1,821 research outputs found

    Role of diagnostic laparoscopy in infertility

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    Background: Use of diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy in infertility has been a focus of attention in recent years and demonstrated to be very effective method in evaluating these cases. The main objective of the study was to detect the diagnostic efficacy of laparoscopy in uterine, pelvic and ovarian pathologies.Methods: This prospective study included 50 infertile women and it was conducted at department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Smt. N.H.L. Municipal Medical College, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad during the period between May 2006 to November 2008. After thorough gynecological examination, necessary investigations were made and written consent form was taken from them before laparoscopy. The patients were kept fasting for 24 hours before the laparoscopy and the procedure was performed under general anaesthesia. All the data was collected on pre-designed proforma and the results were tabulated and raw percentages calculated to describe the results.Results: Among 50 patients, 34 were of primary infertility cases and 16 were of secondary infertility. In primary infertility maximum number of patient belonged to age group of 21-25 years where as secondary infertility were under the age group 26 – 30 years and above 31 years of age. In primary infertility 65% patients had active marriage life duration of 2 – 4 years, while in secondary infertility cases 81% of patients had marriage life age of more than 6 years. Out of 50 patients, 14 (28%) had absolutely normal laparoscopic findings. Among the various pathologies observed, ovarian pathology contributed the most (36%), followed by tubal (26%), pelvic (22%) and uterine (10%) pathologies.Conclusions: Laparoscopy is safe and cost effective method and should be considered as prime diagnostic tool for evaluating the etiology of infertility in women and for effective treatment decisions

    Barrier inhomogeneities of Al/p-In2Te3 thin film Schottky diodes

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    The current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of p-In2Te3/Al thin films Schottky diodes papered by Flash Evaporation technique were measured in the temperature range 303-335 K have been interpreted on the basis of the assumption of a Gaussian distribution of barrier heights (φbo) due to barrier height inhomogeneities that prevail at the interface. It has been found that the occurrence of Gaussian distribution of BHs is responsible for the decrease of the apparent BH (φbo) and increase of the ideality factor (η). The inhomogeneities are considered to have a Gaussian distribution with a mean barrier height of (φbm) and standard deviation (σs) at zero-bias. Furthermore, the activation energy value (φb) at T = 0 and Richardson constant (A**) value was obtained as 0.587 eV and 3.09 Acm– 2 K– 1 by means of usual Richardson plots. Hence, it has been concluded that the temperature dependence of the I-V characteristics of p-In2Te3/Al Schottky Diodes can be successfully explained on the basis of TE mechanism with a Gaussian distribution of the BHs. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2790

    Fabrication and Characterization of Al/p-CuInAlSe2 Thin Film Schottky Diodes

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    Al/p-CuInAlSe2 polycrystalline schottky diodes fabricated by flash evaporation method were undertaken for their electrical analysis at room temperature. Diode parameters of the undertaken diodes were then derived from the current-voltage (I-V) as well as capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics. It has been observed that the schottky barrier height deduced from the room temperature I-V is lower to that obtained from the C-V characteristics and is attributed to the fact that I-V analysis includes both the image force and dipole lowering effects and is also reduced by the tunneling and leakage currents. The slope variation of the frequency dependent C – 2-V characteristics for the Al/p-CuInAlSe2 Schottky diode at varying frequency values from 50 kHz to 1 MHz suggests a large density of slow traps or interface states at the M-S junction. As emerging from the parameters values energy band diagram of Al and P-CuInAlSe2 has been reconstructed. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3100

    A study of maternal and perinatal outcome in patients of postpartum hemorrhage in a tertiary care hospital, Gujarat

