83 research outputs found

    Regression Models for In Vivo Discrimination of the Iberian Pig Feeding Regime after Near Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis of Faeces

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    The Iberian pig is a native breed of the Iberian Peninsula, which holds an international reputation due to the superior quality and the added value of its products. Different rearing practices and feeding regimes are regulated, resulting in different labelling schemes. However, there is no official analytical methodology that is standardised for certification purposes in the sector. Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) is a technology that provides information about the physicochemical composition of a sample, with several advantages that have enabled its implementation in different fields. Although it has already been successfully used for the analysis of an Iberian pig’s final products, samples evaluated with NIRS technology are characterised by a postmortem collection. The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential of NIRS analysis of faeces for in vivo discrimination of the Iberian pig feeding regime, using the spectral information per se for the development of modified partial least squares regressions. Faecal samples were used due to their easy collection, especially in extensive systems where pig handling is difficult. A total of 166 individual samples were collected from 12 farms, where the three different feeding regimes available in the sector were ensured. Although slight differences were detected depending on the chemometric approach, the best models obtained a classification success and a prediction accuracy of over 94% for feeding regime discrimination. The results are considered very satisfactory and suggest NIRS analysis of faeces as a promising approach for the in vivo discrimination of the Iberian pigs’ diet, and its implementation during field inspections, a significative achievement for the sector

    Preliminary feasibility of near-infrared spectroscopy to authenticate grazing in dairy goats through milk and faeces analysis

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    Nowadays, society demands certification and authentication methodologies that are able to clarify the origin of different livestock products. This is considered of paramount importance in order to not only provide accurate information to consumers, but also to protect producers against fraudulent practices. In this context, the aim of this study is to establish a methodology to authenticate the grazing activity of dairy goats. To achieve this, milk and faeces samples were analysed using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. The good results obtained in discriminant models demonstrated differences in both types of matrices when the two feeding regimes were compared. The development of this methodology could extend its use not only in dairy systems of goats but also in other animal species and systems

    Relationship of somatic cell count and composition and coagulation properties of ewe’s milk

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    The relationship between somatic cell count (SCC) and raw milk composition and its coagulation properties measured at native or standardised pH values were investigated in Manchega ewes’ milk. A total of 84 bulk tank milk samples from flocks included in the National Association of Manchega Sheep Breeders were used. According to their SCC, milk samples were divided into three terciles named low (562±138 cells/mL), medium (956±115 cells/mL) and high (1705±428 cells/ mL) SCC groups. Within each SCC group, two pH treatments were applied before determining coagulation properties (rennet clotting time, curd firming time and curd firmness): no acidification of milk (coagulation at native pH) and acidification of milk at pH 6.5. Native milk pH significantly increased (P0.05) by SCC, protein content tended to be higher in the high SCC group (P=0.05) and lactose content was significantly lower (P<0.05) in that group. At native pH, the high SCC group had longer rennet clotting time, higher curd firming time and lower curd firmness after 30 min of rennet addition than the low and medium SCC groups (P<0.05). Standardising milk pH at 6.5 prior to rennet addition clearly cancelled out (P<0.05) the negative effects of high SCC on milk coagulation properties. In conclusion, despite the fact that acidification before renneting improved the coagulation properties of milk with high SCC, more research would be needed to determine the sensorial properties of cheese manufactured under such conditions

    Corrosive Properties Prediction from Olive Byproducts Solid Biofuel by Near Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Biofuel characterization constitutes a substantial improvement in the valorization of this resource and allows a rational and controlled use of its energy potential. Corrosion and slagging are primary concerns of solid biofuels; the occurrence and extent of these phenomena depend significantly on the concentration of chlorine in the solid biofuel and the presence of elements such as potassium, sulfur, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, or silicon. Solid biofuels quality parameters are being determined by official methods established by the European Standard Technology Committee. Nevertheless, their implementation in the bioenergetic industry is scarce because these methods are expensive, tedious, and time-consuming. Therefore, a faster, more reliable, and cheaper analytical technique is mandatory in order to detect high concentrations of these parameters and avoid subsequent damages in heat exchanging surfaces. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is an eligible technique due to its high response speed, low cost per sample, absence of sample preparation, and versatility for the analysis of many different products and parameters. In this work, 250 samples of olive stone, olive tree pruning and dry depleted olive pomace, known also as “orujillo”, have been collected, and NIR prediction model for determination of parameters such as chlorine, sulfur, and potassium have been obtained and evaluated. Correlation between actual and predicted values (R2) was used to test the performance of calibrations. Practical utility of the validation models were assessed using the ratio of standard error of prediction to standard deviation of the reference data (RPD). High accuracy in prediction for a test set has been achieved for chlorine, sulfur, and potassium content (R2 > 0.9 and RPD > 3), and standard error of prediction (SEP) values obtained in external validation with 53 independent samples are 129 mg kg−1 and 0.008% for chlorine and sulfur, respectively. This study illustrates the possibility of implementing the NIR technique in combination with multivariate data analysis to predict corrosive elements from olive byproducts in an economical and fast way

