391 research outputs found

    Squad management, injury and match performance in a professional soccer team over a Championship-winning season

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    Squad management, injury and physical, tactical and technical match performance were investigated in a professional soccer team across five consecutive league seasons (2008–2013, 190 league games) with specific focus on a championship-winning season (2010/11). For each player, match participation and time-loss injuries were recorded, the latter prospectively diagnosed by the team's physician. Defending and attacking tactical and technical performance indicators investigated included ball possession and possession in opponents' half, passes, forward passes, completed passes and forward passes, crosses and completed crosses, goal attempts and goal attempts on target, successful final third entries, free-kicks and 50/50 duels won/lost. Physical performance measures included total distance and distance covered at high-speeds (≥19.1 km/h). Results showed that during the 2010/11 season, squad utilisation was lowest potentially owing to the observed lower match injury occurrence and working days lost to injury thereby increasing player availability. In 2010/11, the team won both its highest number of points and conceded its lowest number of goals especially over the second half of this season. The team also won its highest number of games directly via a goal from a substitute and scored and conceded a goal first on the highest and lowest number of occasions, respectively. While multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) detected a significant difference in some attacking and defensive performance indicators across the five seasons, these were generally not distinguishing factors in 2010/11. Similarly, univariate ANOVAs showed a significant difference in running distances covered across seasons, but the trend was for less activity in 2010/11

    Spaces of finite element differential forms

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    We discuss the construction of finite element spaces of differential forms which satisfy the crucial assumptions of the finite element exterior calculus, namely that they can be assembled into subcomplexes of the de Rham complex which admit commuting projections. We present two families of spaces in the case of simplicial meshes, and two other families in the case of cubical meshes. We make use of the exterior calculus and the Koszul complex to define and understand the spaces. These tools allow us to treat a wide variety of situations, which are often treated separately, in a unified fashion.Comment: To appear in: Analysis and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations, U. Gianazza, F. Brezzi, P. Colli Franzone, and G. Gilardi, eds., Springer 2013. v2: a few minor typos corrected. v3: a few more typo correction

    Boundary Integral Equations for the Laplace-Beltrami Operator

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    We present a boundary integral method, and an accompanying boundary element discretization, for solving boundary-value problems for the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the surface of the unit sphere §\S in R3\mathbb{R}^3. We consider a closed curve C{\cal C} on S{\cal S} which divides S{\cal S} into two parts S1{\cal S}_1 and S2{\cal S}_2. In particular, C=S1{\cal C} = \partial {\cal S}_1 is the boundary curve of S1{\cal S}_1. We are interested in solving a boundary value problem for the Laplace-Beltrami operator in §2\S_2, with boundary data prescribed on \C

    Electric field formulation for thin film magnetization problems

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    We derive a variational formulation for thin film magnetization problems in type-II superconductors written in terms of two variables, the electric field and the magnetization function. A numerical method, based on this formulation, makes it possible to accurately compute all variables of interest, including the electric field, for any value of the power in the power law current-voltage relation characterizing the superconducting material. For high power values we obtain a good approximation to the critical state model solution. Numerical simulation results are presented for simply and multiply connected films, and also for an inhomogeneous film.Comment: 15 p., submitte

    Actively Contracting Bundles of Polar Filaments

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    We introduce a phenomenological model to study the properties of bundles of polar filaments which interact via active elements. The stability of the homogeneous state, the attractors of the dynamics in the unstable regime and the tensile stress generated in the bundle are discussed. We find that the interaction of parallel filaments can induce unstable behavior and is responsible for active contraction and tension in the bundle. Interaction between antiparallel filaments leads to filament sorting. Our model could apply to simple contractile structures in cells such as stress fibers.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Analysis of repeated high-intensity running performance in professional soccer

