8,010 research outputs found

    Parallel electric field amplification by phase-mixing of Alfven waves

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    Previous numerical studies have identified "phase mixing" of low-frequency Alfven waves as a mean of parallel electric field amplification and acceleration of electrons in a collisionless plasma. Theoretical explanations are given of how this produces an amplification of the parallel electric field, and as a consequence, also leads to enhanced collisionless damping of the wave by energy transfer to the electrons. Our results are based on the properties of the Alfven waves in a warm plasma which are obtained from drift-kinetic theory, in particular, the rate of their electron Landau damping. Phase mixing in a collisionless low-β\beta plasma proceeds in a manner very similar to the visco-resistive case, except for the fact that electron Landau damping is the primary energy dissipation channel. The time and length scales involved are evaluated. We also focus on the evolution of the parallel electric field and calculate its maximum value in the course of its amplification

    Turbulent pitch-angle scattering and diffusive transport of hard-X-ray producing electrons in flaring coronal loops

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    Recent observations from {\em RHESSI} have revealed that the number of non-thermal electrons in the coronal part of a flaring loop can exceed the number of electrons required to explain the hard X-ray-emitting footpoints of the same flaring loop. Such sources cannot, therefore, be interpreted on the basis of the standard collisional transport model, in which electrons stream along the loop while losing their energy through collisions with the ambient plasma; additional physical processes, to either trap or scatter the energetic electrons, are required. Motivated by this and other observations that suggest that high energy electrons are confined to the coronal region of the source, we consider turbulent pitch angle scattering of fast electrons off low frequency magnetic fluctuations as a confinement mechanism, modeled as a spatial diffusion parallel to the mean magnetic field. In general, turbulent scattering leads to a reduction of the collisional stopping distance of non-thermal electrons along the loop and hence to an enhancement of the coronal HXR source relative to the footpoints. The variation of source size LL with electron energy EE becomes weaker than the quadratic behavior pertinent to collisional transport, with the slope of L(E)L(E) depending directly on the mean free path λ\lambda again pitch angle scattering. Comparing the predictions of the model with observations, we find that λ∼\lambda \sim(108−109)(10^8-10^9) cm for ∼30\sim30 keV, less than the length of a typical flaring loop and smaller than, or comparable to, the size of the electron acceleration region.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Collisional relaxation of electrons in a warm plasma and accelerated nonthermal electron spectra in solar flares

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    Extending previous studies of nonthermal electron transport in solar flares which include the effects of collisional energy diffusion and thermalization of fast electrons, we present an analytic method to infer more accurate estimates of the accelerated electron spectrum in solar flares from observations of the hard X-ray spectrum. Unlike for the standard cold-target model, the spatial characteristics of the flaring region, especially the necessity to consider a finite volume of hot plasma in the source, need to be taken into account in order to correctly obtain the injected electron spectrum from the source-integrated electron flux spectrum (a quantity straightforwardly obtained from hard X-ray observations). We show that the effect of electron thermalization can be significant enough to nullify the need to introduce an {\it ad hoc} low-energy cutoff to the injected electron spectrum in order to keep the injected power in non-thermal electrons at a reasonable value. Rather the suppression of the inferred low-energy end of the injected spectrum compared to that deduced from a cold-target analysis allows the inference from hard X-ray observations of a more realistic energy in injected non-thermal electrons in solar flares.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    How consumers’ need for variety and social consumption influences festival patronage and spending

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    This paper investigates the influence of motivational goals such as variety seeking and social consumption on consumers’ patronage and spending at craft beer festivals. In doing so, we develop and test a number of hypotheses by examining information collected via means of a survey questionnaire proposed in 2017 to visitors of a large beer festival in the UK. Findings of our analysis unveil how cognitive engagement affects individuals’ behavior with regard to responding to and financially engage with beer festivals. Results also identify cognitive engagement as an important mediator of the effects related to variety-seeking and social consumption. From a managerial perspective, findings reveal important attributes affecting consumers’ drivers towards craft beers, contributing to understand which dimension of consumer engagement influence their behaviors. Overall, the study provides fresh empirical evidence in terms of identifying and recognizing consumers’ behaviors with regard to defining future trends in the craft beer secto

