [[G(x),x],G(x)]=0 для всiх x∈I, то R є комутативним або iснують a,b∈U такi, що G(x)=ax+xb для всiх x∈R i виконується одне з наступних тверджень: (1)(a−λ)I=(0)=(b+A)Iдля деякогоλ∈C, (2)(a−λ)I=(0)для деякогоλ∈Cіb∈C

    Renormalization Group Invariants in the MSSM and Its Extensions

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    We derive one-loop renormalization group (RG) invariant observables and analyze their phenomenological implications in the MSSM and its \mu problem solving extensions, U(1)' model and NMSSM. We show that there exist several RG invariants in the gauge, Yukawa and soft-breaking sectors of each model. In general, RG invariants are highly useful for projecting experimental data to messenger scale, for revealing correlations among the model parameters, and for probing the mechanism that breaks supersymmetry. The Yukawa couplings and trilinear soft terms in U(1)' model and NMSSM do not form RG invariants though there exist approximate invariants in low tan(beta). In the NMSSM, there are no invariants that contain the Higgs mass-squareds. We provide a comparative analysis of RG invariants in all three models and analyze their model-building and phenomenological implications by a number of case studies.Comment: 32 pages, 5 tables; extended previous analysis to include U(1)' models and NMSSM where a comparative discussion is give