54 research outputs found

    Feature- and classification analysis for detection and classification of tongue movements from single-trial pre-movement EEG

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    Individuals with severe tetraplegia can benefit from brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). While most movement-related BCI systems focus on right/left hand and/or foot movements, very few studies have considered tongue movements to construct a multiclass BCI. The aim of this study was to decode four movement directions of the tongue (left, right, up, and down) from single-trial pre-movement EEG and provide a feature and classifier investigation. In offline analyses (from ten individuals without a disability) detection and classification were performed using temporal, spectral, entropy, and template features classified using either a linear discriminative analysis, support vector machine, random forest or multilayer perceptron classifiers. Besides the 4-class classification scenario, all possible 3-, and 2-class scenarios were tested to find the most discriminable movement type. The linear discriminant analysis achieved on average, higher classification accuracies for both movement detection and classification. The right- and down tongue movements provided the highest and lowest detection accuracy (95.3±4.3% and 91.7±4.8%), respectively. The 4-class classification achieved an accuracy of 62.6±7.2%, while the best 3-class classification (using left, right, and up movements) and 2-class classification (using left and right movements) achieved an accuracy of 75.6±8.4% and 87.7±8.0%, respectively. Using only a combination of the temporal and template feature groups provided further classification accuracy improvements. Presumably, this is because these feature groups utilize the movement-related cortical potentials, which are noticeably different on the left- versus right brain hemisphere for the different movements. This study shows that the cortical representation of the tongue is useful for extracting control signals for multi-class movement detection BCIs

    Manual 3D Control of an Assistive Robotic Manipulator Using Alpha Rhythms and an Auditory Menu:A Proof-of-Concept

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    Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have been regarded as potential tools for individuals with severe motor disabilities, such as those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, that render interfaces that rely on movement unusable. This study aims to develop a dependent BCI system for manual end-point control of a robotic arm. A proof-of-concept system was devised using parieto-occipital alpha wave modulation and a cyclic menu with auditory cues. Users choose a movement to be executed and asynchronously stop said action when necessary. Tolerance intervals allowed users to cancel or confirm actions. Eight able-bodied subjects used the system to perform a pick-and-place task. To investigate the potential learning effects, the experiment was conducted twice over the course of two consecutive days. Subjects obtained satisfactory completion rates (84.0 ± 15.0% and 74.4 ± 34.5% for the first and second day, respectively) and high path efficiency (88.9 ± 11.7% and 92.2 ± 9.6%). Subjects took on average 439.7 ± 203.3 s to complete each task, but the robot was only in motion 10% of the time. There was no significant difference in performance between both days. The developed control scheme provided users with intuitive control, but a considerable amount of time is spent waiting for the right target (auditory cue). Implementing other brain signals may increase its speed

    Model-observation and reanalyses comparison at key locations for heat transport to the Arctic: Assessment of key lower latitude influences on the Arctic and their simulation

