111 research outputs found

    One-loop Electroweak and QCD corrections to vector boson scattering into top pairs and application to ILC

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    We calculate the electroweak and QCD corrections to W-W+ -> tt and ZZ -> tt. We also consider the interplay of these corrections with the effect of anomalous interactions that affect the massive weak bosons and the top. The results at the VV level fusion are convoluted with the help of the effective vector boson approximation to give predictions for a high energy e+e- collider.Comment: 19 pages, 27 figure

    Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic effects of Anabasis articulata (Forssk) Moq (Chenopodiaceae), an Algerian medicinal plant

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    Anabasis articulata leaves decoction is widely used by Algerian traditional medicine practitioners as a remedy for the treatment of diabetes. The aqueous extract was found to be non-toxic at 1000 mg/kg, asno deaths or hazardous signs were recorded during treatment or the observation period (24 and 72 h) in either control or treated groups of mice. Experiments were performed in non-diabetic mice, and inhyperglycemic mice (glucose treated and alloxan treated mice) to confirm the antidiabetic potential of A. articulata. Our results showed that the orally administration at a dose of 400 mg/kg decreased the glycaemia by 29.89% after 6 h (p < 0.05), corresponding to the greatest decrease of blood glucose in normoglycaemic mice. This dose also lowered blood glucose concentrations in diabetic mice revealing antihyperglycemic effect of A. articulata leaves. The class of phytochemical responsible for antidiabetic effects in aqueous leaf extract was also investigated. Phytochemical screening showed that the aqueous extract contains alkaloids (1.25%) and saponin (1.30%). Our findings showed that saponin (5 mg/Kg) was the active fraction, since it restores the normal blood glucose levels after 21 days of treatment. The alkaloid fraction did not significantly reduce the blood glucose level. The present studyconfirms the antidiabetic proprieties of A. articulata leaves previously reported by Algerian healers

    Zn treatment effects on biological potential of fennel bulbs as affected by in vitro digestion process

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    Zn treatment effects on the stability of polyphenols, MDA (malondialdehyde) content, antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibition activities of two varieties of fennel bulbs were studied by using an in vitro gastrointestinal digestion model. Likewise, the effect of Zn on viability cells of E. coli was also performed. The results revealed that high amounts of total phenolic and flavonoid compounds were released during the digestion process, especially after the intestinal phase. Additionally, the antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activity were affected by the gastrointestinal digestion process and seems to be correlated with total phenol contents. On the other hand, the viability of E. coli was not affected by the activity of our tested bulbs during passage through the artificial digestion model, but the treated bulbs activity contribute relatively to the inhibition growth of bacteria. The survival of E. coli in fennel bulbs was challenged with simulated gastrointestinal fluids and the results showed that the E. coli strains, despite having experienced a viability reduction at the intestinal phase, were able to overcome the exposure to the gastrointestinal synthetic fluids. This E. coli ability reinforces the need for good hygienic measures to assure safe fresh produce, even for those that are rich in antibacterial compounds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Position Paper on Young Vascular Surgeons Training of the Mediterranean Federation for the Advancing of Vascular Surgery (MeFAVS):State of the Art and Perspectives

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    The Mediterranean Federation for the Advancing of Vascular Surgery (MeFAVS) was founded in 2018, with the aim to promote cooperation among vascular professionals within Mediterranean countries. Due to its prominent social and economic impact on national health systems, diabetic peripheral artery was selected as the very first topic to be investigated by the federation. In this second paper, different experiences from delegates of participating countries were shared to define common strategies to harmonize, standardize, and optimize education and training in the Vascular Surgery specialty

    Effect of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on the total phenolic contents and antioxidant activity of wild Mediterranean edible plant extracts

