371 research outputs found

    A study on functional and radiological outcome of complex tibial plateau fractures by posteromedial plating

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    Background: In orthopaedic practice, three column concept and fixation for proximal tibia are becoming popular as it was proved that fixation of posterior column is a must for proper weight transmission and stability. This study demonstrates the use of the posteromedial surgical approach to the knee in treating patients with complex tibial plateau injuries with a posteromedial column fracture. The aim of the study was to study the functional and radiological outcome of complex tibial plateau fracture by posteromedial plating.Methods: This is a prospective study involving 20 patients with complex tibial condyle fractures with posterior column fractures. Preoperative computed tomography is taken with radiography for complete evaluation of fracture fragments even in the coronal plane. Fractures were classified as Schatzker type 4 or above with a posteromedial split depression. Plating is done with posteromedial locking compression for buttressing posteromedial fragment. The outcome of surgery was evaluated using the Oxford knee scoring system. Longest follow up of study is 2 years.Results: All fractures healed within 6 months without any secondary displacements or secondary osteoarthritis. Out of 20 patients 16 patients have the postoperative anatomic reduction (0 mm step off) 2 had an acceptable reduction of <2 mm step off. At 4-12 months median range of flexion 135*(125-145*). The mean Oxford knee score was 25-33.Conclusions: Fixation of posteromedial fragment in a complex tibial condyle fracture is a must as it involves posterior column. Using a locking compression plate provides perfect fracture fixation and thereby more stability to knee joint & better functional outcome

    Major Ion Chemistry and Groundwater Quality Evaluation for Irrigation

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    Hydrogeochemical characteristics of Groundwater analyzed in the study area of Coimbatore district by collecting 60 samples from agricultural belt. Groundwater quality for irrigation is determined by several key factors like pH, Electrical conductivity (EC), Total suspended solids (TDS). The cations such as Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+), Calcium (Ca2+), Magnesium (Mg2+ ) and anions are Hydrocarbon (HCO3), Carbonate (CO3 -), Chlorides (Cl-)and Sulphates (SO4 2-) are tested. The irrigation water quality parameters such as Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR), Chloro Alkali Indices (CA I & CAII), Kelley’s Ratio (KR), Magnesium Hazard (MH), Percent sodium (%Na) and Permeability Index (PI), Soluble sodium Percent (SSP) are computed from the key factors, anions and cations. From the USSL Diagram the samples fall in C2S1, C3S1, C4S1 range. Salinity hazard is too elevated in the study area, all the samples are categorized under high to very high with the values greater than 750 μS/cm. Total dissolved solid in the study area indicated that only 2 locations are unfit for irrigation. SAR and % Na shows that there is no hazard related to irrigation watering. Magnesium hazard in the groundwater is high and indicates 51 sample out of 60 is unsuitable for irrigation. From the study it indicates the groundwater is contaminated with salt content and in most of the area it can be used for irrigation. Keywords: Groundwater, Irrigation water quality, Salinity hazard, Kelley’s ratio, Magnesium hazar

    Functional outcome of mini external fixator in hand injuries: an observational study in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Metacarpal and phalangeal fractures are one of the common fractures of the upper extremity that account for about 10% of total body fractures. The distal parts of the hand are the most common parts to be injured. Outcome is also influenced by other factors such as patient’s age, occupation, socio economic status, systemic illness, surgeon’s skill and the patient’s compliance. Methods: We are doing an observational study with 40 patients included according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria for a period of six months with age group between 20 and 60 years. We use mini external fixators with JESS clamps, 1.8 mm threaded pins and k wires. Patients were followed up periodically with required radiograph for the union of the fracture. Results: Out 40 patients, most of the patients were between the age of 21 to 40 years with male preponderance, open fractures were more when compared with closed fractures. Functional outcome was excellent and good on the higher side which was analysed with Strickland score. Radiological union were also in greater side with 17.5% of them with delayed union. Conclusions: Simple surgical technique will minimize complications and an aggressive rehabilitation will ensure best result. In general, mini external fixator is a good treatment for management of fractures with best functional outcome.  


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    Objective: Anthracnose is one of the diseases of cucumber caused by the fungus Colletotrichum lagenarium. The enzymes of fungal melanin biosynthesis pathway act as a potential target for the synthetic fungicides. The present study aims to identify the rational phytochemical compound that exhibits inhibitory activity towards a key enzyme scytalone dehydratase (SCD) of melanin biosynthesis pathway. Methods: Phytochemical compounds with antifungal activity were screened from the conventionally used medicinal plants and docked with the target enzyme SCD. Results: The interaction amongst phytocompounds and the target SCD were evaluated. Five out of 20 compounds exhibited higher binding affinity compared to that of synthetic fungicide carpropamid. Conclusion: The current study revealed that the compounds exhibiting significant interaction with SCD might act as an efficient fungicide for the control of anthracnose disease of cucumber