    Raspberry dietary fibre: Chemical properties, functional evaluation and prebiotic in vitro effect

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    ©2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the, Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in LWT - Food Science and Technology. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2020.110140Raspberries have high content of antioxidants; however, there is a lack of information about the functional composition of their dietary fibre. In this work, the total dietary fibre and its soluble and insoluble fractions were analysed for extractable and hydrolysable (poly)phenols, non-starch polysaccharides and functional properties with physiological effects and health implications (fat and water retention and swelling capacity, glucose diffusion retardation index, osmotic pressure and antioxidant capacity). Additionally, their prebiotic effect was assessed by an in vitro fermentation model by the analysis of short chain fatty acids. Results show that raspberry fibre contained mainly hydrolysable (poly)phenols; insoluble dietary fibre was the fraction richest in these compounds and also had the highest antioxidant and fat retention capacity, whereas soluble dietary fibre underwent greater hydration. The in vitro fermentations showed that (poly)phenols were responsible to a great extent for the raspberry prebiotic-like effect, in comparison with the fibre fractions. The results confirm that raspberry dietary fibre fractions could be used as functional and prebiotic ingredients for the development of food products with enhanced physical and nutritional properties

    Feeding Algae Meal to Feedlot Lambs with Competent Reticular Groove Reflex Increases Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Meat

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effects of supplementing marine algae as a source of omega-3 fatty acids (FA) in the diet, mixed in the concentrate or bottle-fed, on intramuscular fat FA composition of lambs with competent reticular groove reflex (RGR). Forty-eight feedlot lambs were distributed in three equal groups: one group did not consume marine algae nor had competent RGR, the second group received a daily dose (2.5%) of algae meal in the concentrate and the last group consumed the same dose of algae meal emulsified in milk replacer and bottle-fed. Marine algae raised the contents of EPA, DPA, and mainly DHA in the intramuscular fat, but the increase was significantly higher when algae meal was administered with a bottle via RGR. This strategy could contribute to improvements in the marketing of lamb meat by optimizing its status as a healthier food

    Influence of Dietary Algae Meal on Lipid Oxidation and Volatile Profile of Meat from Lambs with Competent Reticular Groove Reflex

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    Dietary lipid sources influence intramuscular fatty acid composition, which in turn may affect the volatile profile of meat. The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of marine algae supplementation (Aurantiochytrium limacinum) on volatile compounds of cooked lamb meat. Forty-eight lambs with 42 days of age were divided into three groups: lambs fed a conventional diet without algae meal supplementation (NOALG), lambs with competent reticular groove reflex (RGR) fed the same diet supplemented with 2.5% marine algae meal mixed in the concentrate (ALGCON), and lambs with competent RGR, receiving the same diet and fed with 2.5% marine algae meal in a milk replacer to bypass the rumen (ALGMILK). Lipid and protein oxidation in raw meat was assessed and volatile compounds in grilled meat were determined. The highest and lowest lipid oxidations were observed in the ALGMILK and NOALG groups, respectively. Protein oxidation was unaffected. Out of 56 identified compounds, 12 volatiles significantly increased in both algae groups and 6 of them exclusively in the ALGCON treatment. Algae meal supplementation and its form of administration, either protected or not from rumen degradation, are important factors to consider in lipid oxidation and the aromatic profile of lamb meat

