491 research outputs found

    First Results from Pan-STARRS1: Faint, High Proper Motion White Dwarfs in the Medium-Deep Fields

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    The Pan-STARRS1 survey has obtained multi-epoch imaging in five bands (Pan-STARRS1 gps, rps, ips, zps, and yps) on twelve "Medium Deep Fields", each of which spans a 3.3 degree circle. For the period between Apr 2009 and Apr 2011 these fields were observed 50-200 times. Using a reduced proper motion diagram, we have extracted a list of 47 white dwarf (WD) candidates whose Pan-STARRS1 astrometry indicates a non-zero proper motion at the 6-sigma level, with a typical 1-sigma proper motion uncertainty of 10 mas/yr. We also used astrometry from SDSS (when available) and USNO-B to assess our proper motion fits. None of the WD candidates exhibits evidence of statistically significant parallaxes, with a typical 1-sigma uncertainty of 8 mas. Twelve of these candidates are known WDs, including the high proper motion (1.7"/yr) WD LHS 291. We confirm three more objects as WDs through optical spectroscopy. Based on the Pan-STARRS1 colors, ten of the stars are likely to be cool WDs with 4170 K Teff 5000 K and cooling ages <9 Gyr. We classify these objects as likely thick disk WDs based on their kinematics. Our current sample represents only a small fraction of the Pan-STARRS1 data. With continued coverage from the Medium Deep Field Survey and the 3pi survey, Pan-STARRS1 should find many more high proper motion WDs that are part of the old thick disk and halo.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    Wide-Field Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of the NGC 6334 Region: A Nest of Infrared Reflection Nebulae

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    We report the detection of eighteen infrared reflection nebulae (IRNe) in the JJ, HH, & KsKs linear polarimetric observations of the NGC 6334 massive star-formation complex, of which 16 IRNe are new discoveries. Our images cover \sim180 square arcminutes, one of the widest near-infrared polarization data in star-formation regions so far. These IRNe are most likely associated with embedded young OB stars at different evolutionary phases, showing a variety of sizes, morphologies, and polarization properties, which can be divided into four categories. We argue the different nebula characteristics to be a possible evolutionary sequence of circumstellar structures around young massive stars.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Near-infrared spectra of Seyfert galaxies and line production mechanisms

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    New observations are reported of J-band spectra (1.04micron -- 1.4 micron) of three Seyfert 2 galaxies, Mkn 34, Mkn 78 and NGC 5929. In each case the spectral range includes the near-infrared lines of [FeII], [PII], HeI and Pa beta. Each Seyfert galaxy has a known radio jet, and we investigate the infrared line ratios of the nuclear and extended regions of each galaxy compared to the radio structure. In Mkn 34 there is a clear indication of an extranuclear region, probably coincident with a shock induced by the radio jet, in which [FeII] is considerably enhanced, although the nuclear emission is almost certainly the result of photoionization by the continuum of the active nucleus. Similar effects in extranuclear regions are seen in the other objects, in the case of Mkn 78 confirming recent studies by Ramos Almeida et al. A possible detection of extranuclear [PII] emission suggests, if real, that photoionization by the active nucleus is the dominant line excitation mechanism over the whole source, including the regions coincident with the radio jet.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    The Pan-STARRS1 Photometric System

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    The Pan-STARRS1 survey is collecting multi-epoch, multi-color observations of the sky north of declination -30 deg to unprecedented depths. These data are being photometrically and astrometrically calibrated and will serve as a reference for many other purposes. In this paper we present our determination of the Pan-STARRS photometric system: gp1, rp1, ip1, zp1, yp1, and wp1. The Pan-STARRS photometric system is fundamentally based on the HST Calspec spectrophotometric observations, which in turn are fundamentally based on models of white dwarf atmospheres. We define the Pan-STARRS magnitude system, and describe in detail our measurement of the system passbands, including both the instrumental sensitivity and atmospheric transmission functions. Byproducts, including transformations to other photometric systems, galactic extinction, and stellar locus are also provided. We close with a discussion of remaining systematic errors.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures, machine readable table of bandpasses, accepted for publication in Ap

    The White Dwarf Luminosity Functions from the Pan-STARRS 1 3π Steradian Survey

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    A large sample of white dwarfs is selected by both proper motion and colours from the Pan-STARRS 1 3{\pi} Steradian Survey Processing Version 2 to construct the White Dwarf Luminosity Functions of the discs and halo in the solar neighbourhood. Four-parameter astrometric solutions were recomputed from the epoch data. The generalised maximum volume method is then used to calculate the density of the populations. After removal of crowded areas near the Galactic plane and centre, the final sky area used by this work is 7.833 sr, which is 83% of the 3{\pi} sky and 62% of the whole sky. By dividing the sky using Voronoi tessellation, photometric and astrometric uncertainties are recomputed at each step of the integration to improve the accuracy of the maximum volume. Interstellar reddening is considered throughout the work. We find a disc-to-halo white dwarf ratio of about 100

    Properties of M31. II: A Cepheid disk sample derived from the first year of PS1 PAndromeda data

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    We present a sample of Cepheid variable stars towards M31 based on the first year of regular M31 observations of the PS1 survey in the r_P1 and i_P1 filters. We describe the selection procedure for Cepheid variable stars from the overall variable source sample and develop an automatic classification scheme using Fourier decomposition and the location of the instability strip. We find 1440 fundamental mode (classical \delta) Cep stars, 126 Cepheids in the first overtone mode, and 147 belonging to the Population II types. 296 Cepheids could not be assigned to one of these classes and 354 Cepheids were found in other surveys. These 2009 Cepheids constitute the largest Cepheid sample in M31 known so far and the full catalog is presented in this paper. We briefly describe the properties of our sample in its spatial distribution throughout the M31 galaxy, in its age properties, and we derive an apparent period-luminosity relation (PLR) in our two bands. The Population I Cepheids nicely follow the dust pattern of the M31 disk, whereas the 147 Type II Cepheids are distributed throughout the halo of M31. We outline the time evolution of the star formation in the major ring found previously and find an age gradient. A comparison of our PLR to previous results indicates a curvature term in the PLR

    Candidate Coronagraphic Detections of Protoplanetary Disks around Four Young Stars

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    We present potential detections of H-band scattered light emission around four young star, selected from a total sample of 45 young stars observed with the CIAO coronagraph of the Subaru telescope. Two CTTS, CI Tau and DI Cep, and two WTTS, LkCa 14 and RXJ 0338.3+1020 were detected. In all four cases, the extended emission is within the area of the residual PSF halo, and is revealed only through careful data reduction. We compare the observed extended emission with simulations of the scattered light emission, to evaluate the plausibility and nature of the detected emission.Comment: 9 Figures, 40 page