161 research outputs found

    Electronic structure of NiS_{1-x}Se_x

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    We investigate the electronic structure of the metallic NiS1x_{1-x}Sex_x system using various electron spectroscopic techniques. The band structure results do not describe the details of the spectral features in the experimental spectrum, even for this paramagnetic metallic phase. However, a parameterized many-body multi-band model is found to be successful in describing the Ni~2pp core level and valence band, within the same model. The asymmetric line shape as well as the weak intensity feature in the Ni~2pp core level spectrum has been ascribed to extrinsic loss processes in the system. The presence of satellite features in the valence band spectrum shows the existence of the lower Hubbard band, deep inside the pdpd metallic regime, consistent with the predictions of the dynamical mean field theory.Comment: To be published in Physical Review B, 18 pages and 5 figure

    Mechanical and Electronic Properties of MoS2_2 Nanoribbons and Their Defects

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    We present our study on atomic, electronic, magnetic and phonon properties of one dimensional honeycomb structure of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2_2) using first-principles plane wave method. Calculated phonon frequencies of bare armchair nanoribbon reveal the fourth acoustic branch and indicate the stability. Force constant and in-plane stiffness calculated in the harmonic elastic deformation range signify that the MoS2_2 nanoribbons are stiff quasi one dimensional structures, but not as strong as graphene and BN nanoribbons. Bare MoS2_2 armchair nanoribbons are nonmagnetic, direct band gap semiconductors. Bare zigzag MoS2_2 nanoribbons become half-metallic as a result of the (2x1) reconstruction of edge atoms and are semiconductor for minority spins, but metallic for the majority spins. Their magnetic moments and spin-polarizations at the Fermi level are reduced as a result of the passivation of edge atoms by hydrogen. The functionalization of MoS2_2 nanoribbons by adatom adsorption and vacancy defect creation are also studied. The nonmagnetic armchair nanoribbons attain net magnetic moment depending on where the foreign atoms are adsorbed and what kind of vacancy defect is created. The magnetization of zigzag nanoribbons due to the edge states is suppressed in the presence of vacancy defects.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, first submitted at November 23th, 200

    Brain and ventricular volume in patients with syndromic and complex craniosynostosis

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    textabstractPurpose: Brain abnormalities in patients with syndromic craniosynostosis can either be a direct result of the genetic defect or develop secondary to compression due to craniosynostosis, raised ICP or hydrocephalus. Today it is unknown whether children with syndromic craniosynostosis have normal brain volumes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate brain and ventricular volume measurements in patients with syndromic and complex craniosynostosis. This knowledge will improve our understanding of brain development and the origin of raised intracranial pressure in syndromic craniosynostosis. Methods: Brain and ventricular volumes were calculated from MRI scans of patients with craniosynostosis, 0.3 to 18.3 years of age. Brain volume was compared to age matched controls from the literature. All patient charts were reviewed to look for possible predictors of brain and ventricular volume. Results: Total brain volume in syndromic craniosynostosis equals that of normal controls, in the age range of 1 to 12 years. Brain growth occurred particularly in the first 5 years of age, after which it stabilized. Within the studied population, ventricular volume was significantly larger in Apert syndrome compared to all other syndromes and in patients with a Chiari I malformation. Conclusions: Patients with syndromic craniosynostosis have a normal total brain volume compared to normal controls. Increased ventricular volume is associated with Apert syndrome and Chiari I malformations, which is most commonly found in Crouzon syndrome. We advice screening of all patients with Apert and Crouzon syndrome for the development of enlarged ventricle volume and the presence of a Chiari I malformation

    Організаційно-економічне забезпечення розвитку електронної промисловості

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    Розкрито питання організаційно-економічного забезпечення електронної промисловості в рамках організаційно-економічного механізму розвитку електронної промисловості на інноваційній основі, який регламентує діяльність державних, галузевих і підприємницьких структур, що забезпечують розвиток електронної промисловості. Ключові слова: електронна промисловість, організаційне забезпечення розвитку електронної промисловості, організаційно-економічний механізм, інноваційний розвиток.  Раскрываются вопросы организационно-экономического обеспечения электронной промышленности в рамках организационно-экономического механизма развития электронной промышленности на инновационной основе, который регламентирует деятельность государственных, отраслевых и предпринимательских структур, обеспечивающих развитие электронной промышленности. Ключевые слова: электронная промышленность, организационное обеспечение развития электронной промышленности, организационно-экономический механизм, инновационное развитие.  The paper deals with the issues of organizational and economic support of electronic industry in the framework of the organizational and economic mechanism of the above industry development on the basis of innovation. It regulates the activities of the government, sectoral and business organizations, which provide the development of the electronic industry. The proposalsare as follows: to work out a State Program of Development of the Electronic Industry, andto create a sectoral information system, a cluster “development of the electronic industry”, holding the electronic industry, a sectoral technology transfer system, training educational and scientific centres for the engineering staff. It is shown that at a corporate level the development of electronic industry is promoted by establishment of production facilities with the use of well-known brands and foreign electronic productions, technologies transfer with consideration of supply channels, introduction of business market mechanisms, IPC standards, and production information systems PDM/PLM. A specific feature of these measures is that to develop the issues of financial and economic, technical and technological, innovation and market support of the electronic industry development the methods of grouping, generalization of economic indicators received from the enterprises of this industry, and economic mathematical modelling using a correlation regression and structural logical analysis have been used. The application of these methods suggests that the use of the organizational and economic support contributes to promising development of the electronic industry in Ukraine which consists in formation of the core of the electronic industry and its integration in the world electronic space in the future. Keywords: electronic industry, organizational support of electronic industry development, organizational and economic mechanism, innovation-based development

