1,139 research outputs found

    Towards a phase diagram of the 2D Skyrme model

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    We discuss calculations of the phase diagram of the baby-Skyrme model, a two-dimensional version of the model that has been so successful in the description of baryons. Contact is made with the sine Gordon model in 1D, and relations with the Skyrme model used in the quantum-Hall effect are pointed out. It is shown that at finite temperature the phase diagram is dominated by a liquid, and not the crystal that plays a role for zero temperature

    The role of PDGF-BB, lysophospatidic acid, and proteolytic activity in the invasive behavior of human brain vascular pericytes [abstract]

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    Recruitment of pericytes is needed to stabilize new vessels formed during angiogenesis or vasculogenesis. Although important to the viability of the vessel, information on how the pericytes are recruited to blood vessels is lacking. It is believed that molecules produced by endothelial cells lining the blood vessel walls influence pericyte recruitment. Both the upward and downward invasion of human brain vascular pericytes (HBVPs) through 3D collagen gels was tested in the presence of different endothelial cell produced factors. Of the molecules tested, platelet-derived growth factor- (PDGF-BB) was found to be the most important in signaling HBVPs to invade in a 3D collagen matrix. Invasion can further be enhanced through synergism of PDGF-BB with lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), an activator of G protein signaling. When given together these two molecules increase invasion up to two times that of PDGF alone. The use of pertussis toxin, which blocks the activity of LPA, and recombinant soluble PDGF-receptor beta which traps and blocks PDGFBB, were able to significantly block invasion in response to PDGF and LPA and provide further support for their functional role in HBVP invasive behavior. Invasioncan also be blocked by using GM6001, a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor, demonstrating a requirement for MMP activity during this response. This work further elucidates mechanisms underlying how pericytes invade and migrate toward developing blood vessels to regulate capillary tube assembly and maturation in 3D extracellular matrix environments

    Atomic magnetometer for human magnetoencephalograpy.

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    We have developed a high sensitivity (<5 fTesla/{radical}Hz), fiber-optically coupled magnetometer to detect magnetic fields produced by the human brain. This is the first demonstration of a noncryogenic sensor that could replace cryogenic superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometers in magnetoencephalography (MEG) and is an important advance in realizing cost-effective MEG. Within the sensor, a rubidium vapor is optically pumped with 795 laser light while field-induced optical rotations are measured with 780 nm laser light. Both beams share a single optical axis to maximize simplicity and compactness. In collaboration with neuroscientists at The Mind Research Network in Albuquerque, NM, the evoked responses resulting from median nerve and auditory stimulation were recorded with the atomic magnetometer and a commercial SQUID-based MEG system with signals comparing favorably. Multi-sensor operation has been demonstrated with two AMs placed on opposite sides of the head. Straightforward miniaturization would enable high-density sensor arrays for whole-head magnetoencephalography

    An interferometric complementarity experiment in a bulk Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ensemble

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    We have experimentally demonstrated the interferometric complementarity, which relates the distinguishability DD quantifying the amount of which-way (WW) information to the fringe visibility VV characterizing the wave feature of a quantum entity, in a bulk ensemble by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) techniques. We primarily concern on the intermediate cases: partial fringe visibility and incomplete WW information. We propose a quantitative measure of DD by an alternative geometric strategy and investigate the relation between DD and entanglement. By measuring DD and VV independently, it turns out that the duality relation D2+V2=1D^{2}+V^{2}=1 holds for pure quantum states of the markers.Comment: 13 page, 5 PS figure

    Global environmental changes: setting priorities for Latin American coastal habitats.

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    The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.comThe Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) reports that Global Environmental Changes (GEC) are occurring quicker than at any other time over the last 25 million years and impacting upon marine environments (Bellard et al., 2012). There is overwhelming evidence showing that GEC are affecting both the quality and quantity of the goods and services provided by a wide range of marine ecosystems. In order to discuss regional preparedness for global environmental changes, a workshop was held in Ilhabela, Brazil (22- 26 April 2012) entitled "Evaluating the Sensitivity of Central and South American Benthic Communities to Global Environmental Changes" that drew together scientists from ten Latin American and three European countries. © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Guiding neutral atoms around curves with lithographically patterned current-carrying wires

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    Laser-cooled neutral atoms from a low-velocity atomic source are guided via a magnetic field generated between two parallel wires on a glass substrate. The atoms bend around three curves, each with a 15-cm radius of curvature, while traveling along a 10-cm-long track. A maximum flux of 2*10^6 atoms/sec is achieved with a current density of 3*10^4 A/cm^2 in the 100x100-micrometer-cross-section wires. The kinetic energy of the guided atoms in one transverse dimension is measured to be 42 microKelvin.Comment: 9 page

    Quantum entanglement with acousto-optic modulators: 2-photon beatings and Bell experiments with moving beamsplitters

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    We present an experiment testing quantum correlations with frequency shifted photons. We test Bell inequality with 2-photon interferometry where we replace the beamsplitters by acousto-optic modulators, which are equivalent to moving beamsplitters. We measure the 2-photon beatings induced by the frequency shifts, and we propose a cryptographic scheme in relation. Finally, setting the experiment in a relativistic configuration, we demonstrate that the quantum correlations are not only independent of the distance but also of the time ordering between the two single-photon measurements.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure

    Observation of off-diagonal geometric phase in polarized neutron interferometer experiments

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    Off-diagonal geometric phases acquired in the evolution of a spin-1/2 system have been investigated by means of a polarized neutron interferometer. Final counts with and without polarization analysis enable us to observe simultaneously the off-diagonal and diagonal geometric phases in two detectors. We have quantitatively measured the off-diagonal geometric phase for noncyclic evolutions, confirming the theoretical predictions. We discuss the significance of our experiment in terms of geometric phases (both diagonal and off-diagonal) and in terms of the quantum erasing phenomenon.Comment: pdf, 22 pages + 8 figures (included in the pdf). In print on Phys. Rev.

    Quantitative conditional quantum erasure in two-atom resonance fluorescence

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    We present a conditional quantum eraser which erases the a priori knowledge or the predictability of the path a photon takes in a Young-type double-slit experiment with two fluorescent four-level atoms. This erasure violates a recently derived erasure relation which must be satisfied for a conventional, unconditional quantum eraser that aims to find an optimal sorting of the system into subensembles with particularly large fringe visibilities. The conditional quantum eraser employs an interaction-free, partial which-way measurement which not only sorts the system into optimal subsystems with large visibility but also selects the appropriate subsystem with the maximum possible visibility. We explain how the erasure relation can be violated under these circumstances.Comment: Revtex4, 12pages, 4 eps figures, replaced with published version, changes in Sec. 3, to appear in Physical Review

    Simulated Annealing for Topological Solitons

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    The search for solutions of field theories allowing for topological solitons requires that we find the field configuration with the lowest energy in a given sector of topological charge. The standard approach is based on the numerical solution of the static Euler-Lagrange differential equation following from the field energy. As an alternative, we propose to use a simulated annealing algorithm to minimize the energy functional directly. We have applied simulated annealing to several nonlinear classical field theories: the sine-Gordon model in one dimension, the baby Skyrme model in two dimensions and the nuclear Skyrme model in three dimensions. We describe in detail the implementation of the simulated annealing algorithm, present our results and get independent confirmation of the studies which have used standard minimization techniques.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, better quality pics at http://www.phy.umist.ac.uk/~weidig/Simulated_Annealing/, updated for publicatio
