806 research outputs found

    A Dynamical Model of Harmonic Generation in Centrosymmetric Semiconductors

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    We study second and third harmonic generation in centrosymmetric semiconductors at visible and UV wavelengths in bulk and cavity environments. Second harmonic generation is due to a combination of symmetry breaking, the magnetic portion of the Lorentz force, and quadrupolar contributions that impart peculiar features to the angular dependence of the generated signals, in analogy to what occurs in metals. The material is assumed to have a non-zero, third order nonlinearity that gives rise to most of the third harmonic signal. Using the parameters of bulk Silicon we predict that cavity environments can significantly modify second harmonic generation (390nm) with dramatic improvements for third harmonic generation (266nm). This occurs despite the fact that the harmonics may be tuned to a wavelength range where the dielectric function of the material is negative: a phase locking mechanism binds the pump to the generated signals and inhibits their absorption. These results point the way to novel uses and flexibility of materials like Silicon as nonlinear media in the visible and UV ranges

    Non-Markovian stochastic Liouville equation and anomalous relaxation kinetics

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    The kinetics of phase and population relaxation in quantum systems induced by noise with anomalously slowly decaying correlation function P (t) ~ (wt)^{- alpha}, where 0 < alpha < 1 is analyzed within continuous time random walk approach. The relaxation kinetics is shown to be anomalously slow. Moreover for alpha < 1 in the limit of short characteristic time of fluctuations w^{-1} the kinetics is independent of w. As alpha \to 1 the relaxation regime changes from the static limit to fluctuation narrowing. Simple analytical expressions are obtained describing the specific features of the kinetics.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Scalar and vector modulation instabilities induced by vacuum fluctuations in fibers: numerical study

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    We study scalar and vector modulation instabilities induced by the vacuum fluctuations in birefringent optical fibers. To this end, stochastic coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations are derived. The stochastic model is equivalent to the quantum field operators equations and allow for dispersion, nonlinearity, and arbitrary level of birefringence. Numerical integration of the stochastic equations is compared to analytical formulas in the case of scalar modulation instability and non depleted pump approximation. The effect of classical noise and its competition with vacuum fluctuations for inducing modulation instability is also addressed.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figure

    Production of squeezed state of single mode cavity field by the coupling of squeezed vacuum field reservoir in nonautonomous case

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    The dissipative and decoherence properties as well as the asymptotic behavior of the single mode electromagnetic field interacting with the time-dependent squeezed vacuum field reservoir are investigated in detail by using the algebraic dynamical method. With the help of the left and right representations of the relevant hw(4)hw(4) algebra, the dynamical symmetry of the nonautonomous master equation of the system is found to be su(1,1)su(1,1). The unique equilibrium steady solution is found to be the squeezed state and any initial state of the system is proved to approach the unique squeezed state asymptotically. Thus the squeezed vacuum field reservoir is found to play the role of a squeezing mold of the cavity field.Comment: 5 pages, no figure, Revtex

    General technique of calculating drift velocity and diffusion coefficient in arbitrary periodic systems

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    We develop a practical method of computing the stationary drift velocity V and the diffusion coefficient D of a particle (or a few particles) in a periodic system with arbitrary transition rates. We solve this problem both in a physically relevant continuous-time approach as well as for models with discrete-time kinetics, which are often used in computer simulations. We show that both approaches yield the same value of the drift, but the difference between the diffusion coefficients obtained in each of them equals V*V/2. Generalization to spaces of arbitrary dimension and several applications of the method are also presented.Comment: 12 pages + 2 figures, RevTeX. Submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Dynamical Model of Harmonic Generation in Centrosymmetric Semiconductors at Visible and UV Wavelengths

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    We study second and third harmonic generation in centrosymmetric semiconductors at visible and UV wavelengths in bulk and cavity environments. Second harmonic generation is due to a combination of spatial symmetry breaking, the magnetic portion of the Lorentz force, and quadrupolar contributions from inner core electrons. The material is assumed to have a nonzero, third-order nonlinearity that gives rise to most of the third harmonic signal. Using the parameters of bulk silicon we predict that cavity environments modify the dependence of second harmonic generation on incident angle, while improving third harmonic conversion efficiency by several orders of magnitude relative to bulk silicon. This occurs despite the fact that the harmonic signals may be tuned to a wavelength range where the dielectric function of the material is negative: A phase-locking mechanism binds the generated signals to the pump and inhibits their absorption. These results point the way to alternative uses and flexibility of materials such as silicon as nonlinear media in the visible and UV ranges

    Ultracompact, low-loss directional couplers on InP based on self-imaging by multimode interference

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    We report extremely compact (494-µm-long 3 dB splitters, including input/output bends), polarization-insensitive, zero-gap directional couplers on InP with a highly multimode interference region that are based on the self-imaging effect. We measured cross-state extinctions better than 28 dB and on-chip insertion losses of 0.5 dB/coupler plus 1 dB/cm guide propagation loss at 1523 nm wavelength

    Analytical results for random walks in the presence of disorder and traps

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    In this paper, we study the dynamics of a random walker diffusing on a disordered one-dimensional lattice with random trappings. The distribution of escape probabilities is computed exactly for any strength of the disorder. These probabilities do not display any multifractal properties contrary to previous numerical claims. The explanation for this apparent multifractal behavior is given, and our conclusion are supported by numerical calculations. These exact results are exploited to compute the large time asymptotics of the survival probability (or the density) which is found to decay as exp[Ct1/3log2/3(t)]\exp [-Ct^{1/3}\log^{2/3}(t)]. An exact lower bound for the density is found to decay in a similar way.Comment: 21 pages including 3 PS figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.