    Odnos broja somatskih stanica i sastav i koagulacijska svojstva ovčjeg mlijeka

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    The relationship between somatic cell count (SCC) and raw milk composition and its coagulation properties measured at native or standardised pH values were investigated in Manchega ewes’ milk. A total of 84 bulk tank milk samples from flocks included in the National Association of Manchega Sheep Breeders were used. According to their SCC, milk samples were divided into three terciles named low (562±138 cells/mL), medium (956±115 cells/mL) and high (1705±428 cells/ mL) SCC groups. Within each SCC group, two pH treatments were applied before determining coagulation properties (rennet clotting time, curd firming time and curd firmness): no acidification of milk (coagulation at native pH) and acidification of milk at pH 6.5. Native milk pH significantly increased (P0.05) by SCC, protein content tended to be higher in the high SCC group (P=0.05) and lactose content was significantly lower (P0,05) na udjel masti, dok je udjel proteina bio veći u grupi s visokim BSS (P=0,05), a udjel laktoze bio je signifikantno niži (P<0,05) u toj skupini. Kod prirodne pH vrijednosti mlijeka, visoki BSS utjecao je na duže vrijeme zgrušavanja mlijeka sirilom, sporije učvršćivanje gruša i na manju čvrstoću gruša nakon 30 min od dodatka sirila, u odnosu na skupinu u kojoj je BSS bio nizak i srednji (P<0,05). Standardizacija pH mlijeka na 6,5 prije dodavanja sirila anulirala je (P<0,05) negativan utjecaj visokog BSS na koagulacijska svojstva mlijeka. Može se zaključiti da su, unatoč činjenici kako je acidifikacija mlijeka prije zgrušavanja poboljšala koagulacijske osobine mlijeka s visokim BSS, daljnja istraživanja potrebna kako bi se utvrdila senzorska svojstva sira proizvedenog takvim postupkom


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    Con el fin de promocionar la creación literaria del alumnado de nuestra Universidad, la Biblioteca en coordinación con el Vicerrectorado de Responsabilidad Social y Servicios Universitarios y la colaboración del Servicio de Publicaciones de la UCA convoca el VIII Certamen Literario de Narrativa Breve de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Cádiz. Con este certamen se busca asentar un espacio de expresión y creatividad para los estudiantes de la Universidad de Cádiz. Los relatos premiados son recopilados en un libro editado con el sello editorial del Publicaciones de la UCA, que forma parte de la colección Libro de Bienvenida y con él se obsequia a todos los alumnos y alumnas de nuevo ingreso en la UCA

    Metaanálisis del uso de semillas y aceites en la dieta de ovejas y cabras

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    The objective of this work was to use meta‑analysis to study the productive results of ewe and goat fed oil and seed, rich in unsatured fat acid. Twenty‑two experiments with ewes (63 treatments) and 21 experiments with goats (76 treatments) were used. Average extra fat intake was 83.6±33.6 g per day in ewes, and 73.4±38.7 g per day in goats. In ewes, extra fat intake did not affect dry matter intake, but increased milk fat yield (from 91.4 to 98.8 g per day) and reduced milk protein content (from 5.41 to 5.24%). There were no differences in the sum of fat and protein contents. In goats, extra fat included in the diet reduced dry matter intake (from 2.13 to 2.08 kg per day), and increased milk fat percentage (from 4.11 to 4.43%) and the sum of fat and protein contents (from 7.41 to 7.76%). The yield responses to the intake of diets enriched with unsaturated fatty acids differ between ewes and goats. However, milk commercial value is not affected because of the absence of negative effects on the sum of fat and protein contents in both species.El objetivo de este trabajo fue utilizar el metaanálisis para estudiar los resultados productivos de ovejas y cabras de ordeño, alimentadas con aceites y semillas ricas en ácidos grasos insaturados. Se utilizaron 22 experimentos con ovejas (63 tratamientos) y 21 con cabras (76 tratamientos). El consumo medio de grasa extra fue de 83,6±33,6 g por día en ovejas y 73,4±38,7 g por día en cabras. En ovejas, la grasa extra no afectó al consumo de materia seca, pero aumentó la producción de grasa (de 91,4 a 98,8 g por día) y redujo el contenido proteico (de 5,41 a 5,24%) de la leche. No hubo diferencias en el extracto quesero. En cabras, la inclusión de grasa en la dieta redujo el consumo de materia seca (de 2,13 a 2,08 kg por día) y aumentó el porcentaje de grasa láctea (de 4,11 a 4,43%) y el extracto quesero (de 7,41 a 7,76%). La respuesta productiva de ovejas y cabras al consumo de dietas ricas en ácidos grasos insaturados es diferente. Sin embargo, el valor comercial de la leche no se ve afectado, debido a la ausencia de efectos negativos sobre el extracto quesero en ambas especies