3,720 research outputs found

    Electric dipole moments in supersymmetric theories

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    Intrinsic EDMs in microscopic systems at a level of sensitivity achievable in experiments under way or foreseen are predicted in supersymmetric unified theories. I describe this and other sources of measurable EDMs and I show how these sources can be distinguished through experiments in different systems.Comment: 5 pages, LaTex2e using amstex.sty, amssymb.sty, apalike.sty, no figs., to appear in Proceedings of the XXIV ITEP Winter School of Physic

    High-Precision Optical Measurement of the 2S Hyperfine Interval in Atomic Hydrogen

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    We have applied an optical method to the measurement of the 2S hyperfine interval in atomic hydrogen. The interval has been measured by means of two-photon spectroscopy of the 1S-2S transition on a hydrogen atomic beam shielded from external magnetic fields. The measured value of the 2S hyperfine interval is equal to 177 556 860(15) Hz and represents the most precise measurement of this interval to date. The theoretical evaluation of the specific combination of 1S and 2S hyperfine intervals D_21 is in moderately good agreement with the value for D_21 deduced from our measurement

    Deflection of Rotating Symmetric Molecules by Inhomogeneous Fields

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    We consider deflection of rotating symmetric molecules by inhomogeneous optical and static electric fields, compare results with the case of linear molecules, and find new singularities in the distribution of the scattering angle. Scattering of the prolate/oblate molecules is analyzed in detail, and it is shown that the process can be efficiently controlled by means of short and strong femtosecond laser pulses. In particular, the angular dispersion of the deflected molecules may be dramatically reduced by laser-induced molecular pre-alignment. We first study the problem by using a simple classical model, and then find similar results by means of more sophisticated methods, including the formalism of adiabatic invariants and direct numerical simulation of the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion. The suggested control scheme opens new ways for many applications involving molecular focusing, guiding, and trapping by optical and static fields

    Imaging of microwave fields using ultracold atoms

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    We report a technique that uses clouds of ultracold atoms as sensitive, tunable, and non-invasive probes for microwave field imaging with micrometer spatial resolution. The microwave magnetic field components drive Rabi oscillations on atomic hyperfine transitions whose frequency can be tuned with a static magnetic field. Readout is accomplished using state-selective absorption imaging. Quantitative data extraction is simple and it is possible to reconstruct the distribution of microwave magnetic field amplitudes and phases. While we demonstrate 2d imaging, an extension to 3d imaging is straightforward. We use the method to determine the microwave near-field distribution around a coplanar waveguide integrated on an atom chip.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Revivals of Coherence in Chaotic Atom-Optics Billiards

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    We investigate the coherence properties of thermal atoms confined in optical dipole traps where the underlying classical dynamics is chaotic. A perturbative expression derived for the coherence of the echo scheme of [Andersen et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 023001 (2003)] shows it is a function of the survival probability or fidelity of eigenstates of the motion of the atoms in the trap. The echo coherence and the survival probability display "system specific" features, even when the underlying classical dynamics is chaotic. In particular, partial revivals in the echo signal and the survival probability are found for a small shift of the potential. Next, a "semi-classical" expression for the averaged echo signal is presented and used to calculate the echo signal for atoms in a light sheet wedge billiard. Revivals in the echo coherence are found in this system, indicating they may be a generic feature of dipole traps

    Loading of a surface-electrode ion trap from a remote, precooled source

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    We demonstrate loading of ions into a surface-electrode trap (SET) from a remote, laser-cooled source of neutral atoms. We first cool and load ∼\sim 10610^6 neutral 88^{88}Sr atoms into a magneto-optical trap from an oven that has no line of sight with the SET. The cold atoms are then pushed with a resonant laser into the trap region where they are subsequently photoionized and trapped in an SET operated at a cryogenic temperature of 4.6 K. We present studies of the loading process and show that our technique achieves ion loading into a shallow (15 meV depth) trap at rates as high as 125 ions/s while drastically reducing the amount of metal deposition on the trap surface as compared with direct loading from a hot vapor. Furthermore, we note that due to multiple stages of isotopic filtering in our loading process, this technique has the potential for enhanced isotopic selectivity over other loading methods. Rapid loading from a clean, isotopically pure, and precooled source may enable scalable quantum information processing with trapped ions in large, low-depth surface trap arrays that are not amenable to loading from a hot atomic beam

    Electric Deflection of Rotating Molecules

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    We provide a theory of the deflection of polar and non-polar rotating molecules by inhomogeneous static electric field. Rainbow-like features in the angular distribution of the scattered molecules are analyzed in detail. Furthermore, we demonstrate that one may efficiently control the deflection process with the help of short and strong femtosecond laser pulses. In particular the deflection process may by turned-off by a proper excitation, and the angular dispersion of the deflected molecules can be substantially reduced. We study the problem both classically and quantum mechanically, taking into account the effects of strong deflecting field on the molecular rotations. In both treatments we arrive at the same conclusions. The suggested control scheme paves the way for many applications involving molecular focusing, guiding, and trapping by inhomogeneous fields

    Sensitive imaging of electromagnetic fields with paramagnetic polar molecules

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    We propose a method for sensitive parallel detection of low-frequency electromagnetic fields based on the fine structure interactions in paramagnetic polar molecules. Compared to the recently implemented scheme employing ultracold 87^{87}Rb atoms [B{\"o}hi \textit{et al.}, Appl. Phys. Lett. \textbf{97}, 051101 (2010)], the technique based on molecules offers a 100-fold higher sensitivity, the possibility to measure both the electric and magnetic field components, and a probe of a wide range of frequencies from the dc limit to the THz regime

    2S hyperfine structure of atomic deuterium

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    We have measured the frequency splitting between the (2S,F=1/2)(2S, F=1/2) and (2S,F=3/2)(2S, F=3/2) hyperfine sublevels in atomic deuterium by an optical differential method based on two-photon Doppler-free spectroscopy on a cold atomic beam. The result fHFS(D)(2S)=40924454(7)f_{\rm HFS}^{(D)}(2S)= 40 924 454(7) Hz is the most precise value for this interval to date. In comparison to the previous radio-frequency measurement we have improved the accuracy by the factor of three. The specific combination of hyperfine frequency intervals for metastable- and ground states in deuterium atom D21=8fHFS(D)(2S)−fHFS(D)(1S)D_{21}=8f_{\rm HFS}^{(D)}(2S)-f_{\rm HFS}^{(D)}(1S) derived from our measurement is in a good agreement with D21D_{21} calculated from quantum-electrodynamics theory.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Measurement of the Hyperfine Structure and Isotope Shifts of the 3s23p2 3P2 to 3s3p3 3Do3 Transition in Silicon

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    The hyperfine structure and isotope shifts of the 3s23p2 3P2 to 3s3p3 3Do3 transition in silicon have been measured. The transition at 221.7 nm was studied by laser induced fluorescence in an atomic Si beam. For 29Si, the hyperfine A constant for the 3s23p2 3P2 level was determined to be -160.1+-1.3 MHz (1 sigma error), and the A constant for the 3s3p3 3Do3 level is -532.9+-0.6 MHz. This is the first time that these constants were measured. The isotope shifts (relative to the abundant isotope 28Si) of the transition were determined to be 1753.3+-1.1 MHz for 29Si and 3359.9+-0.6 MHz for 30Si. This is an improvement by about two orders of magnitude over a previous measurement. From these results we are able to predict the hyperfine structure and isotope shift of the radioactive 31Si atom, which is of interest in building a scalable quantum computer
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