888 research outputs found

    Dampak Relokasi Pedagang Kaki Lima ( Pkl ) Pasar Jongkok Ke Mtc Giant Panam Terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi Pedagang

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    This research was carried out on the public street vendors (PKL) who relocated to the area MTC Giant Panam. Problems studied in this research is how the impact of the relocation of street vendors to MTC Giant Markets Squatting on the socio-economic life of the merchant.The purpose of this study is to find out who the vendors who sell at area Giant Panam MTC, to determine the response to the relocation of street vendors to market MTC Giant Panam area, and to determine the impact of the relocation of street vendors (PKL) Squatting Market area to MTC Giant Panam towards the socio-economic life of the merchant. The population in this study are street vendors who relocated to the area MTC Giant Panam 250 people, 25 people were taken as samples by using random sampling techniques.In the authors use data collection methods of interviews and observations, and analyzed using quantitative descriptive method, that is by depicting or describing phenomena problems studied in the form of numbers, then processed using the percentage tables, so it can be clearly understood conclusion.Based on the results of the study authors note that the street vendors who sell at area Giant Panam MTC is a street vendor who initially conduct trading activities along Jl. HR. Soebrantas Panam, relocation of the market to get a good response from vendors who sell in the area MTC Giant Panam, and relolasi market impact or influence both the social and economic life of street vendors, among which a good trade competition among fellow traders in develop business for goods and services traded, social interactions are good, and the high level of earned income traders in buying and selling activities

    Emergency shutdown valve reliability function test by automated Partial Stroke Testing System

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    Partial stroke testing (PST) is a technique that is regularly practiced in oil and gas industries to test the emergency shutdown (ESD) valve by closing a certain percentage of the valve position and stop any flow through the pipeline. Generally, it only functions when there is an emergency occurring in the production system. When the ESD valve remains in one position for a long period, there is a risk and potential of fail on demand which is, the ESD valve fail to operate during the emergency shutdown. This testing can reveal approximately 75 of unrevealed failures in valves. It can also provide predictive maintenance data that can contribute to the extension of the preventive maintenance for the ESD valve. The objectives of this paper are to design, simulate, build and test the performance of the automated PST system based on PLC. Four guidelines and methodology are used in this work. First, understanding the operation of the PST system. Then, the utilization of the capability of MATLAB-Simulink software as the simulation tool for the PST design system. Next, designing the PST automated system based on PLC design and lastly, testing the performance of the PST design system using lab scale PST system prototype that has been built. Results of the project shows that the PST system is successfully designed and simulated via MATLAB-Simulink and the PLC programming is working in the correct order as performed on the prototype

    Influenced factors in the delignification process of red meranti wood sawdust

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    Lignocellulosic biomass are plants that include forestry residue and agricultural residues that are mainly composed of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. Red Meranti wood sawdust (RMWS) are one of lignocellulosic biomass that rich-cellulose content. To obtain cellulose, the pretreatments are needed to extract it from outer layer of lignin and hemicellulose by using the acid-chlorite delignification procedure aided with design of experimental from Design Expert 7.1 software. Four factors were selected in design of experiment using two level with half fraction factorial analysis were came out with total of 8 runs. The factors contributed were ratio acetic acid (AC) to RMWS (0.45 and 0.6), ratio sodium chlorite to RMWS (0.6 and 1.64), reaction time (4hr and 6hr) and temperature (55°C and 75°C). The results obtained were showed that the design model was substantial resulting with a coefficient of determination value of 0.9963. Two factors that generated the highest to the process were ratio SC to RMWS (B) and temperature (D). The percentage error between the actual and predicted value for lignin removal at 0.79% and 4.92%, which found to be less than 5%, and thus, the model was successfully validated


