68 research outputs found

    Scientific-research work of students in organizations of secondary vocational education

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    The aim of the study is to reveal features and possibilities of research work in the organizations of secondary professional education. Methods. Theoretical methods involve analysis of legislative, normative documents; comparison and generalization of the findings of scientists on research activities. Empirical methods: pedagogical observation, to study the experience of organization of research work. Results. The definition of «research ability» is proposed; the system of organization of research activity in the organization of secondary vocational education, including the identification of approaches to the concept of «research» is developed; development of a program of research skills formation is given; definition of subjective functional relationships for the implementation of the programmer of research; the development of training programs for teaching staff the organization of the secondary professional education to the organization and conduct of research activities with students; creation of innovative infrastructure as a set of resources and means to ensure the maintenance of research activities. Scientific novelty. An attempt to fill the gaps in the methodology of organization of research activity in organizations of secondary vocational education is taken. Peculiarities of the educational programs of secondary vocational education, defining the forms of research activities are disclosed. Approaches to the concept of «research», the formation of research skills and development of professional-pedagogical competences of teachers as subjects of research activities are proposed. Practical significance. The use of suggested approaches to conducting research in organizations of secondary vocational education can increase the level of students and extend the functionality of teachers. Цель статьи – раскрыть особенности и возможности научно-исследовательской работы в организациях среднего профессионального образования (СПО). Методы – теоретические: анализ законодательной, нормативной документации; сравнение и обобщение выводов ученых об исследовательской деятельности; эмпирические: педагогическое наблюдение, изучение опыта организации исследовательской работы. Результаты. Предложено определение понятия «исследовательское умение»; разработана система организации научно-исследовательской деятельности в организациях среднего профессионального образования, включающая определение подходов к понятию «исследование»; составление программы формирования исследовательских умений и программы подготовки педагогических работников организации СПО к организации и проведению исследовательской деятельности со студентами; определение субъектных функциональных связей для реализации программы исследовательской деятельности; создание инновационной инфраструктуры как совокупности ресурсов и средств, обеспечивающих обслуживание исследовательской деятельности. Научная новизна. Предпринята попытка восполнить пробелы в методологии организации научно-исследовательской деятельности в организациях среднего профессионального образования. Выявлены особенности образовательной программы СПО, определяющие формы научно-исследовательской деятельности. Предложены новые подходы к понятию «исследование», формированию исследовательских умений и развитию профессионально-педагогических компетенций преподавателей как субъектов исследовательской деятельности. Практическая значимость – применение описанных в статье подходов к проведению исследовательской работы в организациях среднего профессионального образования позволяет повысить уровень обучения студентов и расширить функциональные возможности педагогических работнико


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    The aim of the present article is to reveal system effects of the university complexes including the organizations of professional education on different levels. Methodology and research methods. Theoretical methods: receipt of scientific information on systems, collection of data on university complexes; empirical: comparison and correlation of the obtained data. Results and scientific novelty. A university complex is designated as a system. The system effects being the results of integration of the organizations of professional education of different levels are educed: effect of instability of the hierarchical relations when preserving a certain structure of a university complex; effect of a single educational purpose, effect of influence of the external environment. These effects cause emergence of new quality of the integrated pedagogical system which is designated as «ability to self-regulating updating».Practical significance. The materials and results of the study can be used for further development of university complexes as organizations that integrate the establishments of vocational education on different levels.Цель статьи – выявление системных эффектов университетских комплексов, включающих организации профессионального образования разных уровней. Методология и методики исследования. В исследовании использовались теоретические методы: получение научной информации о системах, сбор данных об университетских комплексах; эмпирические: сравнение и сопоставление полученных данных. Результаты и научная новизна. Университетский комплекс охарактеризован как система. Выведены системные эффекты, являющиеся результатами интеграции организаций профессионального образования разных уровней: эффект нестабильности иерархических отношений при сохранении определенной структуры университетского комплекса; эффект единой образовательной цели, эффект воздействия внешней среды. Данные эффекты обусловливают возникновение нового качества интегрированной педагогической системы, которое обозначается как «способность к саморегулируемому обновлению». Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для дальнейшего развития университетских комплексов как организаций, интегрирующих учреждения профессионального образования разных уровней


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    The purpose of the article is to determine application of educational and industrial problems in students’ competitions of professional skill. The authors used the following theoretical methods: obtaining scientific information on educational-production tasks which can be solved in competitions of professional skill as forms of interaction and organization of railway transportation enterprises; the collection of data on training and production tasks and competitions of professional skill; empirical: analysis, comparison of data. The results are as follows: on the basis of research classification educational-production tasks, collected factual material about the competitions of professional skill, secondary professional education organizations and enterprises of railway transport. Solving of workstudy tasks assumes capturing the educational program and the formation of professional competences in terms of production within a profession. The scientific novelty implies that the proposed approach contributes to the study of valuation activities educational achievements of students, current monitoring methodology and outcomes of training for the industrial sector of the economy. The practical significance. The application of teaching and production tasks in competitions of professional skill contribute to the need for collaboration among all actors of the educational processes with a view to improving the quality of training of specialists and workers frames.Цель статьи – обосновать применение учебно-производственных задач в конкурсах профессионального мастерства для студентов организаций профессионального образования. Использованы следующие методы: теоретические – получение научной информации об учебно-производственных задачах, решаемых в конкурсах профессионального мастерства как формах взаимодействия организации профессионального образования и предприятий железнодорожного транспорта; сбор данных об учебно-производственных задачах и конкурсах профессионального мастерства; эмпирические – анализ, сопоставление полученных данных. На основе исследований приведена классификация учебно-производственных задач, собран фактический материал о конкурсах профессионального мастерства, проводимых организациями среднего профессионального образования и предприятиями железнодорожного транспорта. Решение учебно-производственных задач предполагает освоение образовательной программы и формирование профессиональных компетенций в условиях производства в рамках конкретной профессии. Предложенный подход вносит вклад в изучение оценочной деятельности учебных достижений обучающихся, в методологию контроля текущих и итоговых результатов подготовки кадров для промышленного сектора экономики. Применение учебно-производственных задач в конкурсах профессионального мастерства способствует установлению потребности во взаимодействии между всеми субъектами образовательных процессов с целью повышения качества подготовки специалистов и рабочих кадров.