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    Blue-Action Work Package 2 (WP2) focuses on lower latitude drivers of Arctic change, with a focus on the influence of the Atlantic Ocean and atmosphere on the Arctic. In particular, warm water travels from the Atlantic, across the Greenland-Scotland ridge, through the Norwegian Sea towards the Arctic. A large proportion of the heat transported northwards by the ocean is released to the atmosphere and carried eastward towards Europe by the prevailing westerly winds. This is an important contribution to northwestern Europe's mild climate. The remaining heat travels north into the Arctic. Variations in the amount of heat transported into the Arctic will influence the long term climate of the Northern Hemisphere. Here we assess how well the state of the art coupled climate models estimate this northwards transport of heat in the ocean, and how the atmospheric heat transport varies with changes in the ocean heat transport. We seek to improve the ocean monitoring systems that are in place by introducing measurements from ocean gliders, Argo floats and satellites. These state of the art computer simulations are evaluated by comparison with key trans-Atlantic observations. In addition to the coupled models ‘ocean-only’ evaluations are made. In general the coupled model simulations have too much heat going into the Arctic region and the transports have too much variability. The models generally reproduce the variability of the Atlantic Meridional Ocean Circulation (AMOC) well. All models in this study have a too strong southwards transport of freshwater at 26°N in the North Atlantic, but the divergence between 26°N and Bering Straits is generally reproduced really well in all the models. Altimetry from satellites have been used to reconstruct the ocean circulation 26°N in the Atlantic, over the Greenland Scotland Ridge and alongside ship based observations along the GO-SHIP OVIDE Section. Although it is still a challenge to estimate the ocean circulation at 26°N without using the RAPID 26°N array, satellites can be used to reconstruct the longer term ocean signal. The OSNAP project measures the oceanic transport of heat across a section which stretches from Canada to the UK, via Greenland. The project has used ocean gliders to great success to measure the transport on the eastern side of the array. Every 10 days up to 4000 Argo floats measure temperature and salinity in the top 2000m of the ocean, away from ocean boundaries, and report back the measurements via satellite. These data are employed at 26°N in the Atlantic to enable the calculation of the heat and freshwater transports. As explained above, both ocean and atmosphere carry vast amounts of heat poleward in the Atlantic. In the long term average the Atlantic ocean releases large amounts of heat to the atmosphere between the subtropical and subpolar regions, heat which is then carried by the atmosphere to western Europe and the Arctic. On shorter timescales, interannual to decadal, the amounts of heat carried by ocean and atmosphere vary considerably. An important question is whether the total amount of heat transported, atmosphere plus ocean, remains roughly constant, whether significant amounts of heat are gained or lost from space and how the relative amount transported by the atmosphere and ocean change with time. This is an important distinction because the same amount of anomalous heat transport will have very different effects depending on whether it is transported by ocean or the atmosphere. For example the effects on Arctic sea ice will depend very much on whether the surface of the ice experiences anomalous warming by the atmosphere versus the base of the ice experiencing anomalous warming from the ocean. In Blue-Action we investigated the relationship between atmospheric and oceanic heat transports at key locations corresponding to the positions of observational arrays (RAPID at 26°N, OSNAP at ~55N, and the Denmark Strait, Iceland-Scotland Ridge and Davis Strait at ~67N) in a number of cutting edge high resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations. We split the analysis into two different timescales, interannual to decadal (1-10 years) and multidecadal (greater than 10 years). In the 1-10 year case, the relationship between ocean and atmosphere transports is complex, but a robust result is that although there is little local correlation between oceanic and atmospheric heat transports, Correlations do occur at different latitudes. Thus increased oceanic heat transport at 26°N is accompanied by reduced heat transport at ~50N and a longitudinal shift in the location of atmospheric flow of heat into the Arctic. Conversely, on longer timescales, there appears to be a much stronger local compensation between oceanic and atmospheric heat transport i.e. Bjerknes compensation

    Impact of RNA degradation on gene expression profiling

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene expression profiling is a highly sensitive technique which is used for profiling tumor samples for medical prognosis. RNA quality and degradation influence the analysis results of gene expression profiles. The impact of this influence on the profiles and its medical impact is not fully understood. As patient samples are very valuable for clinical studies, it is necessary to establish criteria for the RNA quality to be able to use these samples in later analysis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To investigate the effects of RNA integrity on gene expression profiling, whole genome expression arrays were used. We used tumor biopsies from patients diagnosed with locally advanced rectal cancer. To simulate degradation, the isolated total RNA of all patients was subjected to heat-induced degradation in a time-dependent manner. Expression profiling was then performed and data were analyzed bioinformatically to assess the differences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The differences introduced by RNA degradation were largely outweighed by the biological differences between the patients. Only a relatively small number of probes (275 out of 41,000) show a significant effect due to degradation. The genes that show the strongest effect due to RNA degradation were, especially, those with short mRNAs and probe positions near the 5' end.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Degraded RNA from tumor samples (RIN > 5) can still be used to perform gene expression analysis. A much higher biological variance between patients is observed compared to the effect that is imposed by degradation of RNA. Nevertheless there are genes, very short ones and those with the probe binding side close to the 5' end that should be excluded from gene expression analysis when working with degraded RNA. These results are limited to the Agilent 44 k microarray platform and should be carefully interpreted when transferring to other settings.</p

    Dissolved Organic Carbon in the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation

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    The quantitative role of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export is evaluated by combining DOC measurements with observed water mass transports. In the eastern subpolar North Atlantic, both upper and lower limbs of the AMOC transport high-DOC waters. Deep water formation that connects the two limbs of the AMOC results in a high downward export of non-refractory DOC (197 Tg-C·yr-1). Subsequent remineralization in the lower limb of the AMOC, between subpolar and subtropical latitudes, consumes 72% of the DOC exported by the whole Atlantic Ocean. The contribution of DOC to the carbon sequestration in the North Atlantic Ocean (62 Tg-C·yr-1) is considerable and represents almost a third of the atmospheric CO 2 uptake in the region

    Climate-Relevant Ocean Transport Measurements in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans

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    Ocean circulation redistributes heat, freshwater, carbon, and nutrients all around the globe. Because of their importance in regulating climate, weather, extreme events, sea level, fisheries, and ecosystems, large-scale ocean currents should be monitored continuously. The Atlantic is unique as the only ocean basin where heat is, on average, transported northward in both hemispheres as part of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The largely unrestricted connection with the Arctic and Southern Oceans allows ocean currents to exchange heat, freshwater, and other properties with polar latitudes

    Detection and classification of tongue movements from single-trial EEG

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