519 research outputs found

    Mesoporosity, thermochemical and probabilistic failure analysis of fired locally sourced kaolinitic clay

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    A dense and mesoporous ceramic from locally sourced Nigerian clay under fracture-strength test were produced and the reliability analysis of the fractured strength was conducted using a three-parameter Weibull probability distribution. The samples were prepared by addition of starch (0–20wt%), pressed at 60 MPa and fired at 1300 °C. The as-received Nigerian clay, dense and porous ceramic were characterized using XRD, XRF, TGA/DTA, PSD, multi-point BET and FESEM. The fracture strength of the samples (33 each) was determined using a three-point bending test. The fracture strength data were analyzed using three-parameter Weibull probability distribution. From the characterization results, a mullite ceramic formed at a sintering temperature of 1300 °C. The threshold strength for the three-parameter Weibull provides the strength below which the dense and the porous ceramic will not fail. The Weibull moduli of the ceramics at different starch compositions show that failure modes in these materials are not identical. The Weibull modulus increases with increase in percentage starch from 0% to 15%. However, the value decreases with 20% starch addition. Reliability analysis provides a detailed interpretation and assessment of the fracture strength of the porous ceramics

    Incidence of tennis elbow and association of hand grip strength among college students

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    Background: Lateral epicondylitis is an overuse injury involving the origin of common extensor tendon at elbow joint. Among the college students there is more complaint on wrist and elbow. Objective was to find out the incidence of tennis elbow & grip strength among the students during the entire academic year.Methods: Three hundred and seventy subjects fulfilled the inclusion criteria with age respondents between seventeen to twenty four years. This study is done in those students who have local tenderness on palpation over the lateral epicondyle (grade 2). NPRS was used for measuring the pain intensity. Mill’s test and Cozen’s test was performed to confirm the tennis elbow. The subject is asked to squeeze the dynamometer three times with left and right hand respectively. There was one minute resting period between each squeeze were taken into account.Results: The incidence of confirmed tennis elbow was 4.05% & 2.70% in right and left respectively. Among those participants Mill’s test was positive in 16.2% on right and left side and Cozen’s test was positive in 8.1% on right side and 5.4% on left side. The mean rank of left and right grip strength for the students who are confirmed as tennis elbow were 52.75 Kg and 50.67 Kg and for not-confirmed were 36.56 Kg and 36.41 Kg respectively.Conclusions: The study concluded that 6.7% incidence rate of tennis elbow was observed in college students during the entire academic year. And also concluded there is no much significance correlation between grip strength and tennis elbow incidence rate

    The performance of concrete exposed to marine environments: predictive modelling and use of laboratory/on site test method

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    This paper reports an approach by which laboratory based testing and numerical modelling can be combined to predict the long term performance of a range of concretes exposed to marine environments. Firstly, a critical review of the test methods for assessing the chloride penetration resistance of concrete is given. The repeatability of the different test results is also included. In addition to the test methods, a numerical simulation model is used to explore the test data further to obtain long-term chloride ingress trends. The combined use of testing and modelling is validated with the help of long-term chloride ingress data from a North Sea exposure site. In summary, the paper outlines a methodology for determining the long term performance of concrete in marine environments

    Molecular identification of Bigeyes (Perciformes, Priacanthidae) from Indian waters

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    Thirty-five individuals of six priacanthid fish species were sampled from different localities along the coast of India covering the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. The partial sequence of 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes were analyzed for species identification and phylogenetic relationship among the Indian priacanthids (Priacanthus hamrur, P. prolixus, P. blochii, P. sagittarius, Cookeolus japonicus, and Pristigenys refulgens). The intraspecies genetic distance ranged from 0.000 to 0.002, while distances varied from 0.008 to 0.157 interspecies based on 16S sequences. Using COI data analysis, the intraspecies genetic distance ranged from 0.000 to 0.005, while interspecies distances varied from 0.009 to 0.108. Several sequences labeled Priacanthus hamrur in GenBank are shown to be P. prolixus. We also observed cryptic speciation in Heteropriacanthus cruentatus. Partial sequences of 16S rRNA and COI genes provided phylogenetic information to distinguish thirteen species of priacanthids, indicating the usefulness of molecular markers in species identification