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    Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is significant factor for maternal mortality. Prevalence of PPH is 6.0% worldwide and highest prevalence was noted in Africa which is almost 10.1%. In India, maternal hemorrhage is the very common factor for maternal mortality. The objective of the study was to understand incidence of PPH and various risk factors for it, to study maternal morbidity and mortality associated with PPH and to study the effective mode of management in PPH.Methods: This prospective study was done among 50 cases of postpartum haemorrhage out of 13,628 deliveries at civil hospital, Asarwa, Ahmedabad during November 2008 to October 2010 and analysis was done regarding patients’ socio demographic characteristics, various risk factors, causes and maternal and perinatal outcome.Results: Incidence of PPH was 0.36%. Almost >85% cases were belonged to 20-34 years age group. Highest cases (38%) seen in primigravida and 72% cases have normal vaginal delivery. Anemia noted in highest cases (22%) and 68% cases have most common etiology was atonicity. Birth weight <2.5 kg found in 36% cases. Most common maternal outcome was fever (16%) and 72% cases delivered healthy and alive birth.Conclusions: The patients were mostly primiparous. The commonest associated medical condition was anemia. The commonest underlying cause of PPH was atonicity of the uterus. Commonest maternal outcome was fever. Out of total births, 72.0% were alive and healthy babies followed by 18.0% babies were still birth

    The high-pressure behavior of CaMoO4

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    We report a high-pressure study of tetragonal scheelite-type CaMoO4 up to 29 GPa. In order to characterize its high-pressure behavior, we have combined Raman and optical-absorption measurements with density-functional theory calculations. We have found evidence of a pressure-induced phase transition near 15 GPa. Experiments and calculations agree in assigning the high-pressure phase to a monoclinic fergusonite-type structure. The reported results are consistent with previous powder x-ray-diffraction experiments, but are in contradiction with the conclusions obtained from earlier Raman measurements, which support the existence of more than one phase transition in the pressure range covered by our studies. The observed scheelite-fergusonite transition induces significant changes in the electronic band gap and phonon spectrum of CaMoO4. We have determined the pressure evolution of the band gap for the low- and high-pressure phases as well as the frequencies and pressure dependences of the Raman-active and infrared-active modes. In addition, based upon calculations of the phonon dispersion of the scheelite phase, carried out at a pressure higher than the transition pressure, we propose a possible mechanism for the reported phase transition. Furthermore, from the calculations we determined the pressure dependence of the unit-cell parameters and atomic positions of the different phases and their room-temperature equations of state. These results are compared with previous experiments showing a very good agreement. Finally, information on bond compressibility is reported and correlated with the macroscopic compressibility of CaMoO4. The reported results are of interest for the many technological applications of this oxide.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, 8 table

    Evaluation of antidepressant activity of hydro-alcoholic extract of rhizomes of Nardostachys jatamansi DC per se and in combination with fluoxetine in wistar albino rats and swiss albino mice

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    Background: Depression is a common mental disorder results due to deficiency of neurotransmitter in the brain. Various medicinal properties of jatamansi are mentioned in Ayurveda. This study evaluated effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of rhizomes of Nordostachys jatamansi DC per se and in combination with fluoxetine in wistar albino rats and swiss albino mice.Methods: Animals of either sex were selected and randomly divided in test group. Jatamansi extract 10:1 and fluoxetine hydrochloride dissolved in distilled water were used. Animals were tested for forced swimming test, tail suspension test and locomotor after given test drug. Results were compared with control and analysed.Results: Nardostachys jatamansi DC, when given to rats showed dose dependent increase in number of rotation during forced swimming test in rats. During forced swimming test in glass jar statistically significant decrease in immobility was observed. Nardostachys jatamansi DC, when given to mice dose dependent statistically significant decrease in immobility time, swimming time and climbing observed. When given along with combination of fluoxetine it shows statistically significant difference in result, confirmed that it can have synergistic antidepressant activity. When used for locomotor activity in mice none of the test drugs significantly increase or decrease the locomotor activity.Conclusions: Jatamansi showed antidepressant like property in various tests conducted on rats and mice. It showed statistically significant result with increasing dose and had synergic effect when given along with fluoxetine

    Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: the spectrum of computed tomography appearances