    Current concepts of polymicrogyria

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    Polymicrogyria is one of the most common malformations of cortical development. It has been known for many years and its clinical and MRI manifestations are well described. Recent advances in imaging, however, have revealed that polymicrogyria has many different appearances on MR imaging, suggesting that is may be a more heterogeneous malformation than previously suspected. The clinical and imaging heterogeneity of polymicrogyria is explored in this review

    Molecular heterogeneity and CXorf67 alterations in posterior fossa group A (PFA) ependymomas

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    Of nine ependymoma molecular groups detected by DNA methylation profiling, the posterior fossa type A (PFA) is most prevalent. We used DNA methylation profiling to look for further molecular heterogeneity among 675 PFA ependymomas. Two major subgroups, PFA-1 and PFA-2, and nine minor subtypes were discovered. Transcriptome profiling suggested a distinct histogenesis for PFA-1 and PFA-2, but their clinical parameters were similar. In contrast, PFA subtypes differed with respect to age at diagnosis, gender ratio, outcome, and frequencies of genetic alterations. One subtype, PFA-1c, was enriched for 1q gain and had a relatively poor outcome, while patients with PFA-2c ependymomas showed an overall survival at 5 years of > 90%. Unlike other ependymomas, PFA-2c tumors express high levels of OTX2, a potential biomarker for this ependymoma subtype with a good prognosis. We also discovered recurrent mutations among PFA ependymomas. H3 K27M mutations were present in 4.2%, occurring only in PFA-1 tumors, and missense mutations in an uncharacterized gene, CXorf67, were found in 9.4% of PFA ependymomas, but not in other groups. We detected high levels of wildtype or mutant CXorf67 expression in all PFA subtypes except PFA-1f, which is enriched for H3 K27M mutations. PFA ependymomas are characterized by lack of H3 K27 trimethylation (H3 K27-me3), and we tested the hypothesis that CXorf67 binds to PRC2 and can modulate levels of H3 K27-me3. Immunoprecipitation/mass spectrometry detected EZH2, SUZ12, and EED, core components of the PRC2 complex, bound to CXorf67 in the Daoy cell line, which shows high levels of CXorf67 and no expression of H3 K27-me3. Enforced reduction of CXorf67 in Daoy cells restored H3 K27-me3 levels, while enforced expression of CXorf67 in HEK293T and neural stem cells reduced H3 K27-me3 levels. Our data suggest that heterogeneity among PFA ependymomas could have clinicopathologic utility and that CXorf67 may have a functional role in these tumors

    Molecular markers and potential therapeutic targets in non-WNT/non-SHH (group 3 and group 4) medulloblastomas

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    Childhood medulloblastomas (MB) are heterogeneous and are divided into four molecular subgroups. The provisional non-wingless-activated (WNT)/non-sonic hedgehog-activated (SHH) category combining group 3 and group 4 represents over two thirds of all MBs, coupled with the highest rates of metastases and least understood pathology. The molecular era expanded our knowledge about molecular aberrations involved in MB tumorigenesis, and here, we review processes leading to non-WNT/non-SHH MB formations.The heterogeneous group 3 and group 4 MBs frequently harbor rare individual genetic alterations, yet the emerging profiles suggest that infrequent events converge on common, potentially targetable signaling pathways. A mutual theme is the altered epigenetic regulation, and in vitro approaches targeting epigenetic machinery are promising. Growing evidence indicates the presence of an intermediate, mixed signature group along group 3 and group 4, and future clarifications are imperative for concordant classification, as misidentifying patient samples has serious implications for therapy and clinical trials.To subdue the high MB mortality, we need to discern mechanisms of disease spread and recurrence. Current preclinical models do not represent the full scale of group 3 and group 4 heterogeneity: all of existing group 3 cell lines are MYC-amplified and most mouse models resemble MYC-activated MBs. Clinical samples provide a wealth of information about the genetic divergence between primary tumors and metastatic clones, but recurrent MBs are rarely resected. Molecularly stratified treatment options are limited, and targeted therapies are still in preclinical development. Attacking these aggressive tumors at multiple frontiers will be needed to improve stagnant survival rates