49 research outputs found

    Compact Source of EPR Entanglement and Squeezing at Very Low Noise Frequencies

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    We report on the experimental demonstration of strong quadrature EPR entanglement and squeezing at very low noise sideband frequencies produced by a single type-II, self-phase-locked, frequency degenerate optical parametric oscillator below threshold. The generated two-mode squeezed vacuum state is preserved for noise frequencies as low as 50 kHz. Designing simple setups able to generate non-classical states of light in the kHz regime is a key challenge for high sensitivity detection of ultra-weak physical effects such as gravitational wave or small beam displacement

    Conditional preparation of a quantum state in the continuous variable regime: generation of a sub-Poissonian state from twin beams

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    We report the first experimental demonstration of conditional preparation of a non classical state of light in the continuous variable regime. Starting from a non degenerate OPO which generates above threshold quantum intensity correlated signal and idler "twin beams", we keep the recorded values of the signal intensity only when the idler falls inside a band of values narrower than its standard deviation. By this very simple technique, we generate a sub-Poissonian state 4.4dB below shot noise from twin beams exhibiting 7.5dB of noise reduction in the intensity difference.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Generation of two-color polarization-entangled optical beams with a self-phase-locked two-crystal Optical Parametric Oscillator

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    A new device to generate polarization-entangled light in the continuous variable regime is introduced. It consists of an Optical Parametric Oscillator with two type-II phase-matched non-linear crystals orthogonally oriented, associated with birefringent elements for adjustable linear coupling. We give in this paper a theoretical study of its classical and quantum properties. It is shown that two optical beams with adjustable frequencies and well-defined polarization can be emitted. The Stokes parameters of the two beams are entangled. The principal advantage of this setup is the possibility to directly generate polarization entangled light without the need of mixing four modes on beam splitters as required in current experimental setups. This device opens new directions for the study of light-matter interfaces and generation of multimode non-classical light and higher dimensional phase space

    Kinematics of the Local Universe XIV. Measurements from the 21 cm line and the HI mass function from a homogeneous catalog gathered with the Nancay radio telescope

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    Aims. This paper presents 828 new 21 cm neutral hydrogen line measurements carried out with the FORT receiver of the meridian transit Nancay radio telescope (NRT) in the years 2000-2007.Methods. This observational program was part of a larger project aimed at collecting an exhaustive and magnitude-complete HI extragalactic catalog for Tully-Fisher applications. Through five massive data releases, the KLUN series has collected a homogeneous sample of 4876 HI-spectra of spiral galaxies, complete down to a flux of 5 Jy km s(-1) and with declination delta > -40 degreesResults. We publish here the last release of the KLUN HI observational program, corresponding to the faint end of the survey, with HI masses ranging from 5 x 10(8) to 5 x 10(10) solar masses. The size of this final sample is comparable to the catalogs based on the Arecibo and Parkes radio telescope campaigns, and it allows general HI mass distribution studies from a set of homogeneous radio measurements

    Entanglement and squeezing in a two-mode system: theory and experiment

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    We report on the generation of non separable beams produced via the interaction of a linearly polarized beam with a cloud of cold cesium atoms placed in an optical cavity. We convert the squeezing of the two linear polarization modes into quadrature entanglement and show how to find out the best entanglement generated in a two-mode system using the inseparability criterion for continuous variable [Duan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2722 (2000)]. We verify this method experimentally with a direct measurement of the inseparability using two homodyne detections. We then map this entanglement into a polarization basis and achieve polarization entanglement.Comment: submitted to J. Opt. B for a Special Issue on Foundations of Quantum Optic

    Photoionisation loading of large Sr+ ion clouds with ultrafast pulses

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    This paper reports on photoionisation loading based on ultrafast pulses of singly-ionised strontium ions in a linear Paul trap. We take advantage of an autoionising resonance of Sr neutral atoms to form Sr+ by two-photon absorption of femtosecond pulses at a wavelength of 431nm. We compare this technique to electron-bombardment ionisation and observe several advantages of photoionisation. It actually allows the loading of a pure Sr+ ion cloud in a low radio-frequency voltage amplitude regime. In these conditions up to 4x10^4 laser-cooled Sr+ ions were trapped

    Entanglement of two-mode Gaussian states: characterization and experimental production and manipulation

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    A powerful theoretical structure has emerged in recent years on the characterization and quantification of entanglement in continuous-variable systems. After reviewing this framework, we will illustrate it with an original set-up based on a type-II OPO with adjustable mode coupling. Experimental results allow a direct verification of many theoretical predictions and provide a sharp insight into the general properties of two-mode Gaussian states and entanglement resource manipulation

    Kinematics of the Local Universe XIII. 21-cm line measurements of 452 galaxies with the Nan\c{c}ay radiotelescope, JHK Tully-Fisher relation and preliminary maps of the peculiar velocity field

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    This paper presents 452 new 21-cm neutral hydrogen line measurements carried out with the FORT receiver of the meridian transit Nan\c{c}ay radiotelescope (NRT) in the period April 2003 -- March 2005. This observational programme is part of a larger project aiming at collecting an exhaustive and magnitude-complete HI extragalactic catalogue for Tully-Fisher applications (the so-called KLUN project, for Kinematics of the Local Universe studies, end in 2008). The whole on-line HI archive of the NRT contains today reduced HI-profiles for ~4500 spiral galaxies of declination delta > -40° (http://klun.obs-nancay.fr). As an example of application, we use direct Tully-Fisher relation in three (JHK) bands in deriving distances to a large catalog of 3126 spiral galaxies distributed through the whole sky and sampling well the radial velocity range between 0 and 8000 km/s. Thanks to an iterative method accounting for selection bias and smoothing effects, we show as a preliminary output a detailed and original map of the velocity field in the Local Universe