523 research outputs found

    The characteristics of chemical firms registering for ISO 14001 or Responsible Care

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    We use survey data to investigate the determinants of chemical firms' registration for the ISO 14001 standard or the Responsible Care program. We show that most determinants are different for the two systems analyzed: while firm size, previous experience with similar standards, information disclosure requirements and customers'' location are major determinants of ISO 14001 standard registration, regulatory pressure, past environmental problems, and future risks are the main drivers of Responsible Care registration.

    Contracting for Environmental Property Rights: The Case of Vittel

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    Based on an authentic case of contracting for environmental property rights, our paper shows several implications of applying the Coases propositions. The case study adds empirical content to basic transaction costs concepts by analyzing the design and implementation of a contractual arrangement between a pollutee a bottler of mineral water Vittel and several polluting farmers. We analyze the bargaining between land and water rights owners and the bottler Vittel to determine how transaction cost issues (valuation disputes, bi-lateral monopoly conditions, and third-party effects) were overcome and how they succeeded in contracting for environmental property rights. We provide several comparisons of the Vittel case with other similar cases, leading to generalizations and testable propositions for environmental rights negotiations.case study, contracting, environmental property rights, environmental-related transactions, private arrangement, Vittel, Environmental Economics and Policy, H23, K23, Q15, Q25,

    Buy local, pollute less: What drives households to join a community supported farm?

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    This paper examines which factors determine the participation of households in long term contracting with local farmers. Are households motivated by reducing the environmental impacts of their food consumption? A discrete-choice model of community supported agriculture (CSA) participation is applied to a sample of 264 French households. The findings suggest that difficult-to-measure attributes, notably environmental considerations play a major role in explaining CSA participation.community supported agriculture; food supply; transaction cost economics


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    Scandals are pervasive in many areas of human life. Organizational leaders are human, and sometimes they are involved in scandalous issues that affect the organization. We propose a characterization of scandals that explicitly considers the potential benefits of scandals for transgressors. Even if scandals are frequently considered as undesirable for the targets or transgressors, we develop four rationales by which scandals can be beneficial for the scandal targets. First, scandals can propel the individual and the organization or cause into the limelight and generate a low cost publicity that can serve the interest of the target, e.g., by increasing the visibility and salience of a given issue or getting the right-to-explain what happened with great mass media coverage. Second, scandal targets can decide to serve as altruistic or egoistic scapegoats. Third, scandal targets can use scandals to divert attention from more serious issues. Fourth, scandals can constitute a way to disadvantage competitors or foes who would be more harmed than the initial self-inflicted target. Moreover, for each rationale, we suggest some conditions of its success. Anecdotal evidence and real-world examples are also provided to illustrate and support these rationales

    Les déterminants de la publication volontaire d'informations sociales : cas des entreprises tunisiennes

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    Cette recherche étudie les pratiques de publication volontaire des informations sociales des entreprises tunisiennes cotées, ainsi que les facteurs susceptibles d'influencer le niveau de publication dans les rapports annuels. Nous proposons, tout d'abord, une revue des recherches antérieures. Ensuite, nous essayons d'identifier les déterminants de la publication volontaire des informations sociales, dans la cadre de la théorie des parties prenantes, de celle de la légitimité et de la théorie politico- contractuelle. La répartition de la quantité totale des informations publiées entre les quatre catégories d'informations (Répartition et évolution des effectifs, Informations sur les politiques de recrutement et de rémunération, formation, informations sur les conditions générales de travail) nous a permis de trouver que les entreprises tunisiennes tendent à publier davantage et à mieux expliquer la seconde catégorie .La vérification empirique des hypothÚses formulées relatives aux déterminants du niveau de publication d'informations sociales a distingué l'actionnariat de l'Etat, la performance économique et l'ùge comme des facteurs explicatifs et significatifs de ce niveau

    Letting offenders choose their punishment?

