18 research outputs found

    The impact of drying techniques on phenolic compound, total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of oat flour tarhana.

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    In this study, the changes in phenolic composition, total phenolic content, and antioxidant capacity of tarhanas supplemented with oat flour (OF) at the levels of 20-100% (w/w) after three drying treatments (sun-, oven-, and microwave drying) were investigated. A total of seventeen phenolic standards have been screened in tarhanas, and the most abundant flavonol and phenolic acid compounds were kaempferol (23.62mg/g) and 3-hydroxy-4-metoxy cinnamic acid (9.60mg/g). The total phenolic content amount gradually increased with the addition of OF to tarhana, but decidedly higher total phenolic content was found in samples oven dried at 55°C as compared with other methods. The microwave- and oven dried tarhana samples showed higher TEACDPPH and TEACABTS values than those dried with the other methods, respectively, in higher OF amounts. Consequently, oven- and microwave-drying can be recommended to retain the highest for phenolic compounds as well as maximal antioxidant capacity in OF supplemented tarhana samples

    An old woman with weight loss and chest pain.

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    Pulmonary sarcomas constitute only 0.1-0.5% of all primary lung malignancies. These tumors may derive from the lung parenchyma, bronchial tree or pulmonary arteries. The most important entity in the differential diagnosis is metastatic synovial sarcoma. A 76-years-old woman was admitted for investigation of a fever, productive cough, dyspnea, weight loss and left-sided chest pain which had been present for one month. A chest computerised tomography showed enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes were observed, as well as a left-sided pleural effusion. Thoracentesis revealed hemorrhagic pleural effusion which was exudate and lymphocyte predominant, closed pleural biopsy showed chronic inflammation. Left sided thoracoscopy was performed under local anesthesia, total collapse of left lung and multiple pleural nodules were observed on the visceral pleura multiple biopsies were obtained from those nodules. Pathologic examinations revealed "synovial sarcoma". As skeleton single photon emission tomography was unremarkable, primary pleuropulmonary synovial sarcoma was decided as diagnosis and chemotherapy was planned for the patient. Primary pleuropulmonary synovial sarcoma is a rare neoplasm of lung and pleura but it is rare entity

    Primary mesenchymal tumors of the colon: a report of three cases.

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    Primary mesenchymal tumors of the colon are extremely rare tumors among soft tissue sarcomas. These tumors are more aggressive and have poorer prognosis than adenocarcinoma of the colon. Here, we presented 3 cases of primary mesenchymal tumors of the colon. Their histopathological diagnoses are leiomyosarcoma, pleomorphic liposarcoma, and desmoplastic small round cell tumor, respectively. The rarity of primary mesenchymal tumors of the colon makes it difficult to approach the treatment and predict the prognosis of these rare tumors