    Chromosomal studies of three vulnerable marine fishes from west coast of India

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    Cytogenetic profiling was carried out in three vulnerable marine ornamental fishes, namely Thalassoma lunare, Zanclus cornutl~s and Arius subrostratus, using silver nitrate, chromoycin A3 CMA3 staining and C- banding techniques to study the variation in localization of NORs and C-bands. Karyotype analyses of these species revealed a diploid chromosome number of 48, all acrocentrics, in T. lunare and Z. cornutus. In A. subrostratus, however, the diploid chromosome number was found to be 58 consisting of 22 metacentric, 16 submetacentric, 10 subtelocentric and 10 telocentric chromosomes with fundamental arm number of 96. The silver stained NORs were observed on 3 pairs of chromosomes in T. lunare, whereas other two species possessed NOR on single pair of chromosome. Within the species, there was complete concordance in number and position of NORs as detected by AgN03 and CMA3 staining. Prominent constitutive heterochromatic bands were detected on 4, 2 and 3 pairs of chromosomes, respectively, in T. lunare, Z. cornutus and A. subrostratus. There was variation found in the number and position on NORs and C-bands among these species, which could be used as species-specific markers. This study describes for the first time the cytogenetic profiling in Z. cornutus and A. subrostratus

    Fisheries Heritage in India

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    Fishes are mentioned in the ancient literature of India, the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, and excavations from Harappa and Mohenjo-daro indicate that fishing with hooks and nets was common as long ago as 3000 BC. During the reign of Emperor Asoka (273-232 BC), fish conservation was ensured through strictly enforced laws. This paper places fishing in historical perspective, tracing its evolution from the capture of individual fish to its present status as a large-scale commercial enterprise

    Smoking a dangerous addiction: A systematic review on an underrated risk factor for oral diseases

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    Despite growing knowledge of the adverse effects of cigarette smoking on general health, smoking is one of the most widely prevalent addictions around the world. Globally, about 1.1 billion smokers and over 8 million people die each year because of cigarette smoking. Smoking acts as a source for a variety of oral and systemic diseases. Various periodontal issues such as increased pocket depth, loss of alveolar bone, tooth mobility, oral lesions, ulcerations, halitosis, and stained teeth are more common among smokers. This systematic review was conducted according to the guidelines from PRISMA, and research articles were retrieved from the Web database sources on 31 May 2021. The quality of research articles was ensured by the type of evidence from combined schema incorporating as schema-13 evidence type description, Cochrane health promotion and public health field (CHPPHF), and the health gains notation framework-14 screening question for quality assessment of qualitative and quantitative studies. Smokers have been found to have bleeding on probing, periodontal pockets, and clinical attachment loss compared to nonsmokers. Oral and respiratory cancers are among the most lethal known diseases caused by cigarette smoking and other commonly occurring sequelae such as stained teeth, periodontal diseases, etc

    Immediate and delayed effect of dry needling in musculoskeletal disorders: a quasi experimental study

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    Background: The roles of physiotherapists in managing the chronic and acute pain in musculoskeletal (Msk) conditions are inevitable now days. Physiotherapists work across the time period aiding patients with their pain in medical care settings with the aim of decreasing pain, rising quality of life wherever attainable and preventing acute and sub-acute painful conditions developing into chronic pain. Dry needling, an invasive technique in the hand of Physios is a new trend in managing acute and chronic pain. Purpose of the study is to identify the immediate and delayed response of pain and presence of soreness after the dry needling in common Msk conditions which can be managed in association with other conventional physical therapy techniques. Objective was to find out the immediate and delayed effects of dry needling over pain in musculoskeletal disorders.Methods: This study was carried out in the department of physiotherapy, Malabar medical college hospital and research centre. Patient was prepared and identified the extreme tender point over the muscle affected and needle removed after 3-5 twitch response elicited. Sterility of the treatment area and needle was well maintained. Prior to the treatment again confirmed with the NPRS score and procedure was done. After few seconds of insertion of needle subjects NPRS score assessed. After removal of needling pain score was assessed after 5 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour and after one day.Results: Study showed a marked reduction in pain after dry needling at each intervals and this suggesting promoting dry needling as an adjunct to pain relief technique in physiotherapy.Conclusions: Dry needling is effective over pain in musculoskeletal disorders

    Mitochondrial signatures for identification of grouper species from Indian waters

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    Groupers are important commercial fish in many parts of the world. Accurate identification is critical for effective conservation assessment and fisheries management. Genetic barcodes provide a simple and reproducible method for the identification of species even in the absence of taxonomic expertise. The generation of reference barcodes from properly identified specimens is an important first step in this direction. Here, 36 species belonging to the subfamily Epinephelinae (Family: Serranidae) were collected from landings on the west coast of India and Port Blair, Andaman, and partial nucleotide sequence data of the mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was generated. Barcodes for 13 species were developed from Indian waters for the first time. Analysis using the COI gene produced phylogenetic trees in concurrence with other multi-gene studies. Epinephelus fasciatus and E. areolatus were found to be a species complex, as hypothesized in other studies. The DNA barcodes developed in the study can be used for identifying species within Epinehelinae, where taxonomic ambiguity still exists