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    Fish is a comestible that is inclined to the deterioration of quality, especially by the activity of rotting microorganisms. One of the efforts to obstruct the decline in fish quality by using natural ingredients, namely mangrove leaves. This study aims to determine the utilization of mangrove leaf extract (Sonneratia caseolaris) on the organoleptic quality of fresh golden trevally fish (Gnathanodon speciosus). The research was conducted in March 2020 at the Marine Hatchery Laboratory and Processing Workshop SUPM in Waiheru Ambon. The research used a laboratory experimental method with several stages, these were sample preparation, mangrove leaf extract preparation, immersion of golden trevally fish in mangrove leaf extract, storage, and analysis of organoleptic assessment data. Organoleptic assessments including eyes, gills, body surface slime, meat (color and appearance), smell and texture were carried out every 6 hours until the quality of the fish was rejected by the panelists. The results showed that soaking mangrove leaf extract can inhibit microbial growth in fish. The concentrations of mangrove leaf extract 2% and 4% could lengthen the shelf life of fresh golden trevally fish at room temperature for 6 hours longer than the control. In addition, the mangrove leaf extract immersion treatment can maintain the organoleptic value of fish. In conclusion, the results of the organoleptic quality assessment of fresh golden trevally fish (Gnathanodon speciosus) in soaking treatment of mangrove leaf extract (Sonneratia caseolaris) with a concentration of 2%-4% can maintain the shelf life of golden trevally fish. This is due to the role of secondary metabolic compounds contained in mangrove leaves which can inhibit microbial growth.   ABSTRAK Ikan merupakan bahan pangan yang sangat mudah mengalami kemunduran mutu terutama oleh aktivitas mikroorganisme pembusuk. Salah satu upaya untuk menghambat penurunan mutu ikan dengan menggunakan bahan alami yaitu daun mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan ekstrak daun mangrove (Sonneratia caseolaris) terhadap mutu organoleptik ikan kuwe (Gnathanodon speciosus) segar. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2020 di Laboratorium Hatchery Laut dan Workshop Pengolahan SUPM Waiheru Ambon. Penelitian menggunakan metode experimental laboratories dengan tahapan-tahapan yaitu persiapan sampel, preparasi ekstrak daun mangrove, perendaman ikan kuwe dalam esktrak daun mangrove, penyimpanan, serta analisa data penilaian organoleptik. Penilaian organoleptik meliputi mata, insang, lendir permukaan badan, daging (warna dan kenampakan), bau serta tekstur dilakukan setiap 6 jam sekali sampai mutu ikan ditolak oleh panelis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perendaman ekstrak daun mangrove dapat menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba pada ikan. Konsentrasi ekstrak daun mangrove 2% dan 4% dapat memperpanjang daya simpan ikan kuwe segar pada suhu kamar 6 jam lebih lama dibandingkan kontrol. Disamping itu, perlakuan perendaman ekstrak daun mangrove dapat mempertahankan nilai organoleptik ikan. Kesimpulannya Hasil penilaian mutu organoleptik ikan kuwe (Gnathanodon speciosus) segar dalam perlakuan perendaman ekstrak daun mangrove (Sonneratia caseolaris) dengan konsentrasi 2%-4% dapat mempertahankan daya simpan ikan kuwe. Hal ini disebabkan peran senyawa metabolik sekunder yang terkandung pada daun mangrove yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba.   Kata Kunci: Sonneratia caseolaris, Gnathanodon speciosus, organoleptik, daun mangrove, ekstra

    Gathering experience in trust-based interactions

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    As advances in mobile and embedded technologies coupled with progress in adhoc networking fuel the shift towards ubiquitous computing systems it is becoming increasingly clear that security is a major concern. While this is true of all computing paradigms, the characteristics of ubiquitous systems amplify this concern by promoting spontaneous interaction between diverse heterogeneous entities across administrative boundaries [5]. Entities cannot therefore rely on a specific control authority and will have no global view of the state of the system. To facilitate collaboration with unfamiliar counterparts therefore requires that an entity takes a proactive approach to self-protection. We conjecture that trust management is the best way to provide support for such self-protection measures

    Eksplorasi dan Karakterisasi Azotobacter Indigenous untuk Pengembangan Pupuk Hayati Tanaman Padi Gogo Lokal di Lahan Marjinal

