109 research outputs found


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    As the rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in the healthcare sector has led to the emergence of many security threats and risks, the increasing use of sensor objects in the medical field has become quite challenging to ensure full protection. Security and Privacy are among the vital requirements for the IoT (Internet of Things) network domain, which involve data authentication and security. There are numerous approaches to arrange authentication and authorization within information systems. Usually, authentication is utilized for login purposes and essentially acts as a security tool for personal user data. It represents the first level of protection against the disclosure of any system information. Users no longer trust traditional password-based authentication methods, given the increased interaction among online services. Credentials acquired online are frequently utilized to secure additional credentials, and advanced attacks frequently focus on the least secure among a large number of available credentials. One-time passwords and a two-factor authentication mechanism are being investigated by researchers as they seem to present a natural progression from traditional username/password schemes. Authentication is one of the primary ways of establishing and ensuring security in the network. Hence in this work, design and implementation of a server independent three level authentication system is presented. In this system, three levels of authentication such as face recognition, matrix recognition, email and OTP (One Time Password) verification. After successful three level authentications, Hospital Management/administration can access the medical data. This system performs three level authentications which is unique and novel as a result intruder is not able to steal the medical information. Hence, this system will provide greater security

    Evaluation of safety, efficacy and expulsion of post placental insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: To determine the safety,efficacy and expulsion of postplacental insertion of intra uterine contraceptive device (PPIUCD). METHODS: Descriptive cohort study done at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Raja Mirasudar Hospital, Thanjavur. CuT 380A inserted within 10 minutes of placental delivery both in vaginal and caesarean deliveries between August 2016 and January 2017 after counseling and written consent based on the Medical eligibility criteria and those clients are followed up for 6 months till July 2017.Acceptance rate is 69.50%. Out of 1828 PPIUCD, 922,780,703 clients came for follow up at 6 weeks, 12 weeks and 24 weeks respectively. RESULTS: The mean age of woman in the study was 24 years. The mean education is tenth standard. 11.5%patients had co-morbid conditions.79.3% delivered by Labour natural with Episiotomy. In 12.8% of clients thread was not felt, bleeding problems and pain are the common complaints. Expulsion rate is 4%. Removal rate is 6% Most common reason for removal is menstrual disturbances .Continuation rate at the end of 24 weeks 38.1%. CONCLUSION: Immediate post-partum IUCD insertion provides safe and highly effective contraception immediately after delivery

    Detecting Targeted Malicious Email Through Mail Client

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    Sharing and storing of data in the web world is with the help of social networks. Messages are exchanged between hosts using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). While the email messages are transporting between systems, SMTP communicates delivery parameters using a message envelope separate from the message (header and body) itself. A malicious email message is the one which have been deliberately crafted to cause problems on the server or at the client side. This message may contain a virus. A filtering technique is applied on messaging string contents by applying tokenization and then applying naïve bayesian classifier we classify targeted and non targeted malicious email. A network defender encounters different classes of threat actors with varying intents and capabilities. Conventional computer network attacks exploit network-based listening services such as Web servers. Traditional decision-tree classification algorithms split each node using the best split from all available features. With random forests, each node splits from a randomly selected set of features at that node. It is only focus on mail body not on hyperlinks and attachments. Proposed extension is feature extraction to file attachment metadata. Threat actors might inadvertently leave remnants of infor-mation such as file paths, time zones, or even author names. In addi¬tion, organizations can track features that characterize the types and amounts of email received by a particular email address

    New validated RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of chlorpromazine and trihexyphenidyl HCl in tablets

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    A simple, specific and precise reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed and validated for simultaneous estimation of Chlorpromazine and Trihexyphenidyl HCl in tablets. Quantification was achieved by using a reverse-phase C18 column (Inertsil ODS 3V, 250 mm x 4.6 mm; 5) at 31 o C. The mobile phase consisted of a mixture of ammonium acetate buffer and methanol in the ratio of 15:85 v/v at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min. The retention times of Chlorpromazine and Trihexyphenidyl HCl were found to be 3.237 min and 5.260 min respectively. The developed method was validated as per ICH Guidelines for linearity, accuracy, precision, detection limit, quantification limit, ruggedness, robustness, specificity and system suitability. The percentage recoveries for both of the drugs from their tablets were found to be 100.34 % and 99.80 % respectively. The method may successfully be employed for the simultaneous determination of Chlorpromazine and Trihexyphenidyl HCl in pharmaceutical tablet dosage forms

    Performance Analysis of No Reference Image quality based on Human Perception

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    In this work, a No-Reference objective image quality assessment based on NRDPF-IQA metric and classification based metric are tested using LIVE database, which consisting of Gaussian white noise, Gaussian blur, Rayleigh fast fading channel, JPEG compressed images, JPEG2000 images. We plot the Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient [SROCC] between each of these features and human DMOS from the LIVE-IQA database using our proposed method to ascertain how well the features correlate with human judgement quality. The analysis of the testing and training is done by SVM model. The proposed method shows better results compared with the earlier methods. Finally, the results are generated by using MATLAB.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i6.678