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    The aims of this study conducted in a professional soccer team were two-fold: to characterise repeated high-intensity movement activity profiles in official match-play; b) to inform and verify the construct validity of tests commonly used to determine repeated-sprint ability in soccer by investigating the relationship between the results from a test of repeated-sprint ability and repeated high-intensity performance in competition. High-intensity running performance (movement at velocities >19.8 km/h for a minimum of 1-s duration) in 20 players was measured using computerised time motion analysis. Performance in 80 French League 1 matches was analysed. In addition, 12 out of the 20 players performed a repeated-sprint test on a non-motorized treadmill consisting of 6 consecutive 6s sprints separated by 20s passive recovery intervals. In all players, the majority of consecutive high-intensity actions in competition were performed after recovery durations ≥61s, recovery activity separating these efforts was generally active in nature with the major part of this spent walking, and players performed 1.1±1.1 repeated high-intensity bouts (a minimum of 3 consecutive high-intensity with a mean recovery time ≤20s separating efforts) per game. Players reporting lowest performance decrements in the repeated-sprint ability test performed more high-intensity actions interspersed by short recovery times (≤20s, p<0.01 and ≤30s, p<0.05) compared to those with higher decrements. Across positional roles, central-midfielders performed a greater number of high-intensity actions separated by short recovery times (≤20s) and spent a larger proportion of time running at higher intensities during recovery periods while fullbacks performed the most repeated high-intensity bouts (statistical differences across positional roles from p<0.05 to p<0.001). These findings have implications for repeated high-intensity testing and physical conditioning regimens

    Analysis of segregated boundary-domain integral equations for mixed variable-coefficient BVPs in exterior domains

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 Birkhäuser Boston.Some direct segregated systems of boundary–domain integral equations (LBDIEs) associated with the mixed boundary value problems for scalar PDEs with variable coefficients in exterior domains are formulated and analyzed in the paper. The LBDIE equivalence to the original boundary value problems and the invertibility of the corresponding boundary–domain integral operators are proved in weighted Sobolev spaces suitable for exterior domains. This extends the results obtained by the authors for interior domains in non-weighted Sobolev spaces.The work was supported by the grant EP/H020497/1 ”Mathematical analysis of localised boundary-domain integral equations for BVPs with variable coefficients” of the EPSRC, UK

    Breaking spaces and forms for the DPG method and applications including Maxwell equations

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    Discontinuous Petrov Galerkin (DPG) methods are made easily implementable using `broken' test spaces, i.e., spaces of functions with no continuity constraints across mesh element interfaces. Broken spaces derivable from a standard exact sequence of first order (unbroken) Sobolev spaces are of particular interest. A characterization of interface spaces that connect the broken spaces to their unbroken counterparts is provided. Stability of certain formulations using the broken spaces can be derived from the stability of analogues that use unbroken spaces. This technique is used to provide a complete error analysis of DPG methods for Maxwell equations with perfect electric boundary conditions. The technique also permits considerable simplifications of previous analyses of DPG methods for other equations. Reliability and efficiency estimates for an error indicator also follow. Finally, the equivalence of stability for various formulations of the same Maxwell problem is proved, including the strong form, the ultraweak form, and a spectrum of forms in between

    Atmospheric halogen and acid rains during the major Deccan episode: magnetic and mineral evidences

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    Environmental and climatic changes linked to Deccan volcanism are still poorly known. A major limitation resides in the paucity of direct Deccan volcanism markers and in the geologically short interval where both impact and volcanism occurred, making it hard to evaluate their contributions to the mass extinction. We investigated the low magnetic susceptibility interval just below the Iridium-rich layer of the Bidart (France) section, which was recently hypothesized to be the result of palaeoenvironmental perturbations linked to paroxysmal Deccan phase-2. Results show a drastic decrease of detrital magnetite and presence of fine specular akaganeite, a hypothesized reaction product between FeCl2 from the volcanic plume with water and oxygen in the high atmosphere. A weathering model of the consequences of acidic rains on a continental regolith reveals nearly complete magnetite dissolution after about 33,000 years, which is consistent with our magnetic data and the duration of the Deccan phase-2. This discovery represents an unprecedented piece of evidence of the nature and importance of the Deccan-related environmental changes