1,676 research outputs found

    Modified Elliptic Curve Discrete Log Problem: A New One-Way Function and its Cryptanalysis

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    In this paper we explain the concept of the one-way functions and their use in cryptography. We explain in detail the use of one-way function like Integer factorization and it use in RSA algorithm. We describe its cryptanalysis. We explain the discrete log problem and its cryptanalysis. We introduce a novel one-way function called Modified Elliptic Curve discrete log problem (MECDLP). We explain its cryptanalysis also

    Biology of Sexual Dysfunction

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    Sexual activity is a multifaceted activity, involving complex interactions between the nervous system, the endocrine system, the vascular system and a variety of structures that are instrumental in sexual excitement, intercourse and satisfaction. Sexual function has three components i.e., desire, arousal and orgasm. Many sexual dysfunctions can be categorized according to the phase of sexual response that is affected. In actual clinical practice however, sexual desire, arousal and orgasmic difficulties more often than not coexist, suggesting an integration of phases. Sexual dysfunction can result from a wide variety of psychological and physiological causes including derangements in the levels of sex hormones and neurotrensmitters. This review deals with the biology of different phases of sexual function as well as implications of hormones and neurotransmitters in sexual dysfunctio

    Diàleg amb Guillem Parra i Roger Fe. Una mirada social vers la salut mental

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    El reportatge planteja un diàleg entre dos professionals de disciplines diferents (Guillem Parra, psicòleg, i Roger Fe, educador social) al voltant de la salut mental, la seva conceptualització i les possibilitats d’actuar-hi des de l’acció social. El debat ha estat dinamitzat per Sonia Fuertes

    A randomized prospective comparative study of efficacy of asenapine, iloperidone and zotepine in patients with psychosis

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    Background: Antipsychotic drugs constitute the mainstay in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. For these medications to be maximally beneficial, they must be efficacious, with an acceptable side effect profile and be taken as prescribed. The objective of the study was to compare the efficacy of iloperidone, asenapine and zotepinein subjects with psychotic disorders.Methods: Randomized prospective study was conducted in the Department of Psychiatry of a tertiary care hospital, at Mysore, India. Sixty Patients who met the criteria for acute psychosis and schizophrenia according to ICD 10 were recruited. Atypical antipsychotics-asenapine, iloperidone and zotepine were administered and their efficacy was monitored by brief psychiatric rating scale (BPRS), which was administered on day one, week 1, week 3 and week 6.Results: Out of 60 recruited subjects 31 (51.7%) completed all four visits of the study. Iloperidone and asenapine showed significant improvement in efficacy than zotepine at week 6. Among the total dropouts 55.2% subjects didn’t come for follow-up and 44.8% were dropped due to development of side effects.Conclusions: In patients with acute psychosis and schizophrenia, iloperidone appears more effective and tolerated than the other two. Asenapine was effective but less tolerated and zotepine was less efficacious and produced poor response. Asenapine and zotepine have more dropouts and showed few uncommon extrapyramidal side effects