    Prospective Randomised Comparison of LMA - Supreme and Endotracheal Tube in Elective Laparoscopic Gynaecological Surgeries

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    INTRODUCTION: Supraglottic airway devices have become a standard fixture in airway management filling a niche between the face mask and tracheal tube in terms of both anatomical position and degree of invasiveness. These devices sit outside the trachea but provide a hands free means of achieving a gas tight airway. Originally created as hands free replacement for the face mask, the LMA has gone on to replace endotracheal tubes as the preferred airway in millions of cases each year. This remarkable shift has occurred for number of reasons including ease of placement, lower drug requirement, reduced hemodynamic response, smoother emergence and lower incidence of sore throat. Though LMA provided all the above advantages, the risk of gastric distension, pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents and fear of inadequate ventilation acted as a deterrent to the widespread use of LMA. To overcome the above complications Dr. Archie Brain designed the new airway device, LMA – Supreme in 2007, with the modifications to separate the respiratory and gastro intestinal tract. It represents the most advanced laryngeal airway yet developed by Archie Brain, the inventor of original LMA airway, the LMA Classic. Laparoscopic surgery or more appropriately minimal access surgery is well established since last two decades. General anaesthesia with controlled ventilation remains the gold standard technique for laparoscopic surgeries. The ETT has been proved to be a reliable method of securing the airway and is considered the standard of care for protecting the airway from aspiration. They carry an inherent risk of patient trauma, from vocal cord injury to pharyngeal soft tissue injury and also produces hemodynamic responses to rigid laryngoscopy. Because of ease on insertion and reduced trauma, LMA airways have replaced ETT in many procedures. With its integrated gastric tube and verifiable placement, the LMA Supreme is an even more effective alternative. LMA Supreme is a new airway device that combines the different features of its predecessors. It is curved like the LMA-Fastrach, it offers gastric access like LMA- Proseal and it is of single use like LMA- Unique. The LMA-Supreme forms two seals: an effective first seal with the oropharynx (oropharyngeal seal) and an innovative second seal with the upper oesophageal sphincter (the oesophageal seal). The optimised distal tip with gastric access functionally separates the digestive and respiratory tracts thus effectively protecting against regurgitation and gastric distension. With this background this study was conceptualized to compare the performance of LMA- Supreme and Endotracheal tube in elective laparoscopic gynaecological surgeries. AIM OF THE STUDY: To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of LMA- Supreme (LMA-S) over Endotracheal tube (ETT) for general anaesthesia in women coming for laparoscopic gynaecological surgeries in terms of the following parameters. 1. Ease of insertion of airway device. 2. No. of attempts for insertion of airway device. 3. Time taken for insertion of airway device. 4. Ease of insertion of gastric tube. 5. No. of attempts for insertion of gastric tube. 6. Gastric distension. 7. Haemodynamic responses. 8. Capnography. 9. Blood staining of devices. 10. Incidence of complications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: It was a prospective, randomised, single - blinded, case - controlled study conducted in the Department of Anaesthesiology, Kasturba Gandhi Hospital, Chennai. 60 adult patients satisfying the inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study. INCLUSION CRITERIA: 1. Age : 18 years and above. 2. Weight : BMI < 30 kg/m2. 3. ASA : I & II. 4. Surgery : Elective. 5. Mallampatti scores : I & II. 6. Who have given valid informed consent. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: 1. Not satisfying inclusion criteria. 2. Patients posted for emergency surgery. 3. Patients with difficult airway. 4. Lack of written informed consent. 5. Pregnant female. MATERIALS: 1. LMA Supreme size 3 & 4. 2. Endotracheal tubes- 7 & 7.5 mm CETT. 3. Macintosh laryngoscope with blade size 3. 4. 20 ml syringe. 5. Lubricant jelly, 14 Fr orogastric tube. 6. Drugs: glycopyrolate, fentanyl, midazolam, ondansetron, propofol, atracurium, sevoflurane, neostigmine. 7. Monitors: ECG, Pulse oximetry, Capnography, NIBP. 8. Weighing machine calibrated to 1 kg. OBSERVATION AND RESULTS: This prospective, randomized, comparative, single blinded case control study compares LMA-Supreme insertion with Endotracheal tube in 60 adult females undergoing elective laparoscopic gynaecological surgery. Results are expressed as mean and standard deviation. All statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS for Windows version 15.0. The t-test was used for comparison of quantitative variants. Qualitative variants were compared using the chi-squared test. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. SUMMARY: From this Prospective, Randomised, Comparative single blinded case control study which evaluated the effectiveness of LMA-S and ETT, it is found that, 1. Both LMA-S and ETT were intubated with similar ease (P = 0.314). 2. Number of attempts required for successful insertion of LMA-S was more than that of ETT but not statistically significant. 3. Time taken for insertion of LMA-S was lesser than ETT, which is statistically significant (P <0.001). 4. Ease of insertion of Gastric tube with LMA-S was better than that of ETT, which is statistically significant (P = 0.005). 5. Number of attempts required for successful insertion of gastric tube was lesser with LMA-S than with ETT but not statistically significant. 6. No significant gastric distension occurred intra operatively with both LMA-S and ETT. So, LMA-S provides good oropharyngeal seal and pulmonary ventilation. 7. Both the techniques had no significant differences in SpO2 and EtCO2 before inflation, after inflation and after deflation. Thus LMA-S is also a good airway device for laparoscopic surgeries. 8. Haemodynamically there was a significant difference between two groups with regard to heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure after insertion. LMA-S was found to be a better device in this aspect. 9. Blood staining on LMA-S and ETT were comparable and was not statistically significant. 10. Incidence of post operative sore throat and hoarseness of voice was less with LMA-S than with ETT and was statistically significant. CONCLUSION: LMA-Supreme is an equally effective airway device to ETT in laparoscopic gynaecological surgeries. It has potential advantages like rapid placement, less haemodynamic response, less airway trauma, less pharyngolaryngeal morbidity and better oesophageal seal resulting in reduced risk of gastric distension and aspiration