    Successful transureteropyelostomy after heminephrectomy of a bilateral hydronephrotic horseshoe kidney: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Horseshoe kidney is a rare congenital malformation that is found in approximately 0.25% of the general population and usually remains asymptomatic.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report a successful transureteropyelostomy after heminephrectomy of the non-functional right moiety in a 25-year-old man with horseshoe kidney who had a combined 50% functional loss and hydronephrosis due to multiple distal ureteral strictures on the functionally remaining left side. Continuous ureteral stenting of the remaining part of the former horseshoe kidney was avoided during a follow-up of 2 years.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Urologists are often faced with technically difficult cases that are not responsive to standard operative procedures, and this case illustrates an individual surgical approach in a clinical situation.</p

    Patterns of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystallization in complex biological systems

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    The paper presents the features of calcium oxalate crystallization in the presence of additives revealed through experimental modeling. The patterns of phase formation are shown for the Ca{2+} – C[2]O[4]{ 2–} – H[2]O and Ca{2+} – C[2]O[4]{2–} – PO[4]{3–} – H[2]O systems with the components and pH of the saline varying over a wide concentrations range. The effect of additives on crystallization of calcium oxalate monohydrate was investigated. It was found that the ionic strength and magnesium ions are inhibitors, and calcium oxalate and hydroxyapatite crystals are catalysts of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystallization. The basic calcium phosphate (apatite) was found to be most thermodynamically stable, which indicates its special role in kidney stone formation since it is found in virtually all stones

    Positive selection inhibits gene mobilization and transfer in soil bacterial communities

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    Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) between bacterial lineages is a fundamental evolutionary process that accelerates adaptation. Sequence analyses show that conjugative plasmids are principal agents of HGT in natural communities. However, we lack understanding of how the ecology of bacterial communities and their environments affect the dynamics of plasmid-mediated gene mobilization and transfer. Here we show, in simple experimental soil bacterial communities containing a conjugative mercury resistance plasmid, the repeated, independent mobilization of transposon-borne genes from chromosome to plasmid, plasmid to chromosome and, in the absence of mercury selection, interspecific gene transfers from the chromosome of one species to the other via the plasmid. By reducing conjugation, positive selection for plasmid-encoded traits, like mercury resistance, can consequently inhibit HGT. Our results suggest that interspecific plasmid-mediated gene mobilization is most likely to occur in environments where plasmids are infectious, parasitic elements rather than those where plasmids are positively selected, beneficial elements

    American palm ethnomedicine: A meta-analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many recent papers have documented the phytochemical and pharmacological bases for the use of palms (<it>Arecaceae</it>) in ethnomedicine. Early publications were based almost entirely on interviews that solicited local knowledge. More recently, ethnobotanically guided searches for new medicinal plants have proven more successful than random sampling for identifying plants that contain biodynamic ingredients. However, limited laboratory time and the high cost of clinical trials make it difficult to test all potential medicinal plants in the search for new drug candidates. The purpose of this study was to summarize and analyze previous studies on the medicinal uses of American palms in order to narrow down the search for new palm-derived medicines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Relevant literature was surveyed and data was extracted and organized into medicinal use categories. We focused on more recent literature than that considered in a review published 25 years ago. We included phytochemical and pharmacological research that explored the importance of American palms in ethnomedicine.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 730 species of American palms, we found evidence that 106 species had known medicinal uses, ranging from treatments for diabetes and leishmaniasis to prostatic hyperplasia. Thus, the number of American palm species with known uses had increased from 48 to 106 over the last quarter of a century. Furthermore, the pharmacological bases for many of the effects are now understood.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Palms are important in American ethnomedicine. Some, like <it>Serenoa repens </it>and <it>Roystonea regia</it>, are the sources of drugs that have been approved for medicinal uses. In contrast, recent ethnopharmacological studies suggested that many of the reported uses of several other palms do not appear to have a strong physiological basis. This study has provided a useful assessment of the ethnobotanical and pharmacological data available on palms.</p


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    Import substitution is one of the most urgent problems at the current stage of the Russian national economy development. This issue is the most relevant in high-tech industries. Based on analysis of individual enterprise development barriers in the framework of the Russian Aircraft Industry author makes a concrete proposal - the mechanism for improving the commercial aircraft programs implementation strategy using alternative business model. The essential difference and novelty of the alternative embodiment is the unconventional interaction way between aircraft manufacturers, suppliers and customers through intermediaries, operating technical information that is distributed under open source licenses. The article provides description of the mathematical model that assesses the effectiveness of the proposed alternative. Conducted calculations demonstrate that efficiency of the alternative model in comparison with the traditional one is higher, primarily due to better management of research and development process