179 research outputs found

    Fluorescence Spectra of Praseodymiun and Samarium Amino Acid Ternary Complexes

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    Downy Mildew of Pearl Millet and its Management

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    Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum [L.] R. Br.) is the third most important rainfed cereal crop of India grown over 9 million hectares with an annual production of 9.5 million tonnes (Yadav and Rai, 2013). Globally, it is the sixth most important cereal grain cultivated on more than 30 million hectares which accounts for approximately 50% of world’s millet production. Though the most of the crop area is in Asia (>10 m ha) and Africa (about 18 m ha), pearl millet cultivation is being expanded in some of the non-traditional areas, with Brazil having the largest area (about 2 m ha). It is also being experimented as a grain and forage crop in the USA, Canada, Mexico, the West Asia and North Africa (WANA), and Central Asia. Pearl millet, being a C4 plant, has a very high photosynthetic efficiency and dry matter production capacity. It is usually grown under the most adverse agro-climatic conditions where other crops like sorghum and maize fail to produce economic yields. Besides, pearl millet has a remarkable ability to respond to favourable environments because of its short developmental stages and capacity for high growth rate, thus making it an excellent crop for short growing seasons under improved crop management..

    Effect of Adenosine A2A Receptor Antagonists and l-DOPA on Hydroxyl Radical, Glutamate and Dopamine in the Striatum of 6-OHDA-Treated Rats

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    A2A adenosine receptor antagonists have been proposed as a new therapy of PD. Since oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of PD, we studied the effect of the selective A2A adenosine receptor antagonists 8-(-3-chlorostyryl)caffeine (CSC) and 4-(2-[7-amino-2-(2-furyl)[1,2,4]triazolo[2,3-a][1,3,5]triazin-5-ylamino]ethyl)phenol (ZM 241385) on hydroxyl radical generation, and glutamate (GLU) and dopamine (DA) extracellular level using a microdialysis in the striatum of 6-OHDA-treated rats. CSC (1 mg/kg) and ZM 241385 (3 mg/kg) given repeatedly for 14 days decreased the production of hydroxyl radical and extracellular GLU level, both enhanced by prior 6-OHDA treatment in dialysates from the rat striatum. CSC and ZM 241385 did not affect DA and its metabolites, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanilic acid (HVA) extracellular levels in the striatum of 6-OHDA-treated rats. l-DOPA (6 mg/kg) given twice daily for two weeks in the presence of benserazide (3 mg/kg) decreased striatal hydroxyl radical and glutamate extracellular level in 6-OHDA-treated rats. At the same time, l-DOPA slightly but significantly increased the extracellular levels of DOPAC and HVA. A combined repeated administration of l-DOPA and CSC or ZM 241385 did not change the effect of l-DOPA on hydroxyl radical production and glutamate extracellular level in spite of an enhancement of extracellular DA level by CSC and elevation of extracellular level of DOPAC and HVA by ZM 241385. The data suggest that the 6-OHDA-induced damage of nigrostriatal DA-terminals is related to oxidative stress and excessive release of glutamate. Administration of l-DOPA in combination with CSC or ZM 241385, by restoring striatal DA-glutamate balance, suppressed 6-OHDA-induced overproduction of hydroxyl radical

    Reactivity tests for supplementary cementitious materials: RILEM TC 267-TRM phase 1

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    A primary aim of RILEM TC 267-TRM: “Tests for Reactivity of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs)” is to compare and evaluate the performance of conventional and novel SCM reactivity test methods across a wide range of SCMs. To this purpose, a round robin campaign was organized to investigate 10 different tests for reactivity and 11 SCMs covering the main classes of materials in use, such as granulated blast furnace slag, fly ash, natural pozzolan and calcined clays. The methods were evaluated based on the correlation to the 28 days relative compressive strength of standard mortar bars containing 30% of SCM as cement replacement and the interlaboratory reproducibility of the test results. It was found that only a few test methods showed acceptable correlation to the 28 days relative strength over the whole range of SCMs. The methods that showed the best reproducibility and gave good correlations used the R3 model system of the SCM and Ca(OH)2, supplemented with alkali sulfate/carbonate. The use of this simplified model system isolates the reaction of the SCM and the reactivity can be easily quantified from the heat release or bound water content. Later age (90 days) strength results also correlated well with the results of the IS 1727 (Indian standard) reactivity test, an accelerated strength test using an SCM/Ca(OH)2-based model system. The current standardized tests did not show acceptable correlations across all SCMs, although they performed better when latently hydraulic materials (blast furnace slag) were excluded. However, the Frattini test, Chapelle and modified Chapelle test showed poor interlaboratory reproducibility, demonstrating experimental difficulties. The TC 267-TRM will pursue the development of test protocols based on the R3 model systems. Acceleration and improvement of the reproducibility of the IS 1727 test will be attempted as well

    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the fifth international Mango Symposium Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the Xth international congress of Virology: September 1-6, 1996 Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel August 11-16, 1996 Binyanei haoma, Jerusalem, Israel

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    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the xth international congress of virology: August 11-16,1996 Binyanei haOoma, Jerusalem, Israel Part 2 Plenary Lectures

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