    A Survey: R-2R Digital to Analog Converter Implementation Using Cadence EDA Tool

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    An option in contrast to the binary weighted-input DAC is the supposed R/2R DAC, which utilizes less special resistor esteems. A disservice oftheA digital-to-analog converter which depends on the R-2R stepping stool is investigated for low power utilization i.e.27.04 mW, low dynamic chip territory for example 0.054 mm2 and low DNL for example 0.03. R-2R DAC is executed utilizing rhythm virtuoso device in 180nm CMOS process. The main components used are an operational amplifier and R-2R ladder network. Op-amp is made up of two stages. The first stage of op-amp consists of a differential amplifier and the second stage consists of common source amplifier. The first stage is used to get high gain and the second stage increases output swing and gain of the first stage

    A Survey: R-2R Digital to Analog Converter Implementation Using Cadence EDA Tool

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    An option in contrast to the binary weighted-input DAC is the supposed R/2R DAC, which utilizes less special resistor esteems. A disservice oftheA digital-to-analog converter which depends on the R-2R stepping stool is investigated for low power utilization i.e.27.04 mW, low dynamic chip territory for example 0.054 mm2 and low DNL for example 0.03. R-2R DAC is executed utilizing rhythm virtuoso device in 180nm CMOS process. The main components used are an operational amplifier and R-2R ladder network. Op-amp is made up of two stages. The first stage of op-amp consists of a differential amplifier and the second stage consists of common source amplifier. The first stage is used to get high gain and the second stage increases output swing and gain of the first stage


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    Objective: Aim of the present research work was to develop a sensitive, rapid and accurate, stability-indicating RP-UPLC method for the simultaneous estimation of tezacaftor and ivacaftor in formulations. Methods: The chromatographic separation of the mixture of tezacaftor and ivacaftor was attained in isocratic method utilizing a mobile phase of 0.1 % orthophosphoric acid and acetonitrile in the proportion of 50:50%v/v utilizing a HSS C18 column which has dimensions of 100Ă—2.1 mm, 1.7 m particle size and the flow rate of 0.3 ml/min. The detection system was monitored at 292 nm wavelength maximum with 1.5 ml injection volume. The present method was validated as per the guidelines given by the ICH for specificity, accuracy, sensitivity, linearity and precision. Results: The retaining time for tezacaftor and ivacaftor were achieved at 1.071 min and 0.530 min, respectively. Tezacaftor, ivacaftor and their combined drug formulation were exposed to thermal, acidic, oxidative, photolytic, and alkaline conditions. The developed method was highly sensitive, rapid, precise and accurate than the earlier reported methods. The total run time was decreased to 2.0 min; hence, the technique was more precise and economical. Stability studies directed for the suitability of the technique for degradation studies of tezacaftor and ivacaftor. Conclusion: The projected method can be utilized for routine analysis in the quality control department in pharmaceutical trades

    Characterization of protease from Alcaligens faecalis and its antibacterial activity on fish pathogens Author Details

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    Abstract Alcaligens faecalis AU01 isolated from seafood industry effluent produced an alkaline protease. The optimum culture conditions for growth as well as enzyme production were 37 o C and pH 8. The partially purified protease had specific activity of 9.66 with 17.77% recovery with the molecular weight of 33 kDa and it was active between 30-70 o C and optimum being at 55 o C and pH 9. The enzyme retains more than 85% activity at 70 o C and 78% even at pH 10.The enzyme inhibited the growth of fish pathogens such as Flavobacterium sp., Pseudomonas fluorescens, Vibrio harveyi, Proteus sp. and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. From the present study it can be concluded that Alcaligens faecalis AU01 has the potential for aquaculture as probiotic agent and other several applications

    Induction of systemic resistance in banana (Musa spp.) against Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) by combining chitin with root-colonizing Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0

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    Pseudomonas fluorescens strains CHA0 and Pf1 were investigated for their biocontrol efficacy against Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) in banana (Musa spp.) alone and in combination with chitin under glasshouse and field conditions. Bioformulation of P. fluorescens strain CHA0 with chitin was effective in reducing the banana bunchy top disease (BBTD) incidence in banana under glasshouse and field conditions. In addition to disease control, the bioformulation increased the economic yield significantly compared to the untreated control. Increased accumulation of oxidative enzymes, peroxidase (PO), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins, chitinase, beta-1,3-glucanase and phenolics were observed in CHA0 bioformulation amended with chitin-treated plants challenged with BBTV under glasshouse conditions. Indirect ELISA indicated the reduction in viral antigen concentration in P. fluorescens strain CHA0 with chitin-treated banana plants corresponding to reduced disease ratings. The present study revealed that induction of defence enzymes by P. fluorescens with chitin amendment reduced the BBTD incidence and increased bunch yield in banana
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