    Suppressed star formation in circumnuclear regions in Seyfert galaxies

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    Feedback from black hole activity is widely believed to play a key role in regulating star formation and black hole growth. A long-standing issue is the relation between the star formation and fueling the supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We compile a sample of 57 Seyfert galaxies to tackle this issue. We estimate the surface densities of gas and star formation rates in circumnuclear regions (CNRs). Comparing with the well-known Kennicutt-Schmidt (K-S) law, we find that the star formation rates in CNRs of most Seyfert galaxies are suppressed in this sample. Feedback is suggested to explain the suppressed star formation rates.Comment: 1 color figure and 1 table. ApJ Letters in pres

    Wave-particle interactions in non-uniform plasma and the interpretation of Hard X-ray spectra in solar flares

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    Context. High energy electrons accelerated during solar flare are abundant in the solar corona and in the interplanetary space. Commonly, the number and the energy of non-thermal electrons at the Sun is estimated using hard X-ray (HXR) spectral observations (e.g. RHESSI) and a single-particle collisional approximation. Aims. To investigate the role of the spectrally evolving Langmuir turbulence on the population of energetic electrons in the solar corona. Methods. We numerically simulate the relaxation of a power-law non-thermal electron population in a collisional inhomogeneous plasma including wave-particle, and wave-wave interactions. Results. The numerical simulations show that the long-time evolution of electron population above 20 keV deviates substantially from the collisional approximation when wave-particle interactions in non-uniform plasma are taken into account. The evolution of Langmuir wave spectrum towards smaller wavenumbers, due to large-scale density fluctuations and wave-wave interactions, leads to an effective acceleration of electrons. Furthermore, the time-integrated spectrum of non-thermal electrons, which is normally observed with HXR above 20 keV, is noticeably increased due to acceleration of non-thermal electrons by Langmuir waves. Conclusions. The results show that the observed HXR spectrum, when interpreted in terms of collisional relaxation, can lead to an overestimated number and energy of energetic electrons accelerated in the corona.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics Journa

    A Fokker-Planck Framework for Studying the Diffusion of Radio Burst Waves in the Solar Corona

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    Electromagnetic wave scattering off density inhomogeneities in the solar corona is an important process which determines both the apparent source size and the time profile of radio bursts observed at 1 AU. Here we model the scattering process using a Fokker-Planck equation and apply this formalism to several regimes of interest. In the first regime the density fluctuations are considered quasi-static and diffusion in wavevector space is dominated by angular diffusion on the surface of a constant energy sphere. In the small-angle ("pencil beam") approximation, this diffusion further occurs over a small solid angle in wavevector space. The second regime corresponds to a much later time, by which scattering has rendered the photon distribution near-isotropic resulting in a spatial diffusion of the radiation. The third regime involves time-dependent fluctuations and, therefore, Fermi acceleration of photons. Combined, these results provide a comprehensive theoretical framework within which to understand several important features of propagation of radio burst waves in the solar corona: emitted photons are accelerated in a relatively small inner region and then diffuse outwards to larger distances. En route, angular diffusion results both in source sizes which are substantially larger than the intrinsic source, and in observed intensity-versus-time profiles that are asymmetric, with a sharp rise and an exponential decay. Both of these features are consistent with observations of solar radio bursts.Comment: 28 pages , 1 figure, submitted to Ap

    A Fokker-Planck Framework for Studying the Diffusion of Radio Burst Waves in the Solar Corona

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    Electromagnetic wave scattering off density inhomogeneities in the solar corona is an important process which determines both the apparent source size and the time profile of radio bursts observed at 1 AU. Here we model the scattering process using a Fokker-Planck equation and apply this formalism to several regimes of interest. In the first regime the density fluctuations are considered quasi-static and diffusion in wavevector space is dominated by angular diffusion on the surface of a constant energy sphere. In the small-angle ("pencil beam") approximation, this diffusion further occurs over a small solid angle in wavevector space. The second regime corresponds to a much later time, by which scattering has rendered the photon distribution near-isotropic resulting in a spatial diffusion of the radiation. The third regime involves time-dependent fluctuations and, therefore, Fermi acceleration of photons. Combined, these results provide a comprehensive theoretical framework within which to understand several important features of propagation of radio burst waves in the solar corona: emitted photons are accelerated in a relatively small inner region and then diffuse outwards to larger distances. En route, angular diffusion results both in source sizes which are substantially larger than the intrinsic source, and in observed intensity-versus-time profiles that are asymmetric, with a sharp rise and an exponential decay. Both of these features are consistent with observations of solar radio bursts.Comment: 28 pages , 1 figure, submitted to Ap
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