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    The recent interest in wild edible plants is associated with their health benefits, which are mainly due to their richness in antioxidant compounds, particularly phenolics. Nevertheless, some of these compounds are metabolized after ingestion, being transformed into metabolites frequently with lower antioxidant activity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of the digestive process on the total phenolic contents and antioxidant activity of extracts from four wild edible plants used in the Mediterranean diet (Beta maritima L., Plantago major L., Oxalis pes-caprae L. and Scolymus hispanicus L.). HPLC-DAD analysis revealed that S. hispanicus is characterized by the presence of caffeoylquinic acids, dicaffeoylquinic acids and flavonol derivatives, P. major by high amounts of verbascoside, B. maritima possesses 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid, quercetin derivatives and kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside, and O. pes-caprae extract contains hydroxycinnamic acids and flavone derivatives. Total phenolic contents were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu assay, and antioxidant activity by the ABTS, DPPH, ORAC and FRAP assays. Phenolic contents of P. major and S. hispanicus extracts were not affected by digestion, but they significantly decreased in B. maritima after both phases of digestion process and in O. pes-caprae after the gastric phase. The antioxidant activity results varied with the extract and the method used to evaluate the activity. Results showed that P. major extract has the highest total phenolic contents and antioxidant activity, with considerable values even after digestion, reinforcing the health benefits of this species.European Union (FEDER funds through COMPETE)European Union (EU)European Union (FEDER)European Union (EU)Programa de Cooperacion Interreg V-A Espana - Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 [0377_IBERPHENOL_6_E]project INTERREG - MD. Net: When Brand Meets PeopleFCT Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technolog

    Neural protection by naturopathic compounds—an example of tetramethylpyrazine from retina to brain

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    Given the advantages of being stable in the ambient environment, being permeable to the blood–brain and/or blood–eye barriers and being convenient for administration, naturopathic compounds have growingly become promising therapeutic candidates for neural protection. Extracted from one of the most common Chinese herbal medicines, tetramethylpyrazine (TMP), also designated as ligustrazine, has been suggested to be neuroprotective in the central nervous system as well as the peripheral nerve network. Although the detailed molecular mechanisms of its efficacy for neural protection are understood limitedly, accumulating evidence suggests that antioxidative stress, antagonism for calcium, and suppression of pro-inflammatory factors contribute significantly to its neuroprotection. In animal studies, systemic administration of TMP (subcutaneous injection, 50 mg/kg) significantly blocked neuronal degeneration in hippocampus as well as the other vulnerable regions in brains of Sprague–Dawley rats following kainate-induced prolonged seizures. Results from us and others also demonstrated potent neuroprotective efficacy of TMP for retinal cells and robust benefits for brain in Alzheimer’s disease or other brain injury. These results suggest a promising prospect for TMP to be used as a treatment of specific neurodegenerative diseases. Given the assessment of the distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity information that is already available on most neuroprotective naturopathic compounds such as TMP, it would not take much preclinical data to justify bringing such therapeutic compounds to clinical trials in humans

    Le Higgs et le quark top dans le formalisme des relations de dispersion et le modèle standard