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    AbstractAlthough computed tomography (CT) of the thorax has been compared to plain chest radiography and bronchography for demonstration of central bronchiectasis (CB) in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), the CT presentation of the disease is yet to be highlighted. With this in view, the CT appearances in 23 patients with ABPA were evaluated. The scans were assessed for bronchial, parenchymal and pleural abnormalities.Central bronchiectasis was identified in all patients, involving 114 (85%) of the 134 lobes and 210 (52%) of the 406 segments studied. Other bronchial abnormalities such as dilated and totally occluded bronchi (11 patients), air-fluid levels within dilated bronchi (five patients), bronchial wall thickening (10 patients) and parallel-line shadows (seven patients) were also observed.Parenchymal abnormalities, which had a predilection for upper lobes, included consolidation in 10 (43%) patients, collapse in four (17%) patients and parenchymal scarring in 19 (83%) patients. A total of six cavities were seen in three (13%) patients, and an emphysematous bullae was detected in one (4%) patient. The pleura was involved in 10 (43%) patients. Ipsilateral pleural effusion with collapse was observed in one patient, while in nine other patients, parenchymal lesions extended up to the pleura. Concomitant allergic Aspergillus sinusitis (AAS) was also detected in three (13%) of the 23 patients.Computed tomography of the thorax in patients with ABPA provides a sensitive method for the assessment of bronchial, parenchymal and pleural abnormalities, and should constitute a part of the diagnostic work of the disease

    Impact of annealing on CuInSe2 thin films and its Schottky interface

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    The room temperature current–voltage (I-V) characteristics of the Al/p-CuInSe2 Schottky Diodes fabricated on thermally evaporated CIS thin films, before and after annealing, were studied. Prior to their diode formation, the undertaken CIS thin films were compared on the basis of structural, morphological and electrical investigations. Wherein, annealed films showed an increase in the grain size and carrier concentration values while decrease in resistivity. I-V analysis of the Schottky diodes depicted decrease in the barrier heights and increase in ideality factors of those formed on annealed films. The diodes, thus, indicated the existence of barrier inhomogenity at the M-S interface. The annealed Schottky diodes also demonstrated better ideality factor values with increased thickness of CIS layer. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2792

    A rare case of cerebellar toxicity after prolonged use of metronidazole: a case report

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    Metronidazole, a commonly used antiprotozoal and antibacterial medication is usually a safe and rarely reported to cause serious side effects. Major nervous side effects are peripheral ones, while central toxicity is rare. Following the discontinuation of the medication, clinical improvement is seen in the most cases. A 62 years old female patient was presented to hospital after experiencing the symptoms of an unsteady gait, difficulty in walking, impaired coordination of arms and legs, slurring of the speech, headache, tingling and numbness of both the feet and ascending limb weakness following intake of 400 mg metronidazole TDS daily for 2 months. The motor system examination revealed reduced muscle power, and DTR (Deep tendon reflex) was found to be 2+, except ankle reflex absent, while examination of sensory system showed, decrease pain and joint vibration sense up to the neck with absent planter reflex. The axial magnetic resonance imaging study of the brain showed bilateral symmetric hyperintensity involving both dentate nuclei in FLAIR image. The patient’s clinical conditions, on the other hand was deteriorated even after the discontinuation of the medication, hence injection methylprednisolone was given as an empirical therapy and was proved to be successful, and patient was recovered completely

    Structure, Optical And Electrical Characterization Of Tin Selenide Thin Films Deposited At Room Temperature Using Thermal Evaporation Method

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    Tin Selenide (SnSe) is an important IV-VI compound semiconducting material used for various devices like memory switching, an efficient solar cell and holographic recording systems. SnSe thin films of the thickness of 100 nm were deposited by thermal evaporation method on a Glass substrate at room temperature. The prepared samples were investigated for structural, compositional, morphological and optical characte-rization respectively by using X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission measurements. Thus deposited films showed a good polycrystalline quality having preferred (111) orientation with uniformly distributed spherical grains having size 16nm.The grown film identified as P- types by hot probe method. The films were found to have direct band transition having an optical bandgap (Eg) of 1.92 eV at room temperature. The temperature depended electrical resistivity (ρ) determined by using the two probe method, found to be 390 Ω·m at room temperature. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/952