20 research outputs found
Contrasting subduction\u2013exhumation paths in the blueschists of the Anarak Metamorphic Complex (Central Iran)
The Anarak Metamorphic Complex, localized in Central Iran, is a fossil accretionary wedge composed of several tectonometamorphic units. Some of these, the Chah Gorbeh, the Morghab and the Ophiolitic complexes, contain mafic rocks that have been metamorphosed at high-pressure\u2013low-temperature conditions. Such units have been stacked together and later refolded during the final stages of exhumation. Structural analysis at the mesoscale recognized at least three deformation events. Microstructural analyses, mineral chemistry and thermodynamic modelling reveal that the mafic schists followed contrasting P\u2013T paths during their tectonometamorphic evolutions. In the schists of the Chah Gorbeh and Ophiolitic complexes an early greenschist-facies stage was later overprinted by blueschist-facies phase assemblages with suggested peak conditions of 390\u2013440\ub0C at 0.6\u20130.9 GPa for the meta-basalt within the Ophiolitic Complex and 320\u2013380\ub0C at 0.6\u20130.9 GPa for the blueschists of the Chah Gorbeh Complex. P\u2013T conditions at metamorphic peak were 410\u2013450\ub0C at 0.78\u20130.9 GPa for the Morghab blueschists, but they are reached before a greenschist-facies re-equilibration. Compositional zoning of amphiboles and epidotes of this greenschist-facies stage suggests a renewed pressure increase at the end of this metamorphic stage. Based on these data we reconstructed a clockwise P\u2013T path for the Morghab mafic schists and a counter-clockwise path for the Chah Gorbeh blueschists and ophiolitic meta-basalts. Such contrasting metamorphic evolutions of tectonic units that were later accreted to the same wedge are indicative of the complex tectonic dynamics that occur within accretionary\u2013subduction complexes. Copyright \ua9 Cambridge University Press 201
Probability distribution of sibship determination with ABI Identifiler multiplex system using different software
Forensic laboratories may be asked to provide genetic evidence that two persons are related or not, when no other relatives are available for study. Sibship analysis of autosome
polymorphisms are more complicated since there are no obligatory alleles between siblings that make it possible to exclude a biological relationship with absolute certainty.
In this preliminary study, seventy full-sib pairs were genotyped using the AmpFLSTR Identifiler PCR Amplification kit. All subjects belonged to families that included mother, two or three children, and an alleged father, in which neither the mother nor the alleged father were excluded as biological
parents, and no mutational event was observed. In addition, the Y chromosome was investigated with AmpFLSTR Yfiler PCR Amplification kit to provide further support for the relationship. The probability that each pair was composed of full sibs rather than non-relatives was calculated by standard formulas, and was verified using different published software. The distribution of these probability values was used to ascertain the statistical power of the Identifiler kit to resolve sibship relationships to forensic purposes