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    Azotobacter is bacterium that has the ability to fix nitrogen and produce hormone IAA, thus potentially acts as biofertilizer agent. There are differences in chemical, biological and other characters of Azotobacter strains. Some strains have higher ability to fix nitrogen than the others. Exploration and characterization are important to be done because the bacteria that provide nutrients and live free rhizosphere regions, possible have different abilities. In addition to N2 fixing, growth hormone production, phosphate dissolving, they are also tolerant to a certain temperature and pH. The purpose of the research was to obtain information and the latest data on indigenous Azotobacter that potential as a source of biofertilizer, and triggering factor for upland rice growth on marginal lands in Southeast Sulawesi. Exploration from several locations has selected 21 Azotobacter isolates. The test results indicated that the 21 Azotobacter isolates have the ability to produce IAA, dissolve phosphate and stable at pH 5.0-7.0. All 21 isolates tested had the ability to survive at 40oC, eight isolates i.e. LT2D1, LT2d2, LU2c, RG4c, MP1f, LT2d3, ML1j, and RR8awere able to survive at a temperature of 45o C, and LT2d1 isolate survived at temperatures 50oC. The results of the evaluation of the wet weight of upland rice seedlings selected 10 isolates that were: KU6e, MS3e, RG4c, RR8b1, LU2c, RB4b, MS3f, LU2c1, RJ5e, RR8b2 and evaluation of seedling dry weight selected 5 isolates that were: RB4b, LU2c, RJ5e, RR8b2, LT2d1

    Perlindungan terhadap Korban Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) Berat di Korea Utara Menurut Hukum Internasional

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    Human Rights are basic rights bestowed by God on human beings, are universal to be protected, respected, maintained, and should not be ignored, reduced or taken away by anyone. It is therefore the responsibility of the State as well as collateral for enforcement against violations of human rights principles. The UN as an International organization in its charter has been put respect and appreciation for human rights into the Charter that dsebut The Universal Declaration of Human Rights were adopted unanimously by the General Assembly of the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. Human rights violations in North Korea should have been the responsibility of the State concerned, and also it is a shared responsibility of the International community. North Korea as one of the countries with the worst human rights records. North Koreans have been referred to as the "most brutalized people in the world", due to the severe restrictions placed on the top of their political and economic freedoms. The North Korean government has committed human rights violations in the form of crimes against humanity against the civilian population, so in this case the UN acts as a protective shield against the civilian population, so that the perpetrators can not act arbitrarily in treating civilian population

    Oil palm leaf fibre and its suitability for paper-based products

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    Due to the shortage of wood as origin materials for paper-based production, agro-residue materials have been explored in the quest of finding the best alternative fibre. Oil palm leaf (OPL) is one of agro-residue that has potential due to its comparable characteristics with wood fibre. Studies on chemical compositions, fibre morphology, and mechanical property of OPL have been carried out aiming to evaluate its potential as a substitute raw material for pulp and paper-based production. The chemical compositions were analysed according to the TAPPI standard, Kurscher-Hoffner and chlorite methods accordingly. The mechanical property (tensile, tearing and bursting strengths) were determined as described in TAPPI test methods. Fibre dimensions were determined using Franklin method and analysed under the optical microscope. The content of cellulose in the OPL is determined to be 43.8%. Although, this result is lower than wood fibre (53%), OPL has higher hemicellulose content (36.4%) than the wood fibre (27.5%). In addition, the lignin content (19.7%) of OPL is in the low range of those in wood resources (18 - 25%). These parameters are important components to produce good quality pulp and will provide high mechanical strength of the paper-based products. The measured fibre length of oil palm leaf (1.13 mm) is shorter than the wood fibre (1.90 mm). Meanwhile, the mechanical property of OPL showed lower indexes than wood resources, however, tear (1.80 mN.m2/g) and burst (0.95 kPa.m2/g) indexes of OPL are higher than other published and successful wood resources (Eucalyptus). Based on the analyses, the oil palm leaf is indeed a suitable alternative of raw material for pulp and paper-based industries