513 research outputs found

    Directional Sensitivity of Echolocation System in Bats Producing Frequency-Modulated Signals

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    1. Radiation patterns of the 55, 75 and 95 kHz components in frequency-modulated sounds emitted by the grey bat (Myotis grisescens) were studied. FM sounds similar to species-specific orientation sounds were elicited by electrical stimuli applied to the midbrain while the head of the animal was immobilized by a nail cemented to its skull. The main beam was emitted 5-10° downward from the eye-nostril line. The radiation angle at one half of maximum amplitude was 38° lateral, 18° up and 50° down at 55 kHz, 34° lateral, 8° up and 32° down at 75 kHz, and 30° lateral, 5° up and 25° down at 95 kHz. At 95 kHz, two prominent side lobes were present. 2. The directional sensitivity of the auditory system (DSA) measured in terms of the potential evoked in the lateral lemniscus was studied with the grey bat (M. grisescens) and the little brown bat (M. lucifugus). The maximally sensitive direction moved toward the median plane with the increase in frequency from 35-95 kHz. The slope of the DSA curve increased from 0.3-0.6 dB/degree with frequency. 3. The directional sensitivity of the echolocation system (DSE) was calculated using both the DSA curve and the radiation pattern of the emitted sound. The maximally sensitive direction of the echolocation system was 15° lateral to the median plane at 55kHz and 2.5° lateral at 95 kHz. The slope of the DSE curve increased from o.6 to 1.0 dB/degree with frequency. Thus, the higher the frequency of sound, the sharper was the directional sensitivity of the echolocation system. 4. The interaural pressure difference (IPD), which appeared to be the essential cue for echolocation in Myotis, changed linearly with the azimuth angle from 0-30° lateral regardless of the frequency of sound, at respective rates of 0.4, 0.7, 0.3 and 0.4 dB/degree for 35, 55, 75 and 95 kHz sounds. Beyond 30°, the change in IPD was quite different depending on frequency. For 75 and 95 kHz sounds, the IPD stayed nearly the same between 30° and 90°. Thus, the 75-95 kHz components in FM orientation sounds were not superior to the 35 and 55 kHz components in terms of the IPD cue for echolocation. 5. Assuming the just-detectable IPD and ITD to be 0.5 dB and 5µsec respectively, as in man, the just-detectable azimuth difference of Myotis around the median plane would be 0.7-1.7° with the IPD cue and 11° with the ITD cue

    Low EUV Luminosities Impinging on Protoplanetary Disks

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    The amount of high-energy stellar radiation reaching the surface of protoplanetary disks is essential to determine their chemistry and physical evolution. Here, we use millimetric and centimetric radio data to constrain the EUV luminosity impinging on 14 disks around young (~2-10Myr) sun-like stars. For each object we identify the long-wavelength emission in excess to the dust thermal emission, attribute that to free-free disk emission, and thereby compute an upper limit to the EUV reaching the disk. We find upper limits lower than 1042^{42} photons/s for all sources without jets and lower than 5×10405 \times 10^{40} photons/s for the three older sources in our sample. These latter values are low for EUV-driven photoevaporation alone to clear out protoplanetary material in the timescale inferred by observations. In addition, our EUV upper limits are too low to reproduce the [NeII] 12.81 micron luminosities from three disks with slow [NeII]-detected winds. This indicates that the [NeII] line in these sources primarily traces a mostly neutral wind where Ne is ionized by 1 keV X-ray photons, implying higher photoevaporative mass loss rates than those predicted by EUV-driven models alone. In summary, our results suggest that high-energy stellar photons other than EUV may dominate the dispersal of protoplanetary disks around sun-like stars.Comment: Accepted for publication to The Astrophysical Journa

    The Evolution of Dust Disk Sizes from a Homogeneous Analysis of 1-10 Myr old Stars

