29 research outputs found

    Cytoplasmic p21(WAF1/CIP1 )expression is correlated with HER-2/ neu in breast cancer and is an independent predictor of prognosis

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    BACKGROUND: HER-2 (c-erbB2/Neu) predicts the prognosis of and may influence treatment responses in breast cancer. HER-2 activity induces the cytoplasmic location of p21(WAFI/CIPI )in cell culture, accompanied by resistance to apoptosis. p21(WAFI/CIPI )is a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor activated by p53 to produce cell cycle arrest in association with nuclear localisation of p21(WAFI/CIPI). We previously showed that higher levels of cytoplasmic p21(WAFI/CIPI )in breast cancers predicted reduced survival at 5 years. The present study examined HER-2 and p21(WAFI/CIPI )expression in a series of breast cancers with up to 9 years of follow-up, to evaluate whether in vitro findings were related to clinical data and the effect on outcome. METHODS: The CB11 anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody and the DAKO Envision Plus system were used to evaluate HER-2 expression in 73 patients. p21(WAFI/CIPI )staining was performed as described previously using the mouse monoclonal antibody Ab-1 (Calbiochem, Cambridge, MA, USA). RESULTS: HER-2 was evaluable in 67 patients and was expressed in 19% of cases, predicting reduced overall survival (P = 0.02) and reduced relapse-free survival (P = 0.004; Cox regression model). HER-2-positive tumours showed proportionately higher cytoplasmic p21(WAFI/CIPI )staining using an intensity distribution score (median, 95) compared with HER-2-negative cancers (median, 47) (P = 0.005). There was a much weaker association between nuclear p21(WAFI/CIPI )and HER-2 expression (P = 0.05), suggesting an inverse relationship between nuclear p21(WAF1/CIP1 )and HER-2. CONCLUSION: This study highlights a new pathway by which HER-2 may modify cancer behaviour. HER-2 as a predictor of poor prognosis may partly relate to its ability to influence the relocalisation of p21(WAFI/CIPI )from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, resulting in a loss of p21(WAFI/CIPI)tumour suppressor functions. Cytoplasmic p21(WAFI/CIPI )may be a surrogate marker of functional HER-2 in vivo

    Neuropilin-1 Modulates p53/Caspases Axis to Promote Endothelial Cell Survival

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    Vascular permeability factor/vascular endothelial growth factor (VPF/VEGF), one of the crucial pro-angiogenic factors, functions as a potent inhibitor of endothelial cell (EC) apoptosis. Previous progress has been made towards delineating the VPF/VEGF survival signaling downstream of the activation of VEGFR-2. Here, we seek to define the function of NRP-1 in VPF/VEGF-induced survival signaling in EC and to elucidate the concomitant molecular signaling events that are pivotal for our understanding of the signaling of VPF/VEGF. Utilizing two different in vitro cell culture systems and an in vivo zebrafish model, we demonstrate that NRP-1 mediates VPF/VEGF-induced EC survival independent of VEGFR-2. Furthermore, we show here a novel mechanism for NRP-1-specific control of the anti-apoptotic pathway in EC through involvement of the NRP-1-interacting protein (NIP/GIPC) in the activation of PI-3K/Akt and subsequent inactivation of p53 pathways and FoxOs, as well as activation of p21. This study, by elucidating the mechanisms that govern VPF/VEGF-induced EC survival signaling via NRP-1, contributes to a better understanding of molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular development and disease and widens the possibilities for better therapeutic targets

    XLF and APLF bind Ku80 at two remote sites to ensure DNA repair by non-homologous end joining

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    International audienceThe Ku70-Ku80 (Ku) heterodimer binds rapidly and tightly to the ends of DNA double-strand breaks and recruits factors of the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair pathway through molecular interactions that remain unclear. We have determined crystal structures of the Ku-binding motifs (KBM) of the NHEJ proteins APLF (A-KBM) and XLF (X-KBM) bound to a Ku-DNA complex. The two KBM motifs bind remote sites of the Ku80 alpha/beta domain. The X-KBM occupies an internal pocket formed by an unprecedented large outward rotation of the Ku80 alpha/beta domain. We observe independent recruitment of the APLF-interacting protein XRCC4 and of XLF to laser-irradiated sites via binding of A- and X-KBMs, respectively, to Ku80. Finally, we show that mutation of the X-KBM and A-KBM binding sites in Ku80 compromises both the efficiency and accuracy of end joining and cellular radiosensitivity. A- and X-KBMs may represent two initial anchor points to build the intricate interaction network required for NHEJ

    Involvement of p21 in mitotic exit after paclitaxel treatment in MCF-7 breast adenocarcinoma cell line

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    International audienceIt has been shown recently that expression of p21 is enhanced by paclitaxel. This cytotoxic compound induces mitotic spindle damage resulting in blockade of the mitotic cell cycle associated or not with apoptotic cell death. In the present study, we showed that, in MCF-7 cells, paclitaxel induced accumulation of p21 in cells with a G2/M DNA content, corresponding to cells either in abnormal mitosis or in an interphase-like state (decondensed chromatin) with multiple nuclei. In MCF-7 cells, the increase in p21 was subsequent to the mitotic arrest and was associated with the exit from abnormal mitosis leading to formation of cells with micronuclei. In this cell line, we noted a relationship between the elevation of p21 expression and the inhibition of p34cdc2 activity. High levels of p21 protein were also found to be associated with inactive p34cdc2/cyclin B protein complex after treatment with paclitaxel. Treatment with p21 antisense oligonucleotide partially blocked induction of p21 expression by paclitaxel and significantly reduced survival of MCF-7 cells exposed to this agent. In NIH-OVCAR-3 cells, which are deficient in basal and paclitaxel-induced p21 expression, paclitaxel led to a prolonged activation of p34cdc2 and a delayed mitotic exit associated with apoptotic cell death. These observations suggest that p21 is not required for the mitotic arrest in response to paclitaxel, but argue in favor of a role for this inhibitor in facilitating the exit from abnormal mitosis. This effectively enhances cell survival after paclitaxel-induced spindle damage