    Low bit Rate Video Quality Analysis Using NRDPF-VQA Algorithm

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    In this work, we propose NRDPF-VQA (No Reference Distortion Patch Features Video Quality Assessment) model aims to use to measure the video quality assessment for H.264/AVC (Advanced Video Coding). The proposed method takes advantage of the contrast changes in the video quality by luminance changes. The proposed quality metric was tested by using LIVE video database. The experimental results show that the new index performance compared with the other NR-VQA models that require training on LIVE video databases, CSIQ video database, and VQEG HDTV video database. The values are compared with human score index analysis of DMOS

    Spontaneous broad ligament haematoma following a normal vaginal delivery: a case report

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    Broad ligament haematoma is a rare complication following a normal vaginal delivery. We report one such case of a woman who developed this complication within 3 hrs of normal vaginal delivery. She is G2P1L1, 38 wks GA, in active labour. Pt was allowed for spontaneous progression of labour, following which she delivered vaginally. Within 3 hrs patient looked clinically very pale with vitals being deranged and complains of inability to void urine, severe perineal pain. On basis of clinical examination and transabdominal ultrasound features a diagnosis of right sided broad ligament haematoma was made. Based on patients haemodynamic instability surgical management in the form of obstetric hysterectomy was done

    Overview of Android for User Applications

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    This paper presents the requirements to develop the applications on the Android Operating System. Mobiles are the hot cakes in now-a-days market. Features of mobile depend on software. As mobiles are the low-powered devices that uses battery to run and it is a rechargeable one, so the operating system for mobiles has played a crucial role. Necessity for developing applications that could run on mobiles increases at current days. In order to fulfill that features Google introduced Android. Dalvik Virtual Machine facilitates run time environment. Android components are necessary to develop the applications. Android operating system first developed by Google later Open Handset Alliance. Android Operating system provides flexible environment for writing applications in java language. This operating system is free, robust and user friendly

    In situ measurement and management of soil, air, noise and water pollution in and around the Limestone mining area of Yerraguntla, YSR kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India for the sustainable development

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    For emerging countries, mining has been a vital factor in employment, economic development, infrastructure, and supply of essential raw materials for Nation’s Gross domestic product (GDP) growth. The Limestone mine industry is serving as a viable route for economic transformation in India.  Limestone exploration causes major damage to the environment at Yerraguntla industrial zone, YSR Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the environmental Pollution parameter that causes Air, Water, Noise, and Soil pollution in and around limestone quarries started in the early 1984. The present study estimated Air Quality Index (AQI) as 76 based on the air quality sub-index approach using four pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx) for a period of 24 hrs by taking one sample per hour during the post monsoon. Water Quality Index (WQI) obtained as 303.91 from fourteen physicochemical parameters (pH, EC, fluoride, Total alkalinity etc.) measured from water samples. Soil quality was determined using four physicochemical parameters (pH, EC, WHC, Calcium and Magnesium) from the soil samples collected from ten sampling stations. The obtained pH range was (7.6 to 9.4), EC of the soil was determined as 4,140 µs/cm, the water retention capacity of the soil, ranges from (17.68 to 97.68) %, and the Calcium (Ca2+) and Magnesium (Mg2+) ranged from 74.5 to 272.75 mEq/L. Noise levels were determined as 76.64 dB in the mine’s, 58.16 dB in the cement industry, and 52.285 dB in the mine surrounding villages. This study can help mining sector management’s in developing a sustainable Environmental Management frame work to meet the world sustainable development goals  (SDGs)
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