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    We utilize ALMA archival data to estimate the dust disk size of 152 protoplanetary disks in Lupus (1-3 Myr), Chamaeleon I (2-3 Myr), and Upper-Sco (5-11 Myr). We combine our sample with 47 disks from Tau/Aur and Oph whose dust disk radii were estimated, as here, through fitting radial profile models to visibility data. We use these 199 homogeneously derived disk sizes to identify empirical disk-disk and disk-host property relations as well as to search for evolutionary trends. In agreement with previous studies, we find that dust disk sizes and millimeter luminosities are correlated, but show for the first time that the relationship is not universal between regions. We find that disks in the 2-3 Myr-old Cha I are not smaller than disks in other regions of similar age, and confirm the Barenfeld et al. (2017) finding that the 5-10 Myr USco disks are smaller than disks belonging to younger regions. Finally, we find that the outer edge of the Solar System, as defined by the Kuiper Belt, is consistent with a population of dust disk sizes which have not experienced significant truncation

    Amygdala-related electrical fingerprint is modulated with neurofeedback training and correlates with deep-brain activation: proof-of-concept in borderline personality disorder

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    Background: The modulation of brain circuits of emotion is a promising pathway to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD). Precise and scalable approaches have yet to be established. Two studies investigating the amygdala-related electrical fingerprint (Amyg-EFP) in BPD are presented: one study addressing the deep-brain correlates of Amyg-EFP, and a second study investigating neurofeedback (NF) as a means to improve brain self-regulation. Methods: Study 1 combined electroencephalography (EEG) and simultaneous functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the replicability of Amyg-EFP-related brain activation found in the reference dataset (N = 24 healthy subjects, 8 female; re-analysis of published data) in the replication dataset (N = 16 female individuals with BPD). In the replication dataset, we additionally explored how the Amyg-EFP would map to neural circuits defined by the research domain criteria. Study 2 investigated a 10-session Amyg-EFP NF training in parallel to a 12-weeks residential dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) program. Fifteen patients with BPD completed the training, N = 15 matched patients served as DBT-only controls. Results: Study 1 replicated previous findings and showed significant amygdala blood oxygenation level dependent activation in a whole-brain regression analysis with the Amyg-EFP. Neurocircuitry activation (negative affect, salience, and cognitive control) was correlated with the Amyg-EFP signal. Study 2 showed Amyg-EFP modulation with NF training, but patients received reversed feedback for technical reasons, which limited interpretation of results. Conclusions: Recorded via scalp EEG, the Amyg-EFP picks up brain activation of high relevance for emotion. Administering Amyg-EFP NF in addition to standardized BPD treatment was shown to be feasible. Clinical utility remains to be investigated

    KARMEN: Multi-agent Monitoring and Notification for Complex Processes

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    Abstract. Early and consistent detection of abnormal conditions is important to the safe and efficient operation of complex industrial processes. Our research focuses on enabling the operators and engineers who control and maintain such systems to describe process conditions to software agents, deploy such agents to continuously monitor live process data, and receive appropriate notification from their personal agents concerning the process state. The resulting dynamic population of monitoring agents is managed by our agile computing framework according to policies that define computing and networking resource restrictions as well as user notification requirements and preferences.

    Homogeneous Analysis of the Dust Morphology of Transition Disks Observed with ALMA: Investigating Dust Trapping and the Origin of the Cavities

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    We analyze the dust morphology of 29 transition disks (TDs) observed with ALMA at (sub-) millimeter-emission. We perform the analysis in the visibility plane to characterize the total flux, cavity size, and shape of the ring-like structure. First, we found that the Mdust−M⋆M_{\rm{dust}}-M_\star relation is much flatter for TDs than the observed trends from samples of class II sources in different star forming regions. This relation demonstrates that cavities open in high (dust) mass disks, independent of the stellar mass. The flatness of this relation contradicts the idea that TDs are a more evolved set of disks. Two potential reasons (not mutually exclusive) may explain this flat relation: the emission is optically thick or/and millimeter-sized particles are trapped in a pressure bump. Second, we discuss our results of the cavity size and ring width in the context of different physical processes for cavity formation. Photoevaporation is an unlikely leading mechanism for the origin of the cavity of any of the targets in the sample. Embedded giant planets or dead zones remain as potential explanations. Although both models predict correlations between the cavity size and the ring shape for different stellar and disk properties, we demonstrate that with the current resolution of the observations, it is difficult to obtain these correlations. Future observations with higher angular resolution observations of TDs with ALMA will help to discern between different potential origins of cavities in TDs
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