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    The mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking responsible for the generation of masses for both the bosons and the fermions of the Standard Model remains a mystery, especially that the Higgs hasstill not been discovered.In this thesis I concentrate on the study of the scalar sector of the Standard Model where the Higgs with the other Goldstone Boson reside. This sector can best be probed through the massive vectorbosons and the top quark. The former, for their privileged coupling to the Higgs and because their longitudinal mode represents the Goldstone Bosons, and the top, because of its very strong Yukawa coupling, are very sensitive to the mechanism of symmetry breaking.I first focus on a situation where the Higgs is light and study the processes WW+ttˉ{W^-W^+ \to t\bar{t}} and ZZttˉ{ZZ \to t\bar{t}}. In order to unambiguously reveal a sign of New Physics, the Standard Model needs to be predicted precisely. In a first step I therefore study the electroweak and QCD one-loop corrections for these processes. This requires a renormalisation of the electroweak gauge and top sectors and mastering some one-loop techniques. I then concentrate on extracting the purely electroweak contributions to the above processes after setting up an analytical formula for the universal photonic contribution. The New Physics affecting the top and WW system is parameterised with the help of effective operators describing symmetry breaking. The effect of these operators is carefully compared to the effect of the one-loop radiative corrections before setting a limit on the parameters of these New Physics operators. To give more realistic results the WWWW and ZZZZ cross sections are turned into e+ee^+e^- and pppp cross sections by using a structure function approach. This allows an application to the phenomenology at futur colliders (LHC:Large Hadron Collider and ILC: International Linear Collider).A second aspect of the work presented here concerns the situation where the Higgs is heavy. For a heavy Higgs the electroweak interaction enters a strong interaction regime where perturbative unitarity may be violated, so we have to resort tonon-perturbative methods. By following the pioneering work of Contogouris, I construct a dispersive model for the process WLWLWLWLW_LW_L \to W_LW_L where WLW_L is the longitudinal WW. The numerical resolution of the integral equation that is induced by this model enables a study of the strong effects of the electroweak interaction at high energies. I also extract a new limit for the validity of the perturbative calculation in the electroweak theory and a value for the Higgs mass in case the Higgs is very heavy.Le Higgs est la seule particule du modèle standard qui résiste encore à la découverte. Ainsi le mécanisme de la brisure spontanée de la symétrie électrofaible qui fait intervenir le champ scalaire de Higgs pour générer les masses des bosons et des fermions, reste un mystère de la physique des particules. Dans cette thèse, on explore de manière approfondie ce secteur scalaire du modèle standard où réside le Higgs ainsi que les autres Goldstones. Et pour réaliser cette tâche, les meilleures sondes sont d'une part les bosons vecteurs massifs avantagés par leurs couplages au Higgs et par le fait que leurs modes longitudinaux représentent les Goldstones; et d'autre part le quark top avantagé par sa masse qui est de l'ordre de grandeur de l'échelle de la brisure de la symétrie életrofaible, lui conférant ainsi une fort couplage de yukawa, d'où sa trés grande sensiblité au secteur de la brisure de symétrie.La masse du Higgs étant inconnue, on balaie alors tout le spectre. Ainsi, dans un premier volet, on s'interesse au cas du Higgs léger et moyennement lourd. Et comme pour pouvoir décéler, de manière univoque, un signal de nouvelle physique de celui que donnerait le modèle standard, il faut pousser au moins à d'odre de la précision expérimentale, la précision des calculs effectués via le modèle standard. On commence alors par pousser les calculs des sections efficaces électrofaibles et QCD des processus WW+ttˉ{W^-W^+ \to t\bar{t}} et ZZttˉ{ZZ \to t\bar{t}} jusqu'à l'ordre de la boucle. Ceci nécessite au préalable, la renormalisation des secteurs électrofaibles scalaires et spinoriels ainsi qu'une bonne maîtrise des techniques de calcul sous-jacentes.Puis pour faire la part des contributions purement électrofaibles propres aux processus d'intérêts, on établit une formule analytique permettant de quantifier la contribution photonique universelle.Ensuite, pour voir comment peut se révéler un signal de nouvelle physique, on traite l'influence sur les sections efficaces différentielles angulaires, d'opérateurs effectifs paramétrant le secteur de la brisure de la symétrie.Pour enfin inclure les faisceaux de bosons vecteurs massifs dans une approche fonction de structure pour une phénoménologie au plus puissant collisionneur hadronique d'aujourd'hui: le LHC (Large Hadron Collider) et au collisionneur leptonique du futur proche: l'ILC (International Linear Collider).Dans le deuxième volet de cette thèse, on traite du cas du Higgs lourd violant le principe d'unitarité perturbative. On suit alors la procédure initiée par Contogouris, et on construit un modèle dispersif pour l'amplitude du processus WLWLWLWLW_LW_L \to W_LW_L. A hautes énergies, la résolution numérique de l'équation intégrale qui découle de notre construction, nous permet de mettre en évidence, à travers les résonances de l'amplitude dispersive, les manifestations d'un comportement en force forte de l'interaction électrofaible. Une analyse attentive des résultats qu'on obtient, nous permet d'une part d'estimer la valeur de la masse d'un Higgs lourd et d'autre part d'extraire une nouvelle limite pour la validité du calcul perturbatif dans la théorie électrofaible