12 research outputs found

    Urine estrogen profiles in European countries with high or low breast cancer rates

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    Urine estrogens of women in two age groups, 15 18 and 30-39, were measured in four northern European countries where breast cancer rates are high, two southern European countries where they are low, and in Finland, a northern country where incidence rates are comparable to those of the southern countries and mortality rates are intermediate. The estriol ratio (the ratio of the concentration of estriol to the sum of those of estrone and estradiol) was lower in the high-risk countries than in the low-risk areas in both age-groups and in both the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle. In two of the four comparisons the difference was statistically significant. This provides modest support to the hypothesis that a population's breast cancer risk is inversely related to the estriol ratios of its young women. However, the data from Finland are not consistent with this hypothesis, the Finnish women having lower mean estriol ratios than the women in the high-risk areas. The pregnanediol levels of the young Finnish women were also unusually low, suggesting a high frequency of anovulatory menstrual cycles

    Percutaneous intralesional brushing of cystic lesions of bone: a technical improvement of diagnostic cytology

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    A modified bronchial brush is presented as a new cytologic method to improve the value of fine-needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of cystic lesions of bone. Four female and six male patients ranging in age from 10 to 44 years were studied. In all cases intralesional brushing was percutaneously performed under fluoroscopic control with local anesthesia. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy preceded intralesional brushing and was performed as described elsewhere. The brush was driven into the walls and septa of an osteolytic lesion through a 14-G needle; material obtained was fixed and processed for cytological and/or histological examinations