32 research outputs found

    The evolutionary origins of ritualized acoustic signals in caterpillars

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    Animal communication signals can be highly elaborate, and researchers have long sought explanations for their evolutionary origins. For example, how did signals such as the tail-fan display of a peacock, a firefly flash or a wolf howl evolve? Animal communication theory holds that many signals evolved from non-signalling behaviours through the process of ritualization. Empirical evidence for ritualization is limited, as it is necessary to examine living relatives with varying degrees of signal evolution within a phylogenetic framework. We examine the origins of vibratory territorial signals in caterpillars using comparative and molecular phylogenetic methods. We show that a highly ritualized vibratory signal—anal scraping—originated from a locomotory behaviour—walking. Furthermore, comparative behavioural analysis supports the hypothesis that ritualized vibratory signals derive from physical fighting behaviours. Thus, contestants signal their opponents to avoid the cost of fighting. Our study provides experimental evidence for the origins of a complex communication signal, through the process of ritualization

    piRNAs as Modulators of Disease Pathogenesis

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    Advances in understanding disease pathogenesis correlates to modifications in gene expression within different tissues and organ systems. In depth knowledge about the dysregulation of gene expression profiles is fundamental to fully uncover mechanisms in disease development and changes in host homeostasis. The body of knowledge surrounding mammalian regulatory elements, specifically regulators of chromatin structure, transcriptional and translational activation, has considerably surged within the past decade. A set of key regulators whose function still needs to be fully elucidated are small non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs). Due to their broad range of unfolding functions in the regulation of gene expression during transcription and translation, sncRNAs are becoming vital to many cellular processes. Within the past decade, a novel class of sncRNAs called PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) have been implicated in various diseases, and understanding their complete function is of vital importance. Historically, piRNAs have been shown to be indispensable in germline integrity and stem cell development. Accumulating research evidence continue to reveal the many arms of piRNA function. Although piRNA function and biogenesis has been extensively studied in Drosophila, it is thought that they play similar roles in vertebrate species, including humans. Compounding evidence suggests that piRNAs encompass a wider functional range than small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs), which have been studied more in terms of cellular homeostasis and disease. This review aims to summarize contemporary knowledge regarding biogenesis, and homeostatic function of piRNAs and their emerging roles in the development of pathologies related to cardiomyopathies, cancer, and infectious diseases

    The effect of weight loss on lameness in obese dogs with osteoarthritis

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    This paper describes the effect of weight loss on lameness in obese dogs with osteoarthritis (OA). Fourteen obese client-owned dogs with clinical and radiographic signs of OA participated in an open prospective clinical trial. After a screening visit and a visit for collection of baseline data, the dogs were fed a restricted-calorie diet over a study period of 16 weeks that incorporated six follow-up visits. At each visit, body weight and pelvic circumference were measured and severity of lameness was assessed using a numeric rating scale (NRS), a visual analogue scale (VAS) and kinetic gait analysis. This is the first study to assess both subjectively and objectively, the effect of weight loss alone on lameness in obese dogs with OA. The results indicate that body weight reduction causes a significant decrease in lameness from a weight loss of 6.10% onwards. Kinetic gait analysis supported the results from a body weight reduction of 8.85% onwards. These results confirm that weight loss should be presented as an important treatment modality to owners of obese dogs with OA and that noticeable improvement may be seen after modest weight loss in the region of 6.10 – 8.85% body weight

    Developing a new assesment tool to enhance overall celebrity ratings for endorsement purposes

