11 research outputs found


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    In this present work, undoped and Indium doped tin dioxide were deposited on glass substrate by Ultrasonic spray method. We investigated the effect of deposition conditions to obtain In doped SnO2 thin films with various concentration (1 to 8 wt.%). XRD analysis confirmed that SnO2 thin films crystallize in the tetragonal structure of SnO2. The grain size average decreases with In content increase. We found that the maximum films transmittance varies from 65-93% in the visible range of the spectrum. The films optical gap varies between 3.48 and 3.80 eV. However, we have noticed that the sheet resistance increases up to 880*103 (Ω/sqr) with increasing the in doping concentration. Owing to their high optical gap and high sheet resistance; the prepared films can be employed in optoelectronic devices


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    L'opération qui accompagne la réduction du diamÚtre du fil est appelée tréfilage. Le principe de tréfilage est l'utilisation de la plasticité du métal. Notre étude est basée sur un fil d'acier contenant 0.05 référentielle est observée; c'est-à-dire, la structure texturée de la ferrite et de la perlite est provoquée par le processus de tréfilage. Cette étude a été suivie par diffraction des rayons X et par des observations au microscope optique et électronique à balayage. Des mesures de dureté sont aussi effectuées

    ZnO thin films deposition by spray pyrolysis: Influence of precursor solution properties

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    International audienceZinc oxide (ZnO) thin films were deposited by spray pyrolysis technique using different precursors. Three starting solutions salts namely: zinc acetate, zinc chloride and zinc nitrate were used. The properties of these solutions and their influence upon ZnO films growth rate are investigated. The obtained results indicate that the dissociation energy of the starting solution plays an important role on films growth rate. A linear relationship between the solution dissociation energy and the growth rate activation energy was found. However, the surface tension of the used solution controls the droplet shape impact. Both solution surface tension and dissociation enthalpy alter the microstructure of the formed film. Films deposited with zinc acetate are characterized by a smooth surface, dense network and high transparency, while films deposited with zinc chloride have a better crystallinity and low optical transmittance

    The effect of ultrasonic wave amplitude on the physical properties of zinc oxide (ZnO) deposited by ultrasonic spray method

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    International audienceIn this study, high quality zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films, with improved properties, were prepared by a cost-effective ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique via a careful optimization of the used ultrasonic wave amplitude. The deposition process was performed on glass substrate and were subsequently annealed at 400 °C. We investigated the effect of various ultrasonic wave amplitude on the structural, surface morphology, optical and electrical properties of the obtained thin films, after varying the applied wave amplitude. Furthermore, deposited thin films were studied by means of XRD, UV–vis spectrophotometer, scanning electron microscope, and four-point probe technique. XRD analysis confirmed that obtained ZnO thin films have polycrystalline structure and a wurtzite (hexagonal) phase, with a c-axis preferred orientation (0 0 2). The crystallite size was about 23–30 nm. The SEM micrographs of the surface morphology show uniform, homogenous and dense films with granular structures. The films thicknesses were found to be dependent on the used wave amplitude; they were ranged from 184 to 423.5 nm. In addition, the optical properties of the deposited thin films reveal that the films are highly transparent in the visible region above 80%, while the value of energy band gap varies from 3.24 to 3.27 eV. The Electrical properties investigation revealed a resistivity around 10-3 Ω.cm, showing also a non negligible dependency with the wave amplitude tuning. We obtained an improvement in the carrier concentration (1.6 × 1020–3.9 × 1020 cm−3) and mobility (4.2–15 cm2/V.s) with the ultrasonic wave amplitude rising. High quality ZnO thin films with enhanced properties are in demand and have a large wide of applications in optoelectronics and solar cells. © 2021 Elsevier B.V