2,481 research outputs found

    X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Emission from the PSR 1259-63 / Be Star System

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    PSR 1259-63 is a radio pulsar orbiting a Be star in a highly eccentric orbit. Soft and hard X-rays are observed from this binary system. We apply the shock powered emission model to this system. The collision of the pulsar and Be star winds forms a shock, which accelerates electrons and positrons to the relativistic energies. We derive the energy distribution of relativistic electrons and positrons as a function of the distance from the shock in the pulsar nebula. We calculate the X-rays and γ\gamma-rays emitted from the relativistic electrons and positrons in the nebula at various orbital phases, taking into account the Klein-Nishina effect fully. The shock powered emission model can explain the observed X-ray properties approximately. We obtain from the comparison with observations that a fraction of 0.1\sim 0.1 of the pulsar spin-down luminosity should be transformed into the relativistic electrons and positrons. We find that the magnetization parameter of the pulsar wind, the ratio of the Poynting flux to the kinetic energy flux, is 0.1\sim 0.1 immediately upstream of the termination shock of the pulsar wind, and may decrease with distance from the pulsar. We predict the flux of 10 MeV - 100 GeV γ\gamma-rays which may be nearly equal to the detection threshold in the future projects.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Born-Infeld black holes coupled to a massive scalar field

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    Born-Infeld black holes in the Scalar-Tensor Theories of Gravity, in the case of massless scalar field, have been recently obtained. The aim of the current paper is to study the effect from the inclusion of a potential for the scalar field in the theory, through a combination of analytical techniques and numerical methods. The black holes coupled to a massive scalar field have richer causal structure in comparison to the massless scalar field case. In the latter case, the black holes may have a second, inner horizon. The presence of potential for the scalar field allows the existence of extremal black holes for certain values of the mass of the scalar field and the magnetic (electric) charge of the black hole. The linear stability against spherically symmetric perturbations is studied. Arguments in favor of the general stability of the solutions coming from the application of the "turning point" method are also presented.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figure

    Security of the Bennett 1992 quantum-key distribution against individual attack over a realistic channel

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    The security of two-state quantum key distribution against individual attack is estimated when the channel has losses and noises. We assume that Alice and Bob use two nonorthogonal single-photon polarization states. To make our analysis simple, we propose a modified B92 protocol in which Alice and Bob make use of inconclusive results and Bob performs a kind of symmetrization of received states. Using this protocol, Alice and Bob can estimate Eve's information gain as a function of a few parameters which reflect the imperfections of devices or Eve's disturbance. In some parameter regions, Eve's maximum information gain shows counter-intuitive behavior, namely, it decreases as the amount of disturbances increases. For a small noise rate Eve can extract perfect information in the case where the angle between Alice's two states is small or large, while she cannot extract perfect information for intermediate angles. We also estimate the secret key gain which is the net growth of the secret key per one pulse. We show the region where the modified B92 protocol over a realistic channel is secure against individual attack.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Cyanide-Bridged Decanuclear Cobalt–Iron Cage

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    A cyanide-bridged decanuclear [Co6Fe4] cluster was synthesized by a one-pot reaction, and the magnetic properties and electronic configuration were investigated. The complex displayed thermally controlled electron-transfer-coupled spin transition (ETCST) behavior between CoIII low-spin–NC–FeII low-spin and CoII high-spin–NC–FeIII low-spin states, as confirmed by single-crystal X-ray, magnetic, and Mössbauer analyses

    Radionic Non-uniform Black Strings

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    Non-uniform black strings in the two-brane system are investigated using the effective action approach. It is shown that the radion acts as a non-trivial hair of the black strings. From the brane point of view, the black string appears as the deformed dilatonic black hole which becomes dilatonic black hole in the single brane limit and reduces to the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole in the close limit of two-branes. The stability of solutions is demonstrated using the catastrophe theory. From the bulk point of view, the black strings are proved to be non-uniform. Nevertheless, the zeroth law of black hole thermodynamics still holds.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Decoy state quantum key distribution with two-way classical post-processing

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    Decoy states have recently been proposed as a useful method for substantially improving the performance of quantum key distribution protocols when a coherent state source is used. Previously, data post-processing schemes based on one-way classical communications were considered for use with decoy states. In this paper, we develop two data post-processing schemes for the decoy-state method using two-way classical communications. Our numerical simulation (using parameters from a specific QKD experiment as an example) results show that our scheme is able to extend the maximal secure distance from 142km (using only one-way classical communications with decoy states) to 181km. The second scheme is able to achieve a 10% greater key generation rate in the whole regime of distances