112 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Pupuk Kandang Kotoran Sapi pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Frustescens L.) di Lahan Rawa Lebak

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    Cayenne pepper beneficial for humans because it contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and minerals. Cow dung manure is a fertilizer that is derived from the cattle shed, either in the form of solid feces and urine mixed food scraps, manure cow manure composed of a mix of 0.5% N, 0.25% P, 0.5% K. The purpose of the study these are (1) study the response of the growth and yield of cayenne pepper on the application of cow dung manure in swampy wetlands, (2) determine the dose best cow dung manure on growth and yield of rawit chil cayenne pepper i in swampy wetlands. This research was conducted in the village of Teluk Sarikat Banjang District of Hulu Sungai Utara from May to August 2014, using a randomized block design with 6 treatments and 4 groups. The treatment consisted of (p0) 0 ton.ha-1 (p1) 10 ton.ha-1 (p2) 20 ton.ha-1 (p3) 40 ton.ha-1, (p4) 40 ton.ha-1, (p5) 50 ton.ha-1. The results showed that the application of cow dung manure real impact on the number of branches, number of pieces, weight of the fruit crop in the ground cayenne pepper in swampy wetlands. Dose best cow dung manure in this study was 20 ton.ha-1 is equivalent to 80 g.polybag-1 (p2)

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kecurangan Laporan Keuangan dengan Analisis Fraud Triangle

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    This research aims to examine, analyze, and obtain evidence the influences factors in fraudtriangle to financial statement fraud on Manufacturing Companies that Listed on IndonesiaStock Exchange. This research\u27s population are Manufacturing Companies that Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2011-2015. In this research using purposive sampling method todetermine the samples. Total sample of this research are 57 companies. This research useslogistic regression analysis to examine the effects of various independent variables on financialstatement fraud. The independent variables in this research are factors in fraud triangle. Theresult of this research indicated that financial stability influences the financial statementfraud. However, other variabel like external pressure, personal financial need, financial targets,nature of the industry, effective monitoring, and rationalization were not influence on financialstatement fraud

    MPEG-4 video transmission using distributed TDMA MAC protocol over IEEE 802.15.4 wireless technology

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    The issues of green technology nowadays give an inspiration to the researcher to make all the future design to be energy efficient. Medium Access Control (MAC) layer is the most effective layer to provide energy efficient due to its ability to control the physical radio directly. One of the important applications in the future is a video transmission that can be transmitted with low-cost and low power consumption. MPEG-4 is one of the international standards for moving video. MPEG-4 provide better compression and primarily design at low bit rate communication. In order to achieve good quality for video application, the design at MAC layer must be strong. Therefore, to increase the performance of the MPEG-4 in IEEE 802.15.4, in this paper we propose a cross layer design between MAC layer and Application layer. A priority queue will be implemented at MAC scheduling depends on the level of frame important in MPEG-4 format frame. A distributed Time division Multiple Access (TDMA) will be used for MAC protocol to provide reliable data transmission for high priority frame

    An improvement in support vector machine classification model using grey relational analysis for cancer diagnosis

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    To further improve the accuracy of classifier for cancer diagnosis, a hybrid model called GRA-SVM which comprises Support Vector Machine classifier and filter feature selection Grey Relational Analysis is proposed and tested against Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset (WBCD) and BUPA Disorder Dataset. The performance of GRA-SVM is compared to SVM’s in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and Area under Curve (AUC). The experimental results reveal that GRA-SVM improves the SVM accuracy of about 0.48 by using only two features for the WBCD dataset. For BUPA dataset, GRA-SVM improves the SVM accuracy of about 0.97 by using four features. Besides improving the accuracy performance, GRA-SVM also produces a ranking scheme that provides information about the priority of each feature. Therefore, based on the benefits gained, GRA-SVM is recommended as a new approach to obtain a better and more accurate result for cancer diagnosis

    Persistence of chloramphenicol in the fish flesh patin (Pangasius hypothalamus) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    Introduction: Increasing antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a serious global problem. This study was aimed to extract the antibiotic Chloramphenicol (CAP) from different parts of the fish flesh. Methods: Fish fleshes were excised from two commercially important fishes: Oreochromatis niloticus.(Red Tilapia) and Pangasius hypothalamus (Patin). The fleshes were chosen form head and tail region where generally antibiotics are spiked to avoid bacterial contamination while kept in cold storages of supermarkets. Each fish fleshes were weighed and spiked with 20,40,80 and 160ppm of CAP and stored at 4°C. The CAP residue from the flesh was extracted immediately after the first spiking was considered as Day-1. The whole extraction processes were done for 1,7,14 and 28 days. HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) was used to determine the presence of CAP residue in the tested fish flesh. Results: The results showed variations on the percentage of antibiotic residue recoveries at different concentration. In this study, CAP did not degrade and showed variations on the presence of antibiotic residue in the fish flesh. The recoveries of the entire CAP spiking samples ranged from 4.0% -100%. It also revealed the presence of antibiotic residue in Malaysian freshwater cultured fishes. Thus, the relevant authorities should take immediate action regarding this issue in order to prevent the harmful effects especially to human. Conclusions: Nevertheless, the study portrays that antibiotic residues can be sustained long time in the food products under storage conditions, which might have harmful effects on human when they consumed these frozen fishes

    Prioritization of identified environmental loss factor subject to offshore structure failures based on public perception

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    Oil spill disturbs an entire ecosystem for a quite long period of time, environment impacted by this event but less attention was drawn due to lack on documentations. This paper presents a study of the past accident related to the offshore oil and gas accident that contribute to environmental loss. It intend to assess the environmental loss quantitatively. Referring to nine cases of the worst offshore accident related to structure failure in the previous years (1969-2011), the cause of failure that contribute to oil spill and environmental loss in the previous cases was identified and categorized based on the environmental loss characteristics. Finally, data collected from the past accident is used to design the questionnaire survey in order to obtain the public perception and analysis is done by using average index of non-parametric test and analytic hierarchy process for prioritization the factor of environmental loss factor. The result shows that water pollution, air pollution, marine animal and fisherman denoted as A1, A2, B1 and C1, respectively, are very important are the most affected factor. Identifying the loss of environmental loss factor is a crucial contribution to the enhancement of the calculation of COF as well as risk assessment