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    Punishment menus allow offenders to choose the punishment to which they will be subjected from a set of options. We present several behaviorally informed rationales for why punishment menus may serve as effective deterrents, notably by causing people to refrain from entering a calculative mindset; reducing their psychological reactance; causing them to reconsider the reputational impacts of punishment; and reducing suspicions about whether the act is enforced for rent-seeking purposes. We argue that punishment menus can outperform the traditional single punishment if these effects can be harnessed properly. Our observations thus constitute a challenge, based on behavioral arguments, to the conventional view that adding (possibly unexercised) punishment options to an existing punishment scheme is unlikely to increase deterrence or welfare. We explain how heterogeneities among individuals can pose problems to designing effective punishment menus and discuss potential solutions. After explaining how punishment menus, if designed and implemented benevolently, can serve socially desirable goals, we caution against their possible misuse by self-interested governments

    Les programmes d’écolabellisation face aux motivations Ă©goĂŻstes ou altruistes des consommateurs et Ă  la nature publique ou privĂ©e des attributs environnementaux

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    La rĂ©ussite des Ă©colabels tient dans la combinaison des deux principaux facteurs que constituent, d’un cĂŽtĂ©, les interactions entre la nature privĂ©e ou publique des attributs environnementaux (c’est-Ă -dire le type de bĂ©nĂ©fices individuels ou collectifs qu’ils procurent) et, de l’autre, la part des consommateurs ayant une attitude sociale Ă©goĂŻste ou altruiste. Ce second facteur permet notamment de comprendre pourquoi certains Ă©colabels appliquĂ©s au mĂȘme type de produits et ayant un niveau fixe d’attributs privĂ©s et publics, fonctionnent de maniĂšre diffĂ©rente selon les pays. On montre ainsi que, si le degrĂ© d’altruisme de certains consommateurs est Ă©levĂ©, le comportement d’achat de ces consommateurs altruistes peut empĂȘcher les consommateurs plus « Ă©goĂŻstes » d’accĂ©der au bien Ă©colabellisĂ© et, de ce fait, rĂ©duire le bĂ©nĂ©fice environnemental global recherchĂ©. Il apparaĂźt en outre important d’éviter une politique uniforme en mettant en place des stratĂ©gies de marketing adaptĂ©es Ă  diffĂ©rents segments de consommateurs.