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    Using the Enhanced Q-rating survey to develop an overall rating of a celebrity is a new approach to improve procedures such as the Q-ratings, currently in practice. The Q-rating approach, although valuable to marketers because of its usefulness, receives a lot of criticism, due to the fact it only accounts for the familiarity and likability factors of the celebrity. As a result, these ratings mislead advertisers in selecting their endorsers. With regard to celebrity endorser advertising, the new rating method will take into account the different attributes found to be effective in persuasion with regards to celebrity endorsers in advertising. Some of these attributes include expertise in the product being endorsed, trustworthiness, credibility, attractiveness, familiarity and their ability to be personable (likability). Data for this study was collected from 115 respondents, who were dispensed an online survey via Facebook and Twitter. Of the respondents, 70 were female and 45 were male. The mean age of the participants was 26.76 years. A T-test was used to examine the differences between the Enhanced Q-rating and the Old Q-rating overall scores. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was undertaken to investigate the differences between overall Enhanced Q-ratings for each athlete based on the following demographics: ethnicity, socio-economic status, and gender. Likewise, an ANOVA test was also used to investigate differences in overall trait scores based on the noted demographics. Furthermore, a bivariate correlation was used to examine the correlation between age of respondents and overall Enhanced Q-rating for each athlete. Findings indicated a significant difference between the Enhanced Q-rating and Old Q-rating based on gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic status

    Cryopreservation of germ cells from bovine fetal ovaries

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    Developmental Potential of Bovine Fetal Gonial Cells

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    Gracility of the modern Homo sapiens

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    Development of bovine nuclear transfer embryos made with oogonia

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    The pluripotency of embryonic germ cells in the mouse suggests that mitotic bovine fetal germ cells might also be a source of pluripotent cells. To investigate the pluripotency of bovine oogonia, the development in vitro of bovine embryos reconstructed by fusing oogonia with enucleated oocytes was compared with that of embryos made similarly with either blastomeres or granulosa cells. The donor cells (fresh oogonia, cryopreserved oogonia, 16- to 32-cell-stage blastomeres, or granulosa cells) were fused to the enucleated oocytes electrically The proportions of reconstructed embryos that had cleaved at 40 h after fusion using these types of donor cells were not significantly different (37%, 33%, 56%, and 31%, respectively; p > 0.05). However, the proportions of cleaved reconstructed embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage were 9%, 13%, 36%, and 3%, respectively, significantly higher (p less than or equal to 0.05) with blastomeres than with the other three types of donor cells. After transfer of 3 morulae and 4 blastocysts made with oogonia into three recipient heifers, embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues developed in one animal. On recovery after 43 days gestation, this conceptus was shown to be genetically identical, at 11 microsatellite loci, to the fetus that had provided the oogonia. Cytological analysis of the embryos made with oogonia at 40-44 h after fusion and at the morula and blastocyst stages revealed that aberrant cytokinesis and nucleokinesis had given rise to multinucleated, anucleate, and polyploid cells in the reconstructed embryos. It is concluded that limited pluripotency of bovine oogonia has been demonstrated, warranting further study in this area

    A Paternal Fish Oil Diet Preconception Modulates the Gut Microbiome and Attenuates Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Neonatal Mice

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    Epidemiology and animal studies suggest that a paternal history of toxicant exposure contributes to the developmental origins of health and disease. Using a mouse model, our laboratory previously reported that a paternal history of in utero exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) increased his offspring’s risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Additionally, our group and others have found that formula supplementation also increases the risk of NEC in both humans and mice. Our murine studies revealed that intervening with a paternal fish oil diet preconception eliminated the TCDD-associated outcomes that are risk factors for NEC (e.g., intrauterine growth restriction, delayed postnatal growth, and preterm birth). However, the efficacy of a paternal fish oil diet in eliminating the risk of disease development in his offspring was not investigated. Herein, reproductive-age male mice exposed to TCDD in utero were weaned to a standard or fish oil diet for one full cycle of spermatogenesis, then mated to age-matched unexposed females. Their offspring were randomized to a strict maternal milk diet or a supplemental formula diet from postnatal days 7–10. Offspring colon contents and intestines were collected to determine the onset of gut dysbiosis and NEC. We found that a paternal fish oil diet preconception reduced his offspring’s risk of toxicant-driven NEC, which was associated with a decrease in the relative abundance of the Firmicutes phylum, but an increase in the relative abundance of the Negativicutes class