    Développement d'inhibiteurs de l'entrée du VIH-1

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    L'Ă©tape de l'entrĂ©e du VIH-1 est un processus dynamique rĂ©gi par deux acteurs : gp120 et gp41. Cette Ă©tape est une Ă©tape clef de l'infection : tout blocage de cette Ă©tape conduit Ă  une inhibition de la rĂ©plication virale. Nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s au cours de ce travail au dĂ©veloppement d'antirĂ©troviraux ciblant cette Ă©tape ainsi qu'aux voies de signalisations activĂ©es lors de l'entrĂ©e. Nous avons ainsi dĂ©veloppĂ© d'une part des inhibiteurs de l'entrĂ©e du VIH-1 en se basant sur deux stratĂ©gies i) le dĂ©veloppement d'immunogĂšnes capables d'induire des anticorps neutralisants, ii) la modĂ©lisation et la synthĂšse d'inhibiteurs dĂ©rivĂ©s des rĂ©gions HR1 ou N36 et HR2 ou C34 de g41. Dans une derniĂšre partie, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© l'inhibition des voies de signalisation PKC impliquĂ©es dans les Ă©tapes post-fusion. Nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s, dans une premiĂšre partie, au complexe formĂ© par les domaines HR1 et HR2, sa caractĂ©risation, sa purification, sa stabilitĂ© et sa capacitĂ© Ă  induire des anticorps neutralisants, cela dans une approche vaccinale. Notre travail a permis de dĂ©montrer que le complexe HR1-HR2 ainsi que les peptides dĂ©rivĂ©s des domaines HR1 et HR2(N36 et C34) sont immunogĂšnes. Ils induisent des anticorps qui reconnaissent le complexe HR1-HR2 ainsi que les protĂ©ines d'enveloppe du VIH-1. Ces anticorps inhibent la fusion Ă  la tempĂ©rature suboptimale de 27°C. Enfin ces anticorps gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s interfĂšrent avec l'activitĂ© antivirale des peptides en formant des complexes antigĂšnes-anticorps. Le complexe HR1-HR2, tel que nous l'avons modĂ©lisĂ©, ne semble pas ĂȘtre un immunogĂšne adaptĂ© pour la gĂ©nĂ©ration d'anticorps neutralisants. L'objectif de la deuxiĂšme partie de mon travail a Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©velopper des peptides inhibiteurs analogues du C34 et du N36 ayant une forte activitĂ© antivirale et une forte stabilitĂ©. Nous avons ainsi dĂ©veloppĂ© deux trimĂšres : le TrimĂšre C34 et le TrimĂšre N36 dans une approche originale utilisant un linker dit minimal composĂ© de 5 lysines uniquement. Cette approche nous a permis d'obtenir des inhibiteurs stables qui maintiennent la capacitĂ© d'interaction avec les domaines HRI et HRII de la gp41 et qui ont des activitĂ©s antivirales similaires, voire amĂ©liorĂ©es pour le TrimĂšre N36, par rapport aux peptides monomĂ©riques C34 et N36. Nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s dans la troisiĂšme partie de ce travail aux voies de signalisation activĂ©es lors de l'entrĂ©e. En effet, l'attachement du VIH-1 sur son rĂ©cepteur et ses corĂ©cepteurs s'accompagne par l'activation de nombreuses voies dont celle des PKC. Nous avons montrĂ©, en utilisant des inhibiteurs chimiques, des oligonuclĂ©otides et des SiRNA, le rĂŽle crucial de l'isoforme PKC delta dans la rĂ©plication virale. Ces approches sont complĂ©mentaires et s'insĂšrent dans la lutte contre la propagation du VIH-1 avec comme objectif de dĂ©velopper des stratĂ©gies thĂ©rapeutiques et vaccinales contre le VIH-1.HIV-1 entry is a dynamic process with two main actors: HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins: gp120 and gp41. The entry is a key step of the infection: blockade of this step leads to an inhibition of the viral replication. Our main focus in this project is the key actor of the viral entry and fusion: gp41. The main goal of our work was to develop antiviral therapies against HIV-1 entry and the pathways triggered by the HIV-1 entry. We developped in this work HIV-1 entry inhibitors using two strategies were used: i) the development of immunogens capable to induce neutralizing antibodies, ii) the modeling and synthesis of peptide inhibitors derived from the HR1 or N36 and HR2 or C34 regions of gp41. In a second part, we have evaluated the effect of PKC pathways on HIV-1 replication. We studied, in the first part, the complex formed by the HR1 and HR2 domains, the purification of this complex, its stability and its ability to induce neutralizing antibodies, in a vaccine approach. This work has showed that HR1-HR2 complex is rapidly formed (less than 1 min) and remained stable as demonstrated by its inability, in contrast to each free peptide, to inhibit syncytia formation. Purified preformed HR1-HR2 complex and monomeric HR1 and HR2 peptides are immunogenic in mice and induce antibodies that recognize total HIV-1 envelope. They neutralize fusion when incubated at 27°C. Finally, these antibodies inhibit the anti-viral activity of peptide inhibitors by forming antigen-antibody complexes. The HR1-HR2 complex does not seem to be the optimal immunogen in order to induce neutralizing antibodies. In the second part of our study, the main focus was the development of peptide inhibitors analogues of C34 and N36 with fewer limitations. We synthetized two Trimers: TrimerN36 and TrimerC34 using an original approach based on a minimal linker composed of five lysines. Our results showed that these trimers could interact with the HRI or HRII regions. Both trimers have high antiviral activities with an ameliorated antiviral activity, for the TrimerN36 compared to the monomer N36. In the last part, we studied the signaling pathways activated upon HIV-1 entry. Indeed, the attachment of HIV-1 to its receptor and coreceptor is accompanied by the activation of multiple pathways including that of PKC. We have shown, using chemical inhibitors, oligonucleotides and siRNA, the crucial role of PKC delta isoform in viral replication
